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Law enforcement may occur at a variety of governmental levels. It may occur at the county, state, federal, and even the international levels.

County Law Enforcement is represented by the sheriffs department. The functions of this department depend upon the region in which it is located. In the south, mid-and southwest, sheriffs departments often serve as the principal law enforcement agency in the area. In many smaller communities the sheriffs department also may be responsible for tax assessing and tax collection, patrolling the local bridges and highway extensions, serving as jail attendants and courtroom bailiffs, as well as executioners of both criminal and civil processes. Conversely, in the north­east the local sheriffs departments do little active law enforcement and considerably more of jail, courtroom and process - serving tasks.

The Department of Justice The US Department of Justice is sometimes called the legal arm of the government. The Department of Justice is headed by the attorney general, who is empowered to enforce federal law, represent the US government in federal court actions, and to conduct law enforcement investigations.

The U.S. Marshals Service was established in 1969, in 1974 it-was elevated to the status of a federal bureau.

Contemporary marshals focus their energies principally toward servicing the federal court system. First, they service the civil and criminal process and execution of arrest warrants. Second, they transport and protect federal prisoners and witnesses and, finally, U.S. marshals provide security for federal court premises and personnel (judges and juries).

The Federal Bureau of Investigation. Established in 1908 the Federal Bureau of Investigation remains among the most respected and efficient law enforcement agencies in the world. Ironically, the FBI is not really a police agency. The central function of the FBI is investigative. The jurisdiction of this agency extends to all areas and matters that pertain to the United States as an interested party. These matters include violations of federal laws and statutes, espionage, sabotage, treason, violation of federal civil rights acts, robbery of federally insured banks, kidnapping, and interstate transportation of contraband such as drugs, explosives, governmental secrets, or stolen properly. The FBI additionally provides a nationally accessible forensic laboratory, specialized training courses and certification programs.

The Drug Enforcement administration known as the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, is responsible for enforcement all federal drug legislation.

The Secret Service is actively involved in the protection of political figures and visiting dignitaries. In 1989, a unit of uniformed Secret Service officers was assigned to patrol and protect the White House and the president of the United States. The Secret Service also continues to be active in proactive law enforcement duties and, like other federal policing agencies, is involved in the war on drugs.

The Bureau of Customs attempts to prevent objects and controlled substances from illegally entering the country.


tax assessing – налогообложение; определение суммы налога

conversely – обратно, наоборот

marshals service – служба судебных исполнителей (соответствует шерифам в Англии)

premise – предпосылка; вступительная часть документа; помещение (с прилегающими пристройками и участком)

federal drug legislation – федеральное законодательство по борьбе с наркотиками

to assign – назначать, определять; поручать

Task I. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What department is the County Law Enforcement represented by?

2. Who is the head of this department? What are his duties?

3. What are contemporary marshals responsible for?

4. When was the Federal Bureau of Investigation established? What for?

5. What cases does this agency investigate?

6. What is the Drug Enforcement administration responsible for?

7. What activity is the Secret Service involved in?

8. What are the main functions of the Bureau of Customs?

Task II. Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и выражения:

- law enforcement;

- sheriff’s department;

- courtroom bailiff;

- federal court system;

- to investigate

- violations of law;

- political figures;

- to protect;

- to be empowered;

- attorney general;

- arrest warrant;

- violation of federal civil rights acts;

Task III. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

to occur … a variety of levels; to depend …; to be responsible …; to be headed …; to provide security … federal courts personnel; to extend …; to pertain …; to be involved …; to prevent …;

Task IV. Выберите из текста словосочетания с следующими словами:

level; tax; justice; bureau; court; federal; matters;

Дата добавления: 2015-08-29; просмотров: 572. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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