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Technology Making Us Intimate Strangers?

Cell phones and beepers keep us in touch, but they also keep us away from the best of ourselves and others.

Every day when I walk out of my house I feel sur­rounded. Surrounded by people so loaded down with the latest equipment that any military commander would be envious. Cell phones, beepers, headsets, watches that both tell time and give good e-mail — devices that allow you to keep up and keep track and that keep you tethered to the daily grind. America is on the move, utterly self-absorbed, multi-tasking, busy, busy, busy.

So what's the matter with me, daring to go about the streets without any of these things, a dinosaur out of step with the times?

Frankly, I worry about the freedom we give up, the time to think and reflect, the time to consider where we've been in order to see where we are — or want to be — going. For many people these are painful things they don't necessarily want to dwell on. Self-reflection is far different — and far more difficult — than self-absorption, but the pain that self-absorption can inflict on others is acute.

Last summer, on as lovely an evening as one can hope for in central Virginia, I was at my daughter's tennis practice. Standing next to me was a father more intent on the cell-phone conversation he was having (which did not sound terribly pressing) than on watching his daughter play. Time and again, she would look toward him, craving for his attention, but he never saw her.

Now some confessions are in order. I've had e-mail only for a little more than a year, and I worry that I'm starting to become obsessed with it. In the intoxicating game of popularity that we all play, e-mail has presented another way for others to reach out to us. If someone hasn't left us a phone message or a fax, there is always the chance that an e-mail awaits. I can't even finish this essay without checking — three times already — to see if another one came through. I have also checked my stocks and a favorite Web site — all because they are there. I am not proud of the fact that when I read to my 6-year old daughter at night, I sometimes reach for the phone when it rings, only to have her admonish me — "Daddy, don't!" — a sharp rebuke for being so quick to interrupt our sacred time together.

Do you remember when you and your friends would go to the beach to swim and sun and take leave of your lives for an afternoon or longer. These days, I go to the beach and see teenagers come out of the water and instantly get on their cell phones. They can't imagine a life without a cell phone, and they can't imagine coming to the beach without it.

Nonetheless, I still say: why not step back and view all this progress from a different angle? Instead of trying to figure out way to do a hundred things at once, why not slow things down? After all, the greatest gift you can offer another person, is your ability to listen, to let that person feel that you are intent on what he or she is saying, that you have all the time in the world. (The individuals I know who can do that are few, but they stand out conspicuously in my mind.) Through interviewing people I write about, I have come to learn how much people want to be understood, how much they want and need to be able to explain themselves.

Technology, for the most part, creates the illusion of intimacy. As marvelous as it can be, it also foils us. It keeps us from the best of ourselves and enables us to avoid others. It makes us into intimate strangers.

To me, the most splendid thing about a place like New York City, where I lived for a long time, is that you can walk the streets day after day, year after year, and always see something new, something that will astonish or touch you. It may be a detail on a building, or the way the light hits the magnificent public library at a particular time. But if you're not open to these things, if you're too busy walking down the street glued to your phone and don’t nofice things around you, you're going to miss something. It may seem intangible and, therefore, unimportant, but those something have a way of adding up.

Запитання для диступу:

1 Is there a particular machine or form of technology that you love?

2 Do you think males relate better to technology than do females?

3 If you could keep only one machine, which one would it be?

4 In general, are you a gadget-lover or a gadget-hater?


retain зберігати сохранять
claim твердження утверждение
famine голодування голодовка
horn мис мыс
starve вмирати з голоду умирать с голода
underfed який недоїдає недоедающий
exempt (from) вільний (від) свободный (от)
recession спад спад
stamp талон талон
plague непокоїти беспокоить
assault атака атака
contamination забруднення загрязнение
diaper пелюшка пеленка
sewage нечистоти нечистоты
drain водостік водосток
festering гниючий гниющий
vulnerable вразливий уязвимый
runoff стік сток
spawn метати ікру метать икру
carbon dioxide вуглекислий газ углекислый газ
loggine заготівля і транспортування лісу заготовка и транспортировка леса
mean середній средний
chunk ділянка участок
fell рубати (дерево) рубить (дерево)
timber лісоматеріали лесоматериалы
extinction вимирання вымирание
species вид вид
obscure непомітний незаметный
alter змінювати изменять
trap поглинати поглощать
hood бандит, гангстер бандит, гагнстер
inhale вдихати вдыхать

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 673. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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