Reading for main ideas.
Read the following questions. Choose the best answer. 1. What is the principal function of the PW? a) To provide smooth running. b) To accept the imposed dynamic and static loads. c) To transmit pressure to the subsoil. 2. What indicators are taken into account to define type of the track? a) traffic capacity and carrying capacity b) traffic capacity and speed c) speed and carrying capacity Reading for details. Track elements must meet some requirements. Look through the text once more and complete the table.
Ш. 3.1 Find the English equivalents in the text: Грузонапряженность; пропускная способность; максимальная скорость; головка рельса; шейка рельса; подошва рельса; износ; усталость (рельса); сжатие; жесткость; упругость; сопротивление; прочность; ширина колеи; умеренный вес; рельсовая цепь; токопроводимость; утечка тока; гниение; плавный ход (поезда); рихтовка пути; подбивка шпал; обеспечивать безопасность.
3.2 What is common for all these words? Translate them into Russian. a) b) Complete the diagrams. A) (“+” - advantages; “-“ - disadvantages) b) Match the synonyms.
* Make sentences of your own using the words from this list.