Иммануил Кант Immanuel Kant
The basic work “ To eternal peace” 1. Definition of state as communities of the people, subordinated to rules of law. Appointment of state – regulation of a public life 2. Concept of lawful state - research of functions of law in the state as means of prevention of abusing of the authorities Substantiation of private property as economic basis of a personal freedom.
George Wilhelm Gegel (1770-1831) The basic work " Philosophy of Law" Private property is an economic basis of a personal freedom 2. Theory of a civil society as area of private interests, which is free from state intervention
Карл Маркс Karl Marx Фридрих Энгельс Friedrich Engels
Карл Маркс Karl Marx Фридрих Энгельс Friedrich Engels
Marxism K.Marx (1818 - 1883) and F.Engels (1820 - 1895) 1. Materialistic determination of history (development of society is defined by development of production); Idea of public property