Metamorphic Rocks
The problem discussed concerns metamorphic rocks which compose the third large family of rocks. «Metamorphic» means «changed from». It shows that the original rock has been changed from its primary form to a new one. Being subjected to pressure, heat and chemically active fluids beneath the Earth's surface, various rocks in the Earth's crust undergo changes in texture, in mineral composition and structure and are transformed into metamorphic rocks. The process described is called metamorphism. As is known, metamorphic rocks have been developed from earlier igneous and sedimentary rocks by the action of heat and pressure. Gneisses, mica schists, phyllites, marries, slate, quartz, etc. belong to the same group of rocks. Having the same mineral composition as granite, gneisses consist chiefly of quartz, orthoclase and mica. However unlike granite, they have a schistose structure. It means that their constituents are distributed in bands or layers and run parallel to each other in one direction. If disturbed the rock cleaves easily into separate plates. The role of water in metamorphism is determined by at least four variable geologically related parameters: rock pressure, temperature, water pressure, and the amount of water present. During a normal progressive metamorphism rock pressure and temperature are interdependent, and the amount of water and the pressure of water are related to the sediments and to the degree of metamorphism in such a way that, generally speaking, the low-grade metamorphic rocks are characterized by the excess of water. The medium-grade rocks defined by some deficiency of water and the high-grade metamorphic rocks are characterized by the absence of water. Many of the metamorphic rocks mentioned above consist of flaky materials such as mica and chlorite. These minerals cause the rock to split into thin sheets, and rocks become foliated. Slate, phyllite, schist and gneiss belong to the group of foliated metamorphic rocks. Marble and quartzite are non-foliated metamorphic rocks. The structure of metamorphic rocks is of importance because it shows the nature of pre-existing rocks and the mechanism of metamorphic deformation. Every trace original structure is of great importance to geologists. It gives an opportunity of analysing the causes of its metamorphism. Being often called crystalline schists, metamorphic rocks such as gneisses and mica have a schistose structure. Metamorphic rocks represent the oldest portion of the Earth's crust. They are mostly found in the regions of mountain belts where great dislocations on the Earth once took place.
Пояснения к тексту:
· band – n слой; полоса; прослоек (породы); syn layer · cleave – v расщепляться; трескаться, отделяться по кливажу; cleavage - n кливаж · flaky - а слоистый; похожий на хлопья · foliate – v расщепляться на тонкие слои; foliated - а листоватый, тонкослоистый; syn flaky · marble – n мрамор · plate - n пластина; полоса (металла) · pressure – n давление; rock pressure (underground pressure) - горное давление, давление горных пород · rock – n горная порода; igneous ~ изверженная порода; sedimentary ~ осадочная порода; metamorphic ~ метаморфическая порода · run – v (ran [ran], run) бегать, двигаться; течь; работать (о машине); тянуться, простираться; управлять (машиной); вести (дело, предприятие) · schistose – a сланцеватый; слоистый · sheet - n полоса · slate – n сланец; syn shale · split – v [split] (split) раскалываться, расщепляться, трескаться; syn cleave · trace – n след; tracing – n прослеживание
Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.
1. Generally speaking, metamorphic rocks have been developed from ores. 2. Marble, slate and phyllite belong to the group of metamorphic rocks. 3. As is known, unlike granite metamorphic rocks have a schistose structure. 4. It is obvious that the role of water in metamorphism is great. 5. As a rule, low-grade metamorphic rocks are characterized by the absence of water. 6. Flaky materials cause the rock to split into thin sheets. 7. It should be noted that marble and quartzite are foliated metamorphic rocks. 8. The structure of metamorphic rocks shows the nature of older pre-existing rocks and the mechanism of metamorphic deformation as well. 9. All metamorphic rocks are non-foliated.
3. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
1. Do you know how metamorphic rocks have been formed? 2. Which rocks belong to the group of metamorphic? 3. Does gneiss have the same structure as granite? 4. Is the role of water great in metamorphism? 5. What rocks do we call foliated? What can you say about non-foliated metamorphic rocks? 6. How can geologists trace the original structure of metamorphic rocks? 7. Why are metamorphic rocks often called crystalline schists?
4. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний и выпишите их:
5. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя приведенные слова:
relate related relationship relating (to)
1. The... between rock pressure and temperature is interdependent. 2. The role of water in metamorphism can be characterized at least by four variable geologically... parameters. 3. These parameters... to each other. 4. At the Institute the students study the full range of subjects... to mining, geology as well as mining mechanics.
6. Подберите из списков А и Б близкие по значению слова:
7. Письменно переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:
1. Метаморфические породы образовались из изверженных и осадочных пород. 2. Гнейс, сланец, мрамор и другие породы относятся к группе метаморфических пород. 3. Гнейс похож на гранит, но, в отличие от гранита, он имеет слоистую структуру. 4. Вообще говоря, описанные метаморфические породы имеют большое значение, так как их структура дает возможность установить следы существовавших ранее пород.
1. Андрианова, Л.Н. Курс английского языка для вечерних и заочных технических вузов. / Л.Н.Андрианова, Н.Ю.Багрова, Э.В.Ершова. - М.: Высш. школа, 2001. - 463 с. 2. Баракова, М.Я. Английский язык для горных инженеров: учеб. пособие / М.Я.Баракова, Р.И.Журавлева - 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Высш. школа, 2002. - 288 с. 3. Мюллер, В.К. Новый англо-русский словарь / В.К.Мюллер, В.Л.Дашевская, В.А.Каплан. - 9-е изд. - М.: Рус. яз., 2002. - 880 с. 4. Науменков, П.В. Geology and Mining Exploration: пособие 5. Пумпянский, А.Л. Чтение и перевод английской научной и технической литературы: фонетика, грамматика, лексика / А.Л.Пумпянский. - М.: РИСО АН СССР, 1962. - 448 с. 6. Чистик, М.Я. Mining Practice: пособие по английскому языку для студентов горных вузов / М.Я.Чистик. - М.: Высш. школа, 1968. - 159 с. 7. Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. Microsoft Corporation, 1993-1998.