Студопедия — B. At a Shop
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B. At a Shop

Shop-assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: I'd like to buy some cassettes. What kinds do you have?

Shop-assistant: Well, we have two kinds. These play for 60 minutes, and... play for 90 minutes.

Customer: Don't you have any... that play for 45 minutes?

Shop-assistant: Sorry, but we're out of those at the moment.

Customer: Oh, well. I'll take two of the 60-minute ones.

Shop-assistant: All right.

Customer: Wait a minute. I think I'll get... one, too.

Shop-assistant: So, you want three all together.

Customer: Right. By the way, is there... music store around here? I really do need some 45-minute cassettes. Shop-assistant: Well, there are two... in the neighbourhood. One is in Bond Street, and... is in Uxbridge Street. Customer: Thanks.


Study the following examples.

/ asked every person in the room the same question.

Each person gave a different answer.

They spend a fortnight in the mountains almost

every year.

Each member of the team got a prize.

Each of us needed a good rest.

N о t e: We use every when we think of a whole group; we use each when we think of the members of a group sepa­rately, one at a time.

Choose the correct pronoun.

A. 1. They believe (every/each) word he says. 2.1 asked (everу/each) student in class, but none of them could answer my question. 3. The boys ate (every/each) cake on the plate. They didn't leave anything to the girls. 4. The match was very exciting and our team scored twice in (every/each) half. 5. (Every/Each) child at the party was given a present to take home. 6. (Every/Each) orange costs ten pence. 7.1 see Jack almost (every/each) day. 8. (Every/Each) of the children was given a piece of paper and a crayon. 9. (Every/Each) time I ask her about her brother she doesn't seem to know anything new. 10. What a wonderful movie! I enjoyed (every/each) minute of it. 11. I still see her (every/each) now and then. 12. (Each/Every) of the kids arriving for the first time is shown around the school. 13. (Each/Every) item of the programme ought to be carefully checked. 14. You'll have to apply the ointment (every/each) other day. 15. The airline takes (each/every) possible precaution to ensure the safety of its passengers.

В. The Miltons are all going on holiday this year. They have looked at... brochure in the travel agent's and they've decided to go to Portugal. They went to an island last year but... beach they went to was filthy. Tom was sick... day and Jane was bitten by insects on... leg.... time the twins went swimming they nearly drowned and Mary got an infection in... ear when she wore the cheap earrings she bought in the market.


Study the following examples.

All children should complete the primary course. All the students stopped talking. He soon lost all hope of becoming a professional tennis player.

I didn't see the whole film (all the film). 1 missed the first part. But: I finished all the coffee, (with uncountable nouns)

Compare the word order: the whole.../all the.... Before place names, the whole of is mainly used: the whole of Europe.

In some common time expressions, both whole and all are possible: the whole afternoon/night/week - all (the) afternoon/night/week; the whole time ~ all the time; mi- whole life - all my life.

4.9.2. Complete the sentences with the appropriate pronoun. Insert the where necessary.

1. Did you remember to switch off... lights? 2. Have you spent... money I gave you? 3. The weather was terrible yesterday. We spent... day at home. 4. Did you understand information 1 gave you? 5. She was hiding in the room... time. 6. Have you read... book? 7. The fire destroyed... building. 8.... I've eaten today is a sandwich. 9. Do... of your friends study English? 10. He didn't say where he was going.... he said was that he was going away. 11. On Saturday Alan spent... day fixing his motorbike. 12. Nick has spent his... life in Bristol but he wasn't born there.


Study the examples.

The man who spoke to us wasn 't English.

Dr. Jones is the professor who(m) I told you about.

Dr. Jones is the professor about whom I told you/ that I told you about.

Did you see the letter which/that came this morning?

She's the girl whose brother works in the post office.

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