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Use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Who was (late) person to leave the building yesterday? 2. (Near) train for Cardiff leaves in an hour. 3. They realized their plan without (far) difficulties. 4. Nell is three years (old) than her husband. 5. Her (old) brother is a well-known pianist. 6. The car was parked in (far) corner of the yard. 7. You will get (far) instructions in a few days. 8. It's (bad) weather we've had for a long time. 9. Can you tell me the way to (near) post office? 10. Hilda is (old) in the family. 11What do you think of his (late) play? I like it much (good) than his (late) one. 12. I'm looking forward to his (near) letter. 13- Who's (good) footballer in the team? 14. She's actually a good deal (old) than she looks. 15. My (old) daughter does nearly all the housework. 16. Mercury is (near) to the sun and Pluto is (far). 17. You should get the patient to (near) doctor as soon as possible. 18. Your ability to remember things gets (bad) as the years go by. 19. Are there any (far) questions?

5.2.5. A. Complete using comparatives of the adjectives in brackets; add than when necessary.

«Oh, why is English such a difficult language! I think it is (difficult) French. Sometimes I feel that my English is getting (bad), not (good)! When you first start learning English, it seems (easy) other languages and the grammar looks (much/ simple). However, when you become (a little/advanced), it gets (a lot/complicated). There are also so many words in English! The dictionary I bought when I first came to Britain is far too simple. I'm already looking for something (big) and (comprehensive)».

B. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form. Add the or a, where necessary.

1. Two weeks ago I went down town to buy a birthday present for my (old) sister. You couldn't meet (wonderful) person than her. She is one of (charming) women I know. She is also (generous-hearted) person I've ever met. Mother says she could be a bit (tidy) than she is. Anyway, the present I wanted to buy her had to be (good) I could afford. Eventually, I came across (beautiful) scarf I had ever seen Imagine my disappointment when I discovered the next day that Mother had bought her exactly the same scarf.

2. One of (embarrassing) experiences that can happen to anyone is to meet old friends, and not recognize them. I once had to welcome a group of students at the airport. I knew (old) person, a Madame Dufort, would be in charge of them, and when the group appeared, this woman came towards me, smiling, and said: «Doctor, what a pleasant surprise!)) If I had been (quick) and (intelligent) I would have said brightly: «How nice to see you, my dear!' as if she were my (old) friend, but I just stood there, my face getting (red) and (red), trying to remember her. The (bad) thing about it was that she got even (embarrassed) than I was, and said: «You don't remember me,» still not giving me (slight) clue. Fortunately, my wife, who is (quick-thinking) and (well-mannered) than I am, said: «Of course he does, Nicole, but he's (absent-minded) person in the world». Nicole had been a student of mine years before, but she looked much (old), her hair was going grey, and her face had more lines in it than is usual at her age. She had got married, too, so her name was changed, and I find names (easy) to remember than faces.

DEGREES OF COMPARISON OF ADVERBS 5.3.1. Study the following examples.

Regular Comparisons

Irregular Comparisons

Positive Comparative Superlative
slowly reluctantly more slowly more reluctantly most slowly most reluctantly
positive Comparative Superlative  
well better best  
badly worse worst  
little less least  
much more most  
far farther farthest  
  further furthest  

Note: With adverbs of two or more syllables the compa­rative and superlative degrees are formed by putting more and most before the positive form.

Adverbs consisting of one syllable and the adverb early form the degrees by adding -er, -est.

Ann works harder than most of her friends.

Can you talk a little louder?

You should go to bed earlier.

Could you speak more slowly,please?

Nick should drive more carefully.

He speaks English better than his friend.

The team played worse than before.

He moved as quietly as he could.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 3311. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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