Representations of democracy as a principle of the device of the ideal state.
New time (XVI-XIX вв) – an epoch of bourgeois revolutions and strengthening of capitalist foundations. Formation of new class structure with bourgeoisie as a main class. The theory of the natural right has been put forward - all people have an inalienable law to life, work and private property.
Томас Гоббс Thomas Hobbes
Направление:Западные Философы Период:Философия XVII века Основные интересы:Теория государства и права, История, Этика, Геометрия
The basic works ”About the citizen”, "Leviafan" - Natural equality of people (physical and intellectual) defines their equality in all areas of a life - Theory of the public agreement (protection of natural rights and property defines necessity of the conclusion public agreement between individuals and delegation of power to the state)
Джон Локк John Lock
Направление:английская философия Период:Философия XVII века Основные интересы:Метафизика, политическая философия, философия сознания, образование