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Keeping Healthy Fish



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Группа ВКонтакте: Роллеры Великого Новгорода

Встреча «Открытие роллер-сезона 2014»


Организаторы: «Rollerband-Великий Новгород» – Евгений (8-911-613-12-11)

Роллер-школа «Motion» – Никита (8-953-904-69-11)


12 апреля (суббота)

Софийская площадь





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хорошим настроением и друзьями:)

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Группа ВКонтакте: Роллеры Великого Новгорода

Встреча «Открытие роллер-сезона 2014»


Организаторы: «Rollerband-Великий Новгород» – Евгений (8-911-613-12-11)

Роллер-школа «Motion» – Никита (8-953-904-69-11)

Keeping Healthy Fish

There are actually relatively few things you need to keep a fish healthy. But keeping any fish will need these things, so keep them in mind when you are getting prepared for your new friends:

1) Get the temperature adjusted and stable (if you're getting tropical fish).

2) Make sure all the equipment is running.

3) Dechlorinate the water.

When you first get your fish, you will need to then get the tank established and stabilized. Primarily, this is going through the cycling process to avoid "new tank syndrome."Once you have the tank set up and cycled, you will need to care for the fish. Caring for the fish will include these tasks:

1) Inspect your equipment regularly to make sure everything is functioning correctly and that nothing is in need of repair or replacement.

2) Observe your fish regularly to recognize any odd behavior.

3) Provide regular feedings using a variety of healthy foods.

4) Provide regular filter maintenance.

5) Provide regular aquarium cleanings and water changes.


It is interesting DO FISH RECOGNIZE THEIR OWNER?   Countless aquarists have noticed that some of their fishes react more enthusiastically to their presence than to that of strangers. If fish do "recognize" the person who looks after them, how do they do it? They are capable of distinguishing the special characteristics of the vibrations caused by the footsteps of such and such person,which are transmitted to the water of the aquarium. Not only that, their sense of sight, although not perfect, helps them in this task of "recognition".    

So, you could see, caring for your aquarium and your fish to keep them healthy is really not hard task, and though patience is absolutely necessary when you first get started.



My goldfish swim slowly, almost do not eat, I think they have to lose weight.

- These symptoms are typical for anemia. This disease often develops in large fish living in cramped tanks in which water is poorly aerated on top and slowly getting back to normal.

Anemia may occur in poorly populated or very small aquariums, where live fish. As a result of the lack of living space so the fish can not swim freely and engage in nomadic way of life. The emergence of the disease contributes to a lack of amino acids in feed - organic compounds that are involved in the metabolism of nitrogenous substances and from which all proteins are built, as well as vitamins and minerals, particularly iron.


Anemia fish movement sluggish appetite they have bad growing dystrophy, emaciation, weakness. There may be swelling of the subcutaneous tissue.

Treatment. It is necessary to change the conditions of fish, give them a varied live food. Most vitamins and minerals contained in the body of crustaceans - daphnia, Cyclops, and others. Fish also need to feed the leaves of nettle, dandelion, and plantain, lettuce, chopped or scalded. To treat anemia in fish is necessary; first of all, remove the cause of the disease. There are three options: 1 If the tank is extra decorative objects such as stones and driftwood, as well as some of the plants, they can be removed, freeing up some of the excess space in the aquarium; 2 Buy new and large aquarium, where instead of all the fish, and where there will be more space to swim; 3 Place the fish on a few small aquariums, unless of course they exist.  




Fishes are:

v first vertebrate animals – Первые позвоночные животные

v sense of touch is very developed – развитое осязание

v cartilaginous fishes [kɑːtɪˈlæʤɪnəs ˈfɪʃɪz]– хрящевые рыбы

v bony fishes – костные рыбы

v swim bladder [swɪm ˈblædə] – плавательный пузырь

v gills[ʤɪlz] – жабры

v scales[skeɪlz] – чешуя

v flipper [ˈflɪpə] –плавник

v representatives-представители


List of references: Encyclopedia, http://www.gold-fish.us

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