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Civil Engineering Institute

Civil Engineering Institute

In our country housing construction is being carried out on a large scale. Builders, as we know, assemble a house from prefabricated units, which are delivered, to the construction site. A great variety of materials are nowadays used by builders. Students of building institutes study the available materials and fields of their application. When they become full-fledged builders they develop new building materials and building techniques.

The building profession attracts many young men and women, because it is an honourable profession. Builders construct and reconstruct residential and industrial buildings, bridges, theatres, stations and others. Their aim is to provide people with all modern conveniences, such as purified running water, gas, electricity, central heating, comfortable and durable buildings.

Building faculty in our University was opened in 1929 to meet the requirements of the country: to have more professional builders in the Urals. The history of the faculty is closely connected with the history of training building engineers. In 2011 the faculty was reorganized into Civil Engineering Institute.

The future engineers are trained in different specialties at the Building institute, namely: Industrial and Civil Engineering (including Building Units, Building Technology, Expertise and management of real estate, Pricing, Computer-Aided Design); Architecture; Hydraulics; City Engineering; Heating, Ventilation and Gas Supply; Water Supply and Sewage Disposal.

The curriculum in the institute includes not only theoretical but practical training as well. The Institute has several laboratories, some of which are equipped with unique multimedia complexes which allow to create 3D-projects of construction objects.

For 80 years the faculty has been and remains the main supplier of engineers for construction and design organizations of Ekaterinburg and the Urals region. During this time it has prepared more than 20 thousand professionals. The faculty is proud of its graduates. The most famous of them - the first president of Russia B.N.Yeltsin, whose name was awarded to the university in 2008.

The Institute has a long and close relationship with the educational institutions of Great Britain, USA, Germany, Finland, Slovakia, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, Mongolia and China.

The faculty is proud of its academic staff which includes the Active Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, 2 academicians, five corresponding members of the public academies, 15 doctors, 89 candidates of sciences, 2 Honored Builders of Russia, laureate of State Prize of the USSR and 2 laureates of the USSR Council of Ministers.

The Civil engineering institute of UrFU makes a great contribution into housing policy of the country.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 615. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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