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A Civil Engineer


Civil engineers are trained at many higher educational institutions all over the country. The Civil Engineering Department of our University was organized in 1955. Since its foundation it has trained several thousands of civil engineers who work in different fields of civil engineering.

The training course begins with mastering mathematics, physics, theoretical mechanics, and strength of materials, descriptive geometry, geodesy, and engineering geology. These branches of science lay the foundation for studying such special subjects as structural materials, structural members, architecture, the economy of construction, water-supply and sewerage and others.

The future engineers study the latest methods of architectural designing of buildings and structures, new machines and devices used in construction work, up-to-date electronic devices, instruments and computers. All that enables young engineers to introduce advanced techniques in the process of construction.

The graduates from the department design, construct, do research in the field of construction and train specialists for the building industry.

As a rule, a young specialist begins his work as a foreman who bears responsibility for the accomplishment of the project. Under his practical guidance a team of builders erect structural members of a building, that is, footings and foundations, walls, floors, etc., and finishes the interior and the exterior of the building. Having acquired the experience in construction work and in guidance of builders the young specialist is nominated to the post of a superintendent of jobs or to the post of a chief of a construction site.

Most of the civil engineers work at Designing Institutes where they work out designs of buildings and draw up documentation and methods of new labor organization at sites. They carry out the investigations of structural materials and members in research laboratories.

A civil engineer has to solve many difficult engineering problems requiring profound knowledge of different branches of science.


Text-based assignments:

I. General understanding. Answer the questions:

1. When was the Civil Engineering Department organized?

2. The graduates from the faculty work on construction sites all over the country, don’t they?

3. In what capacity do young specialists usually work after graduation?

4. What the duties of a foreman?

5. When can a specialist be nominated to the post of a superintendent of jobs?

6. What subjects do the students study in order to become a civil engineer?

7. What does water supply engineering include?


II. Translate into Russian:

The Civil Engineering Department, to do research, building industry, as a rule, under the guidance, to bear responsibility for, structural members, to finish, to acquire, to nominate to the post, methods of labor organization, foreman, to carry out, to solve engineering problems, to master a profession, branches of science, to lay the foundation, superintendent of jobs, footings and foundations.


III. Translate into English:

Решать технические проблемы, начальник строительства, строительные конструкции, овладеть(освоить), прораб, выполнение проекта, со дня основания, приобрести опыт, методы организации труда, глубокие(основательные) знания, теоретическая механика, водоснабжение и канализация, экономика строительства, мастер, строительная бригада.


IV. Make up pairs of synonyms:

To do research To get the experience To bear responsibility for Modern To construct To appoint Profound Leadership To decide Deep To acquire the experience Guidance To erect To nominate To solve To carry out investigation To be responsible for Up-to-date


V. Form nouns from the following verbs:

Responses, erect, lead, decide, investigate, construct, guide, organize, found, build, nominate, require.




Text 3

Words and word combinations to be remembered:

1.moderate Смягчать 8.dwelling Жилище
2.shelter Убежище, кров 9.increase Возрастать
3.means Средство 10.perishable Непрочный
4.species Вид, род 11.exploit Использовать, эксплуатировать
5.temporary Временный 12.crafttsman Ремесленник
6.evolve Развиваться 13.contractor Подрядчик
7.igloo Иглу, жилище эскимосов 14.manifistation Проявление

Read the text carefully so as to be ready to discuss it:

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