An extract from the play
lingo [ÈlINg«U] - малопонятный жаргон cylinder [ÈsIlInd«] - цилиндр (использовался для записи голоса в то время) baggage [ÈbQgIdZ] - (грубо) распутница guinea [ÈgInI] - гинея shilling - = 5 pence (1/20 of a pound) crown [ÈkraUn] - = 5 shillings broomstick - палка от метлы duchess [ÈdÃtS«s] - герцогиня flattery - лесть guttersnipe [ÈgÃt«snaIp] - беспризорница folly [ÈflI] - глупый, безрассудный поступок face (coll.) (have the face to do sth) - наглость, нахальство jott down - записывать вкратце chuck - бросать, отказываться от … snivel [ÈsnIv«l] - хныкать saucy [ÈsùsI] - (диал.) презрительный, пренебрежительный genteel [dZenÈtiùl] - вежливый, благовоспитанный draggle-tailed [ÇdrQglÈteIld] - измызганный, зашарпанный
Listening Exercises 2.1. Listen to the song and answer the following questions: 1. What line of the song is constantly repeated? 2. What do you think the word loverly means? 3. Which English accent (dialect) does the performer use? (RP, Scottish, American English, Cockney)
Listen to the song again and try to note down the words which bear dialectal features of pronunciation. 2.3. Now you will hear an extract from the play Pygmalion. Listen to Mr Higgins, Eliza, Mrs Pearce and Mr Pickering talking and then say if the statements below are True or False. 1. Prof. Higgings is disappointed to see the girl at first. 2. Eliza is ready to pay 18 pence an hour for a lesson of English. 3. Eliza begins crying when she hears the price of 60 pounds for a lesson. 4. Prof. Higgings promises to make a duchess of the girl. 5. Prof. Higgings tells Eliza to come in a day.
2.4. Listen to the recording again paying attention to the speakers’ attitude towards Eliza. Note down the language means which show their attitude or tick the necessary box in the chart below.
Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check Listen again and pay attention to the context in which these expressions are used. Get ready to reproduce it after listening. 1. be off with you 2. to afford to pay for the lessons 3. to have the face to do something 4. take it or leave it 5. hold your tongue 6. not to mistake the one for the other 7. Serve you right or Serves you right. 8. to bet somebody all the expenses of the experiment 9. to turn one’s head with flattery 10. to pass somebody off as anything Look through the chart below and state who these words belong to by ticking the right box.
Listen again and note down the cases of incorrect pronunciation and incorrect grammar. 3.4. Listen to the song “The Rain in Spain” and note down the words with the sounds [h] and [eI]. Compare the pronunciation of these words with similar words from the previous extract.
Follow-Up Activities Discuss the role of pronunciation in learning to speak correctly. 4.2. Talk of the role of “good English” in Eliza’s life.
Lesson B. OUT-OF-CLASS LISTENING Text Title: Why can’t the English Cassette: A song from the musical My Fair Lady
Pre-Listening Vocabulary Look up the following word in the dictionary freak (n)
General Comprehension 2.1. Listen to the song and answer the following questions: 1. Who is singing it? 2. What is the question that is continually repeated in the song? 3. Is the speaker contented with the fact that the English don’t care about their pronunciation?
2.2. Listen to the song again and answer the questions below: 1. What, according to Mr Higgings, “absolutely classifies” an Englishman? 2. Do the French care about their language? 3. What does Mr Higgings mean by “it” speaking about the French? 4. What does Mr Higgings think is “absolutely frightening”?