Nikkolo Makkiavelli (1469-1527)
The basic work "Politics"
1. Theoretical substantiation of occurrence of the state - main reason of occurrence of the state - distinctions of natural qualities of the people, determining relations between slaves and slaveholders;
- state is a product of development and the necessary form of existence of people;
- definition of the person as ”political animal” – person, who lives out of the state, is either an animal, or a god.
The basic work "Sovereign" 1 ) Substantiation of political science as science about political and state power 2 ) Concept of the secular state and a policy, free from religious doctrines. Definition of state as political form of the organization of a society. Necessity of the state is caused by egoistical human nature 3) Substantiation of principles of political realism. In their actions governors should be guided only by reasons of practical character and expediency. All means are permitted for achievement of political aims (aim justifies the means). This position is connected with concept of makkiavellism - politicians can ignore norms of morals in a case if their actions are directed on state prosperity.
Philosophy of a utopian socialism Томас Мор
Томмазо Кампанелла Tommaso Campanella
Concept of the ideal society on the basis of a public property; Idea of distribution according requirements; Theory of transformation of the state in a system of control over society and manufacture Idea of overcoming of contrast between physical and intellectual work, and also between city and village