It will take us 2-3 seminars to check the task. We will probably take some more materials on these issues in September.
· основными параметрами, проверяемыми при оценке качества профессиональной подготовки школьников, являются содержательные элементы деятельности, указанные в квалификационной характеристике по профессии (специальности).
[1] Решается средствами всех учебных предметов. [2] Курсивом в тексте выделен материал, который подлежит изучению, но не включается в Требования к уровню подготовки оканчивающих начальную школу. * Связь с уроками изобразительного искусства. * Связь с уроками изобразительного искусства. [3] При наличии материально-технических средств. [4] Курсивом в тексте выделен материал, который подлежит изучению, но не включается в Требования к уровню подготовки выпускников. [5] Курсивом в тексте выделен материал, который подлежит изучению, но не включается в Требования к уровню подготовки выпускников. [6] Курсивом в тексте выделен материал, который подлежит изучению, но не включается в Требования к уровню подготовки выпускников. SUMMER HOME ASSIGNMENT FOR GROUP 205 (305)
Dear students! This summer we are going to delve into the concept of the American dream. We are going to trace its development throughout the XXth century. I’ve tried rather scrupulously to pick up and combine the material and work out some sort of a unique program for you as there is a whole lot of stuff devoted to the notion of the American Dream and we can not afford to study everything. I have tried to make it as useful and interesting to you as I could. Here is the task. Follow this step by step instruction and enjoy!
NB: 1. All the materials including books, movies, articles have to be studied ONLY IN ENGLISH!!! You have to find the material in English yourself. The films are available on rutracker torrents. Each of you must prepare a separate file with notes, articles, personal glossaries and vocabularies, answers to the questions, etc. 3. You will not get you winter credit without this task! Зачет за зимнюю сессию без выполнения этого задания полностью не ставлю! Спрошу я все: словари, письменные ответы на вопросы, цитаты, разобранные материалы. It will take us 2-3 seminars to check the task. We will probably take some more materials on these issues in September. 5. Pay attention to the quotes I have chosen for each part of the assignment. There is some meaning in them! Try to explain the quotes.
I. RESEARCH: Surf the web and find information on the following issues:
1. What is American Dream? Find different interpretations of the American Dream tracing its development in the XXth century. (You may find it useful to read Wikipedia, search for some articles, essays and projects. You have to include this information into your portfolio)
2. Find information about Francis Scott Fitzgerald and his novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ (to be included into your portfolio) – you may use this link
Since American dream is an important concept in many works of literature, we are going to read one of the American classics which is ‘The Great Gatsby’ and study it.
II. READING: "I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes, and felt it in others--young clerks in the dusk, wasting the most poignant moments of night and life." F.S. Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby” Read the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ by Francis Scott Fitzgerald.
1. While reading mark, underline, highlight, copy-paste or write out descriptions of the following characters:
Here is a link to a brief description of the characters (however, this is not enough. I want original descriptions in a separate file): In order to study this novel we are going to refer to the brilliant study guide on
2. Follow the link and read about the major themes of the novel: I suggest that you study the whole guide. It will make your reading and understanding much easier. 3. We are going to take the following questions for our discussion. I ask you to write a short answer for questions 2-9 and an opinion essay for question 1 (which is underlined): 1. Analyze Fitzgerald's conception of the American Dream. Does he view it as totally dead, or is it possible to revive it? 2. Is Nick a reliable narrator? How does his point of view color the reality of the novel, and what facts or occurrences would he have a vested interest in obscuring? 3. Trace the use of the color white in the novel. When does it falsify a sense of innocence? When does it symbolize true innocence? 4. What does the green light symbolize to Gatsby? To Nick? 5. How does Fitzgerald juxtapose the different regions of America? Does he write more positively about the East or the Midwest? 6. What is the distinction between East and West Egg? How does one bridge the gap between the two? 7. In what ways are Wilson and Gatsby similar? Dissimilar? Who is Nick more sympathetic to? 8. How does Fitzgerald treat New York City? What is permissible in the urban space that is taboo on the Eggs? 9. Is Tom most responsible for Gatsby's death? Daisy? Myrtle? Gatsby himself? Give reasons why or why not each character is implicated in the murder. NB! Dear students! The great Gatsby is available almost everywhere! You can buy a cheap English paperback in any bookstore, you can download an e-version of the book for free in the Internet. If you find it difficult to read the book in English you can help yourself with the Russian translation. But only help, not just read the book in Russian.