По английскому языку для студентов
Summarize what you have learned about – makinginitial contacts - socializing with colleagues - entertaining clients - giving gifts - negotiating
Read, find and underline something new about Britain Kimiko – Japan Many Japanese families now live in London. Kimiko came to Britain as a bride six years ago. 'There is much more freedom for women here,' she says. 'It is sometimes difficult for Japanese women to adjust. ' For Kimiko, the change was easy because she is a translator and speaks English fluently. Also, she has an English husband. 'Attitude to women is very different,' she says. 'Japanese wives come to Britain and after a while they find out they can have a life of their own outside the home. They don't have that kind of freedom in Japan.' In Japan it is unusual to see men shopping with their wives, helping in the house, or babysitting. But Kimiko's husband, John, a shipping engineer, happily lends a hand with the children. John says that Japanese women soon adapt in Britain, and can relax more with their families. Education is one thing that worries Kimiko. In Japan, children go to school six days a week and work much harder than English children. Another complaint is that shops don't have many clothes for small women!
Xavier[ksavie]– France When Xavier came to Britain, his friends in Paris said he would hate it. However, Xavier, a 26 year-old chef, says they were wrong. 'French people imagine that Britain is a cold, miserable country where everyone dresses badly, you can't see anything because of fog, and the food is the worst on the planet. I don't agree.' Xavier insists that the British look good because they don't follow fashion so seriously. He enjoys shopping in Britain because there are so many fresh things in supermarkets. He likes the street markets as well. However he has some complaints. He thinks that British men don't show enough appreciation to women. Also, he feels that shops and restaurants close too often and too early.
Margaretha – Norway In Britain, Margaretha Simons can be a full-time housewife, at home with her four children. This, she says, is unusual in her native Norway because almost all Norwegian [nɔːˈwiːdʒən] women go out to work, partly because there are more kindergartens. It is also unusual in Norway to have more than two children. 'I find British people friendly,' she says. 'New neighbors invite you for coffee, introduce their children, and take you to the shops. However, she doesn't like everything. She thinks British houses are not built well - even modern houses have a lot of draughts. Also, there is too much litter on the streets. She likes fresh British food, but at first she did not like the tea because it looked cloudy and grey. Now she is addicted to it, and has cups of tea all the time! Practice homework for the 11th of November 1) All new words learn by heart 2) Read Culture Shock one more time (aloud вслух) 3) Composition - What do you like and dislike in Russia, why? (10-20 sentences) Методические указания по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса ГХФ направления «Культурология»
Данное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса ГХИ, занимающихся по направлению «Культурология». Пособие является составной частью профессионального блока учебной программы по дисциплине «иностранный язык – базовый» и предназначено для изучения раздела «Моя будущая профессия культурология».
Цель пособия - развитие у студентов языковой, речевой и социокультурной компетенций, необходимых для иноязычной профессиональной деятельности. Пособие включают языковой материал, направленный на развитие практических навыков в сфере культурологической тематики, поэтому в нем определяются речевые единицы, подлежащие усвоению и их практическому применению.
В указаниях включены тематические тексты, взятые из интернет источников, которые варьируются по языковой и смысловой трудности и нацелены на развитие у студентов всех видов чтения и адекватного их понимания. Они являются источником изучения профессиональной лексики. Послетекстовые упражнения направлены на отработку и усвоение лексического материала и снабжены ключами для самоконтроля. Предложенные речевые задания формируют навыки неподготовленной устной речи и письма. Обучающий материал заканчивается ролевой игрой, при подготовке и проведении которой студенты демонстрируют степень владения компетенциями.
При планировании занятий материал может дозироваться в соответствии с реальными условиями группы и индивидуальными особенностями студентов.
Указания можут быть использованы в аудиторной и самостоятельной работев рамках курсовкак иностранный язык – базовый, так и иностранный язык – вариативный.
Составитель: Егорова Н.В.
“ Wealth in itself does not generate Culture. But broadened and subtler thinking and the sense of Beauty produce that subtlety, that nobility of spirit which are distinctive for a cultured person. It is this kind of person that can build the future of light for its country ”. N.K.Roerich
Read the letter and write some seven sentences in response. What do you think about culturology and why did you choose this major?
2. Go through the vocabulary to avoid difficulty in understanding and memorize the