The common reactions of IV analytical group cations
Sodium hydroxide (or Potassium hydroxide) precipitate Al3+, Cr3+, Zn2+, Sn2+ ions as amphoteric hydroxides which are dissolved in excess of alkali with formation complexes, for example: Al3+ + 3OH-®Al(OH)3¯, Al(OH)3 + 3OH- ® [Al(OH)6]3-; Cr3 + + 3OH- ®Cr(OH)3¯, Cr(OH)3 + 3OH- ® [Cr(OH)6]3- or Cr(OH)3 + OH- ®[Cr(OH)4]-; Zn2 + + 2OH- ®Zn(OH)2¯, Zn(OH)2 + 2OH-® [Zn(OH)4]2-; Sn2+ + 2OH- ®Sn(OH)2¯, Sn(OH)2 + 4OH- ®[Sn(OH)6]4-. At the presence of Hydrogene peroxide cations Cr3+, As3+, Sn2+ are oxidised accordingly to chromat - arsenat - and hexahydroxostanat (ІV) – ions: 2 [Cr(OH)4]- + 3Н2О2 + 2OH- ®2CrO42- + 8Н2О; [Sn(OH)6]4- + Н2О2 ®[Sn(OH)6]2- + 2OH-; AsО33-+ Н2О2 ®AsО43-+ Н2О. Reaction performance. Into four test tubes select on 3-4 drops of salts solutions of Aluminium, Chrome (ІІІ), Zinc and Tin (ІІ) and add in each some drops 2 mol/L a solution Sodium hydroxide. At first observe formation of white precipitate of Al(OH)3, Zn(OH)2, Sn(OH)2 and dirty green Cr(OH)3, and then their dissolution is an exess of alkali solution. Into a test tube with hexahydroxochromate (ІІІ) add 5-6 drops of Hydrogene peroxide solution and heat a test tube on a water-bath, observing change colouring from green to yellow (form chromate ions). Alkaline metals and ammonium hydrogenphosphate form white crystal precipitates of AlPO4, Zn3(PO4)2, CrPO4, Sn3(PO4)2: Al3+ + HPO42- + NH3 ® AlPO4 + NH4+ Aluminium, Zinc, Chrome and Tin phosphates are dissolved in solutions of alkalis. Zinc phosphate, also is well dissolved in ammonia, therefore it forms complex: 3Zn2+ + 2HPO42- ® Zn3(PO4)2 + 2H+; Zn3(PO4)2 + 12NH3 ® 3[Zn(NH3)4]2 + + 2PO43-. Reaction performance. Into four test tubes select on 3-4 drops of salts solutions of Aluminium, Zinc, Chrome (ІІІ) and Tin (ІІ), add in each some drops of 0,5 mol/L Sodium hydrogenphosphatesolution and observe occurrence of precipitates. Each of them investigate on solubility in alkalis, and Zinc phosphate - also in 2 mol/L ammonia solution. Characteristic reactions of ions Al3+ The solution of ammonia NH3 (pharmacopeia’s reaction) with salts of Aluminium in the neutral medium forms white amorphous precipitate Аl(OH)3: Al3+ + 3NH3 + 3H2O ÀAl(OH)3↓ + 3NH4+, Al3+ + 3OH- ®Аl(OH)3↓. Aluminium hydroxide has amphoteric properties. It is dissolved in acids: Аl(OH)3 + 3НNO3 ®Аl(NO3)3 + 3Н2O, And also in alkalis: Аl (OH)3 + 3NaOH® Na3[Аl(OH)6]. After heating of complex it forms metaaluminate: Na3[Аl(OH)6] NNaАlО2 + 2NaOH + 2H2O. In the presence of NH4Cl at heating aluminate forms precipitate Аl(OH)3: NaАlО2 + NH4Cl + H2O ÀAl(OH)3¯ + NH3 + NаCl. Reaction performance. To 3-4 drops of an investigated solution add 1-2 drops of 1 mol/L chloridic acid and 2-3 drops of tioacetammide solution. After that add some drops of 1 mol/L a Sodium hydroxide solution. If there are ions Аl3+, white precipitate forms. It is dissolved in excess of Sodium hydroxide solution. To the received solution add 1 mol/L ammonium chloride solution and observe formation white precipitate.
Alizarin (1, 2-dioksiantrahinon) with ions Al3+ in weak acidic medium forms red complex of Aluminium alizarinate Al(OH)2[C14H6O3(OH)] which is not dissolved in acitic acid. It is called as an aluminium varnish.
