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Intensive Comprehension

You are going to hear train information being relayed over a loudspeaker system at a station. Pick out information to a specific journey. Fill in the details of the trains on the grind below. (Two listenings.) Go through the list of words given below before you start listening to the train information.



to cancel - отменять

derailment - сход с рельсов, крушение


Destination Platform number Time Other information


Writing Based on Listening Recognition. Recognition Accuracy Check

Tape Dictation

Listen to the recording about the underground in London. Now listen to the text once more and write it down in the pauses provided. Check your dictations by listening to the tape again. (Three listenings.)







Text Title: The lamb who couldn’t sleep

Cassette: From Recordings for Children

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

Before you listen study the vocabulary given below to avoid any difficulty of understanding.

marsh [mAùS] - болото

snore [snù] - храп

yawn [jùn] - зевок

fleece - овечья шерсть

thistle [TIsl] - чертополох

doze - дремать

leap - прыгать, скакать

nibble - щипать

spin - крутиться

snuggle - устроиться поудобнее

stagger - идти шатаясь

stumble into sth - наткнуться на что-либо

bump into sth - налететь на что-либо

flutter - колыхаться

pant - часто и тяжело дышать

bound [baUnd] - прыгать, скакать

sigh - вздыхать

bleary [ÈblI«rI] - затуманенный

puffed up - запыхавшийся

with a wink - подмигнув


Listening Exercises

Listen to the fairy tale and identify the following statements as True or False. Correct the false ones.

1. Every morning began the same way.

2. The lamb’s friends suggested that he should count sheep at night.

3. The lamb stumbled into a big oak tree because he was in a hurry.

4. The owl gave the lamb her special sleeping mixture.

5. The mixture helped the lamb a lot.

Arrange the suggested subtopics according to their order in the text.

1. One night the lamb took his mother’s advice and began counting sheep.

2. The next morning the lamb was completely refreshed.

3. The young lambs had a lot of fun in the fields, except one.

4. The lamb was asked to bring the owl a particular kind of thistle.

5. The sleepy lamb with unsteady legs stumbled into an oak tree.

6. The lamb raced after the crow to bring a feather.

7. The owl decided to help the lamb.


Listen to the fairy tale once again and in each pair of statements tick the True one.

1. a) Every evening the young lambs settled down besides their mothers, out of the wind and listened to their stories.

b) Every evening the young lambs settled down beside their mothers, out of the wind and fell fast asleep.

2. a) No matter how hard the lamb tried he didn’t seem to be able to fall asleep.

b) No matter how hard his mother tried she couldn’t make him fall asleep.

3. a) He thought that counting up to three over and over again was probably much better than counting up to a hundred.

b) He thought that counting up to three over and over again was probably as good as counting up to a hundred.

4. a) “Come back to see me this afternoon and I’ll give you a good piece of advice”, said the owl.

b) “Come back to see me this afternoon and I’ll give you some of my special sleeping mixture”, said the owl.

5. a) That fellow over there has a loose one, sticking out, do you see?

b) That fellow over there has lost one, do you see?

6. a)... he thought it was a game and raced away as fast as he could.

b)... he saw a game and ran away as fast as he could.

7. a) The next morning he ate fresh food after his good night sleep.

b) The next morning he was completely refreshed from his good night sleep.

Read the sentences below and identify the speaker. Reproduce the situations which these statements belong to.

1. It’s going to be a lovely morning.

2. I never do.

3. Why don’t you try counting sheep tonight.

4. Sounds like he’s starting a race.

5. We shall have to do something about that.

6. Had a nice afternoon?


Enriching your Vocabulary

Recognising new vocabulary in the speech flow.

Focus on a) verbs of motion; b) adjectives and participles denoting state and feelings; c) words and word combinations to do with sleep while listening to the fairy tale this time. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences from the recording.

1. He could never......... at the right time.

2. Instead he would...... listening to the... coming from all the other sheep in the field.

3. What was worse just as the first faint light of the sun began to appear over the hedge and the mist began to clear from the field he would... and.......

4. Through his......... eyes the lamb could see some of his friends already at their... and... around the field.

5. “ I don’t think I want to... yet, ” he said and... a big....

6. As he...... beside her,... from the breeze, he began to count.

7. “ Sounds like he’s......... “, came a reply.

8. “ I think you are... the others...,” his mother whispered.

9. The lamb just...,... his chin on his front feet and...... to another... night.

10....But his eyes were so... and his legs were so... that he... right... a big oak tree.

11. It isn’t good manners to......... people’s homes like that.

12. And he...... to join his friends feeling much better already.

13. The lamb... after the crow which waited until he was near before...... and... a few feet away.

14. The lamb...... again.

15. It happened again and again until finally his feather...... and... to the ground.

16............. the lamb... it... in his mouth and...... to the tree.

17. “ You mean, there’s more? “... the lamb.

18. The lamb...... again.

19. When the black lamb saw him... he thought it was a game and...... as... as he could.

20....until finally the thistle...... and the lamb was able to pick it up.

21. He... to the tree all... and.......

22. And do you know he was so...... that he just........ and.......

23. “I slept... all night,” he said.

24. The lamb spent every day...... with his friends and every night he......... as soon as he... his eyes.

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