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Comment on the following sentences.

‘…It is so free from that fretful haste, that vehement striving, that is every day becoming more and more the bane of the nineteenth-century life’.


Make up a report about water sports. Speak about rules, equipment and some other regulations.

Retell the chapter as if you were one of the participants of the events.

Unit 13

Chapters 16-17

Find the following word combinations in the text, write them out, translate into Russian, remember the situations where they occur.


-to come in sight of

-to be confoundedly impertinent

-a blanched face

-to take charge of smth from smb

-to date back

-under smb’s superintendence

-to pay the bill without a murmur

-to have a sufficient imagination

-the angling flaternity

-to save from a whacking

-to turn the scale at

Answer the following questions.

1)What can you tell about Reading as a historic place?

2)How did small boats behave?

3)What suggestions did the friends make about the poor girl?

4)How did the three cope with washing?

5)Did the friends have their own experience in fishing?

6)How many people made other people think that they caught a big plastic trout?

Translate into Russian in writing.

‘So he increased his percentage to thirty-three … -..While two fish would count thirty, three forty, and so on.’

Be ready to speak about.

1)A gloomy story of a lady.

2)Washing day.

3)Fish and fishers.

4) A fishy story.

Comment on the following sentences.

‘… but, against the chill wall of their respectability, the voice of the erring outcast fell unheeded.’

‘Some people are under the impression that all that is required to make a good fisherman is the ability to tell lies easily and without blushing; but this is a mistake.’

Role-play dialogues among the fishermen in the pub.

Make up a list of all types of fish mentioned in the chapter and enlarge it with your own words.

Unit 14

Chapters 18

Find the following word combinations in the text, write them out, translate into Russian, remember the situations where they occur.


-the pleasure-seeker

-an expression of mingled affability

-to flash upon amb

-to be the leading article in the photograph

-to be walled and fortified town

-to sit aside from

-a good deal of bad languages

-to have a demoralizing effect upon smb

Make up true or false sentences and perform them.

Translate into Russian in writing.

‘We looked then,… -..and refused to subscribe to the picture.’

Be ready to speak about.

1) Locks.

2) George and J. were photographed.

3)Speak about the cities the three passed.

4)Demoralizing effect of river air.

Retell the events of the chapter.

Find the name of places mentioned in the chapter and make up a route of the friends. Perform your variant to the group.

Unit 15

Chapter 19

Find the following word combinations in the text, write them out, translate into Russian, remember the situations where they occur.


-to be fair water-tight

-to give air

-to be a Roman relic of some sort

-to be apt to cloy

-to fish out smth

-to be opposed to the experiment

-to stick to a boat

-bronzed countenances

-to peg and quaff

Answere the following questions.

1) How many fights did Montmorency participate in?

2)Where could a person hire a boat in Oxford?

3) How did the Pride of the Thames look like?

4)How did the weather change?

5)What did the three occupy themselves with in the evenings?

6)How did it happen that the friends decide to give up their trip?

Translate into Russian in writing.

‘The river – with the sunlight flashing from its dancing wavelets… -..but gain no smail from her.’

Be ready to speak about.

1)Montmorency’s idea of Heaven.

2)’The Pride of the Thames’

3)The river in a bad weather.

4)Boring evenings.

5)The final supper.

Prepare a speech about different types of boats. Boating at your place and preferable routes.

Summarize all events of the chapter and speak about them.

Unit 16


Make up sketches of the main characters and be ready to speak about them in details.

Chose the most interesting chapter and make a proper adaptation of it (no more than 30 sentences in writing).

Jerom K.Jerom and his sense of humor(speech based on the quotations from the story).

History in the book(a short speech about Prominent character of English history).

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 327. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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