The ions of Fe3 +, Bi3 +, Cu2 + interfere with the exposure of ions of Al3+. Reaction performance. Reaction are executed in the drop way. On a strip of a filtering paper put a drop of solution K4[Fe(CN)6], and in its centre a drop of an investigated solution. After that a strip of a filtering paper are keeped above ammonia, and put on it some drops of alizarin solution. After that a strip of a filtering paper are keeped above ammonia. After that paper are dried, and put on it some drops of 2 mol/L CH3COOH solution. If there are ions Al3 +, there is a pink ring. Cobalt nitrate with Aluminium salts (by length heating) forms mixed оxide Aluminium and Cobalt (Cobalt aluminate) Co(AlО2)2 dark blue colours: 2Al2(SO4)3 + 2Co(NO3)2 ®2Со(AlО2)2 + 4NO2 + 6SO3 + O2. Reaction performance. On a strip of a filtering paper put some drops of 0,1 mol/L investigated solution, and add 2-3 drops of Cobalt nitrate solution. A paper is dried, place into a porcelain crucible and length heating. If there are ions Al3 +, ash will be dark blue colour. Аluminon with ions Al3 + forms red complex. The ions of Ca2 +, Cr3 +, Fe3 + interfere with the exposure of ions of Al3+. Reaction performance. To some drops of an investigated solution add 2-3 drops of 2 mol/L CH3COOH solution, 3-5 drops of aluminon solution and a mix are heated. Then add solution of NH3 to basic medium (occurrence of a smell of ammonia) and 2-3 drops of 1 mol/L Na2CO3 solution. If there are ions Al3 +, the red precipitate forms. Characteristic reactions of ions Cr3 + Chrome (ІІІ) in the basic medium is oxidised to CrО42-, and in acidic – to Cr2O72-. Ions Cr3+ to Cr2O72- are oxidised only strong oxidizers (H2O2, Na2O2, KMnО4, Cl2, Br2, (NH4)2S2O8). Chrome (ІІІ) in the basic medium is oxidised by H2O2, chloric or bromic water. In the basic medium chrome (ІІІ) with oxidizing reagents gives complex of tetrahydroxichromit (ІІІ): 2 [Cr(OH)4]- + 3Br2 + 8OH - = 2CrO42- + 6Br- + 8H2O Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of an investigated solution add 3-4 drops of 2 mol/L NaOH solution, 2-3 drops of bromic (chloric) water or 3 % Hydrogene peroxide solution and heat it on a water-bath to change colouring of a solution from green to yellow. Presence of CrО42- ions check by reaction formation peroxichromatic acid H2CrО6. Chrome (ІІІ) in the acidic medium is oxidised by KMnО4, (NH4)2S2O8 and many other strong oxidizers: 2Cr3 + + 2MnO4- + 5H2O = Cr2O72- + 2MnО(OH)2¯ + 6H+. Reaction passes at heating and is accompanied by formation of brown precipitate MnО(OH)2. 2Cr3+ + 3S2O82- + 7H2O = Cr2O72- + 6SO42- + 14H+. Reaction is accelerated in the presence of Silver salts (catalyst). Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of an investigated solution add 2-3 drops of 1 mol/L HNO3 or H2SO4 solution, 10-15 drops KMnО4 and heat this solution. If there are ions Cr3 +, there is an orange solution. A part of the solution is investigated on formation peroxichromatic acid. Formation of peroxichromatic acid. If to asidic solution of chromate or bichromate add H2O2, dark blue solution of peroxichromatic acid forms: Cr2O72- + 4H2O2 + 2H+ = 2H2CrО6 + 3H2O. In the aqueous solution peroxichromatic acid is very unstable (it is displayed with formation Cr3+), therefore to a solution add organic solvent (amyl alcohol or diethyl ether). Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of received solution (Cr2O72-) add 1 mol/L H2SO4 to acidic medium, 0,5 mL amyl alcohol and 4-5 drops H2O2. If there are Chrome ions the top bed of a solution are painted in dark blue colour. Combining this reaction with any reaction of oxidation Cr3+ to Cr2O72- it is possible to use it for fractional determination of Chrome ions in the presence of all others cations. Characteristic reactions of ions Zn2 + Ammonium tetrarhodanomercurate (NH4)2[Hg(SCN)4] with Zn2+ ions forms a white crystal precipitate: Zn2+ + [Hg(SCN)4]2- = Zn[Hg(SCN)4]¯. Reaction passe in the acidic medium. Concentration of acid (it is better H2SO4) should not exceed 1 mol/L. The ions of Fe2+, Fe3 + interfere with the exposure of ions of Zn2+. Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of an investigated solution, add some drops of 1 mol/L sulphatic acid and 2-3 drops of ammonium tetrarhodanomercurate. If there are ions Zn2+, the white crystal precipitate forms. Sodium sulphide Na2S (pharmacopeia’s reaction) with solutions of Zinc salts forms white precipitate ZnS which is not dissolved in acetic acid, but is dissolved in diluted chloric acid: Zn2+ + S2- ® ZnS¯ ZnS + 2HCl ZZnCl2 + H2S The ions of Ag +, Pb2 +, Hg2 + interfere with the exposure of ions of Zn2+. Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of an investigated solution (рН=5-6) add 1-2 drops of Sodium sulphide solution. If there are ions Zn2+, the white precipitate forms. Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) K4[Fe(CN)6] (pharmacopeia’s reaction) with Zn2+ ions forms white precipitate Potassium-Zinc hexacyanoferrate (ІІ) which is not dissolved in diluted chloridic acid: 3Zn2+ + 2К4[Fe (CN)6] = К2Zn3[Fe(CN)6]2¯ + 6К+. This reaction may to distinguish Aluminium and Zinc ions. Reaction performance. To 3-4 drops of an investigated solution add to 1-2 drop Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II). If there are ions Zn2+, the white precipitate forms. It is not dissolved in diluted chloric acid. Dithizon (diphenylthiocarbasol) in solution CCl4 (or chloroform CHCl3) with ions Zn2+ forms complex bright red colour – Zinc dithizoate, which is extracted by ССl4 or CHCl3. The ions of Ag+, Bi3+, Pb2+, Cu2+ interfere with the exposure of ions of Zn2+. So before deremination of Zn2+ ions their linkage in complexes with 0,5 mol/L Sodium thiosulphate. Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of an investigated solution add 1 mL acetic buffer (pН=5) and 1-2 mL of 10 % of dithizon solution in CCl4 (or CHCl3). If there are ions Zn2+ the organic layer is painted in red colour. Cobalt nitrate with Zinc salts (by length heating) forms mixed оxide Zinc and Cobalt СоZnО2 green colour – so-called „Renmarn’s greens”: Zn(NO3)2 + Co(NO3)2 ® СоZnО2 + 4NO2 + O2. Reaction performance. On a strip of a filtering paper put some drops of 0,1 mol/L investigated solution, and add 2-3 drops of Cobalt nitrate solution. A paper are dried, place into a porcelain crucible and length heating. If there are ions Zn2+, ash will be green colour. Characteristic reactions of ions SnII Potassium (Sodium) hydroxide with ions Sn2 + forms white precipitate Sn(OH)2 which is dissolved in excess of alkali with formation tetrahydroxostannate (ІІ): Sn2+ + 2OH- ®Sn(OH)2¯; Sn(OH)2 + 2OH-® [Sn(OH)4]2-. Precipitate hydroxide well dissolves in strong mineral acids. If to solution of Sn (II) salts add some drops of ammonium salt, precipitate Sn(OH)2 forms. Reaction performance. To 3-4 drops of an investigated solution add drops of 2 mol/L Sodium hydroxide solution. If there are ions Sn (II), the white precipitate forms, it is dissolved in excess of alkali. Sodium (Potassium) sulphide and hydrogen sulphide with ions Sn2+ forms dark brown precipitate Tin (ІІ) sulphide: Sn2+ + S2- ®SnS¯. The precipitate is not dissolved in alkalis, excess of Sodium sulphide. The ions of Cu2 +, Hg2 + interfere with the exposure of ions of Sn2+. Reaction performance. To 3-4 drops of an investigated solution add 2-3 drops of 0,5 mol/L Sodium sulphide solution. If there are Sn (II) ions, brown precipitate forms. Salts of Bismuth (ІІІ) with SnII ions forms metal Bismuth: 2Bi3 + + 3[Sn(OH)4]2- +6ОН-= 2Bi¯ + 3[Sn(OH)6]2-. Reaction pass in basic medium. Metal Bismuth forms a precipitate of black colour. The ions which in basic medium form precipitates of hydroxides interfere with the exposure of ions of Sn2+. Reaction performance. To 5-6 drops of an investigated solution add some drops of 2 mol/L a Sodium hydroxide solution to dissolution of a precipitate which can be formed from the first drops. To the received solution add 1-2 drops of 0,5 mol/L Bi(NO3)3 solution. If there are Sn (II) ions, black precipitate of metal Bismuth forms. Mercury (ІІ) chloride HgCl2. In an acidic solution Sn2+ ions reducte HgCl2 to formation of white precipitate Hg2Cl2. If to precipitate add excess of HgCl2 solution, black precipitate of metal mercury forms: [SnCl4]2- + 2HgCl2 ®[SnCl6]2- + Hg2Cl2¯; [SnCl4]2- + Hg2Cl2 ®[SnCl6]2- + 2Hg¯. The chloride ions interfere with the exposure of ions of Sn2+. Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of an investigated solution add 2-3 drops of concentrated HCl and 2-3 drops of solution HgCl2. If there are Sn (II) ions, white precipitate forms which gradually blackens. Ammonium tetramolybdatophosphat (NH4)3[P(Mo3O10)4]×H2O. Ions Sn2+ reducte molybdenum (VI) to dark blue compound (molybdenic blue). In this compound Molybdenum has the lowest oxidation state. The reducer interfere with the exposure of ions of Sn2+. Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of Na2HPO4 solution add 2-3 drops of molybdenic liquids (a mix of (NH4)2MoО4 and NH4NO3) and heat it. The yellow precipitate ammonium tetramolybdatophosphat (NH4)3[P(Mo3O10)4] forms. Into other test tube add 2-3 drops of an investigated solution, 3-4 drops of concentrated HCl and a strip of iron (some milligrammes of a iron powder). A mix heats for 2-3 minutes. Some drops of receved solution add to the first test tube with a yellow precipitate. If there are Sn (II) ions, blue precipitate. Characteristic reactions of ions SnIV Sn (IV) ions usually determinate after preliminary are reducted by metal Fe, Mg, Al etc. to Sn (II). Then spend reactions which are characteristic for ions Sn (II). For determination ions Sn (IV) it is possible to use reaction with hydrogen sulphide. Hydrogen sulphide with Sn (IV) ions forms yellow precipitate Tin (IV) sulphide: H2[SnCl6] + 2H2S S SnS2¯ + 6HCl. Precipitate Tin (IV) sulphide, unlike Tin (II) sulphide, is dissolved in excess of ammonium or Sodium sulphide with formation tiosalt: SnS2 + (NH4)2S ((NH4)2SnS3. Therefore, if to acidic solutions of Sn (IV) salts add a solution of ammonium or Sodium sulphide precipitate SnS2 will not be formed. Reaction performance. To 3-4 drops of the investigated solution acidified by 1-2 drops concentrated hydrochloric acid, add some drops hydrosulphuric water. If there are Sn (IV) ions the yellow precipitate is formed. If to this precipitate add excess of Sodium or ammonium sulphide solution, the precipitate is dissolved. Reduction of ions SnIV. The most characteristic reactions of Tin are reactions Sn (ІІ), therefore at first it is necessary to reducte SnIV to SnII by metal iron: SnCl62- + Fe S SnCl42- + Fe2+ + 2Cl–. More active reducers (metal zinc, magnesium) reducte SnII and SnIV to metal tin. Reaction performance. To 7-8 drops of an investigated solution add a drop concentrated HCl. 2-3 strips of the iron are dipped into solution; SnIV passes at SnII. Characteristic reactions of ions AsО33- or AsО2- Arsene compounds is very toxic! At work with them it is necessary to show extra care! Silver nitrate with ions AsО33- forms yellow precipitate Ag3AsО3 which is dissolved in HNO3 and NH4OH. AsО2– + 3Ag+ + H2O A Ag3AsО3¯ + 2H+; Ag3AsО3 + 6NH4OH 3 [Ag(NH3)2]+ + AsО33– + 6H2O. The РО43-, J - Br - ions interfere with the exposure of ions of AsIII. Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of an investigated solution add 1-2 drop of 0,1 mol/L AgNO3 solution. If there are Аs (III) yellow precipitate Ag3AsО3 forms. Iodine in a neutral or basic medium becomes colourless by arsenit ions (forms arsenat ions): AsО2– + I2 + 2H2O H H2AsО4– + 2I- + 2H +. Reaction is carry out in the presence of NaHCO3. The other reducers interfere with the exposure of ions of AsIII. Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of a acidic investigated solution add a some crystals of NaHCO3, and after its dissolution – one drop of a solution of iodine. If at a solution there are arsenit-ions iodine becomes colourless. Sodium sulphide Na2S (pharmacopeia’s reaction) in the acidic medium reacts with arsenits with formation of a yellow precipitate, insoluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid, but soluble in ammonia solution: AsО33- + 6H+ ®As3+ + 3H2O; 2As3+ + 3S2- ®As2S3¯. Reaction performance. To 4-5 drops of an investigated solution add 3-4 drops of 2 mol/L chloric acid solution and a solution of Sodium sulphide. If there are As (ІІІ) ions, the yellow precipitate forms. Sodium hypophosphite NaH2PO2 (pharmacopeia’s reaction) (reaction Bugo and Tille) in the acidic medium reductes compounds of As (III) and As (V) to elementary Arsene which is formed black-brown precipitate: 4H3AsО3 + 3H2PO2- ® 4As¯ + 3H2PO4- + 6H2O. Reaction performance. To 5-7 drops of an investigated solution add 5-7 drops of Sodium hypophosphite solution. If there are As (III) or As (V) ions, a black-brown precipitate forms. Characteristic reactions of ions AsО43– Silver nitrate with ions AsО43– forms a chocolate precipitate: AsО43– + 3Ag+ ®Ag3AsО4¯. All ions which form with Ag+ ions precipitate interfere with the exposure of ions of AsV. Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of an investigated solution add 4-5 drops of Silver nitrate solution. If there are arsenat-ions, the precipitate of chocolate colour is formed. Ammonium molybdat (NH4)2MoО4. Arsenitic acid and its salts at presence nitric acid and ammonium nitrate by heating with ammonium molybdat are formed a yellow crystal precipitate (NH4)3[As(Mo3O10)4]HH2O H3AsО4 + 12(NH4)2MoО4 + 21HNO3 ® (NH4)3[As(Mo3O10)4]×H2O ¯+ 21NH4NO3 + 11H2O. The precipitate is not dissolved in nitric acid, considerably dissolved in excess of molybdat and it is easy dissolved – in alkalis and ammonia. Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of an investigated solution add 4-5 drops ammonium molybdat, 3-4 drops concentrated nitric acid, some crystals of NH4NO3 and heat it to a boiling on the water-bath. At presence in a solution of ions AsО43– the yellow precipitate is formed. Magnesian mix (MgCl2+NH4Cl+NH4OH) (pharmacopeia’s reaction). Arsenats form with magnesian mix a white crystal precipitate MgNH4AsO4: AsО43– + Mg2+ + NH4+ ® MgNH4AsО4¯. This precipitate is similar to Magnesium and ammonium phosphate MgNH4PO4. MgNH4AsO4 is dissolved in acids and practically insoluble in the diluted ammonia solution. Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of an investigated solution add some drops of magnesian mix and wait 5-10 minutes. If the precipitate was not formed, it is necessary rub the wall-side of test tube a glass stick. The white crystal precipitate is formed in the presence of ions AsО43–. Potassium iodide. Compounds of As (V) in an acidic solution oxidise iodides to free iodine: AsО43– + 2I- + 2H+ Û AsО33– + I2 + H2O. The other oxidizers interfere with the exposure of AsV ions. Sensitivity of reaction can be raised, adding to a solution starch or benzene. Reaction performance. To 2-3 drops of an investigated solution add 2-3 drops acetic acid, same quantity of Potassium iodide and some drops of starch. At presence in solution As (V) it is formed I2 which paints starch in dark blue colour. The common reactions of determination AsIII and As (V) High sensitivity reaction of determination AsIII and As (V) is reductionthem to AsН3 and element Arsene. Reaction of reduction to AsН3 (it is usedfor determination of small quantities of AsIII and AsV). Analytical signal of this reaction is formation black paper moistened by AgNO3 solution. The paper blackens because AsH3 reduces ions Ag+ to metal silver (in basic or acidic medium).