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Although one can certainly find slightly different definitions for crime, a legalistic view suggests that it is simply a violation of criminal law. There are four factors that must exist to classify the violation or omission of a rule as a crime:

1. It is assumed by political authority. The state assumes the role plaintiff or the party bringing forth charges. Murder, for example, is no longer just an offense against a person, but against the state.

2. It must be specific, defining both the offense as well as the prescribed punishment.

3. The law is uniformly applied. That is, equal punishment and fairness to all, irrespective of social position.

4. The law contains penal sanctions enforced by punishment administered by the state.

One type of crime is defined by legislative statute or statutory law. Crime additionally is determined on the basis of case law or common law. Case law is the use of judicial decisions from previous and similar adjudications to determine the outcome of a subsequent case. Hence, case law's determinations are significantly influenced by previous decisions called precedents.

Common law originated, and continues to be the main body of law in England. In early colonial America, residents were subject to the law handed down by English judges, and hence Common law. After American Revolution, the colonies in America adapted and changed the English law to fit their particular needs. In many states, legislatures standardized many common - law crimes such as murder, burglary, arson, and rape by putting them into statutory form or statutory law.

In other states extensive penal codes were passed thereby abrogating the common law crimes.

Beyond common law, statutory law, and case law, crimes are defined by administrative or regulatory law. Typically, regulatory laws administer civil privileges, such as the privilege to own a gun or drive a car and other licensed activities. Regulatory laws, however, may also encompass criminal charges. An example of a regulatory law that includes criminal charges would be mailing cocaine to someone, or a bartender selling alcohol to minors.

Criminal law can best be understood as defined by three basic elements. First, it prevents harm to society and its members. Second, it specifies what conduct is considered criminal. Third, it identifies prescribed sanctions for criminal conduct.

Usually, crimes committed in the United States are classified by the justice system as either felonies or misdemeanors. Felonies contain capital crimes - those crimes for which the death sentence may be imposed - as well as crimes for which the sentence includes imprisonment in a state prison for more than one (or in some states two) years. Misdemeanors are less serious crimes for which fines and shorter county jail time may be imposed. Usually, misdemeanors carry no more jail time than one year.



definition – определение; ясность, четкость

omission – упущение, оплошность; пробел

to assume – принимать на себя, присваивать себе; предполагать, допускать

uniformly – постоянно; однородно, единообразно

adjudications – мольба, заклинание; клятва; приведение к присяге

subsequent – последующий

to hand down – подавать сверху

hence – отсюда; с этих пор; следовательно

thereby – таким образом; в связи с этим

to abrogate – отменять, аннулировать (закон)

bartender – амер. бармен

conduct – поведение, образ действий; руководство, ведение


Task I. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Give the definition of the word “crime”?

2. What penal sanctions does the law usually contain?

3. What do you know about law in early colonial America?

4. What happened to the law after the American Revolution?

5. What common-law crimes do you know?

6. What are the main purposes of criminal law?

7. How are the crimes committed in the United States classified?

8. Give the definitions of the terms “felony” and “misdemeanor”.

Task II. Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и выражения:

- a violation of criminal law;

- omission of a rule;

- political authority;

- an offence against the person;

- an offence against the state;

- the prescribed punishment;

- penal sanctions;

- to fit particular needs;

- extensive penal codes;

- to own a gun;

- licensed activities;

Task III. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

Definitions … crime; violation … the law; offence … a person (state); irrespective … social position; … the basis of; to be influenced …; body … law; to be subject …; to hand …; to mail cocaine … someone; to prevent harm … society

Task IV. Выберите из текста словосочетания со следующими словами:

crime, offence, punishment, law, charge, legislative, jail

Task V. Найдите в тексте следующие слова и выражения на английском языке:

истец, правонарушение, наказание, справедливость, независимо от социального положения, карательные меры, судебные решения, исход дела, общее право, убийство, кража со взломом, поджог, изнасилование, кража, нападение, вынести обвинение, система правосудия, преступное поведение, тюремное заключение.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-29; просмотров: 590. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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