Permanent Way (Part 2)
Track components are supposed to have specific mechanical properties that enable the track to support and guide railway vehicles. These properties are arbitrarily categorized and show their most important features. Mechanical properties are not necessarily the most important ones, but they reflect the principle of considering the track as a mechanical system subjected to vehicle loading. Track elasticity is dominated by the stiffness properties of some of the track components such as rail pads and ballast. Track strength depends on the robustness of the design, the quantities and the qualities of the used material. This is especially the case regarding rails (and welds), concrete sleepers, and slabs. Track stability is provided by the rigid frameworks of sleepers and rails, but also by the good resistance of sleepers in ballast. Finally, for long term performance durability and resistance against fatigue are of course primary requirements for track components. The environmental and loading conditions of a particular track section, however, heavily influence the durability requirements.
Put the words denoting mechanical properties instead of ……...
UNIT 5 Permanent Way (Part 2) I. I. In the previous Unit such Track elements as rails, sleepers and ballast were described. Make sure you remember their characteristics and requirements. II.