Вариант 1 Задание 1. Прочтите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и найдите их в словаре. Переведите текст на русский язык. What a trial Dixon could have, Stern thought suddenly. First, his daughter's husband would incriminate Dixon; then the government would call Stern himself. Under the compulsion of a court order to respond, he would describe Dixon's walk with the safe and its disappearance shortly after. Then, the prosecutors would try to find an exception to the marital privilege in order to force Sylvia to testify about the safe, too. How Stan Sennett would enjoy it. The entire Stan family versus Dixon Hartnell. looking down at the phone, Stan shuddered. It would breach the faith of a lifetime to testify against a client, any client, let alone Dixon, whatever he was. S. Turow. The Burden of Proof
Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, запишите предложения по-английски и переведите их на русский язык. 1. The students didn't come across (каких-нибудь) new words in this text. 2. You may come here at (любое) time. 3. Why did (некоторые) payment cheques disappear God knows where? 4. It must have been (чья-то) joke. 5.1 don't know (ничего) about this file.
Задание 3. Запишите транскрипцию слов. Executive, prosperous, hunting, foreign, approximately, create, equipment, identify, traffic, fraud.
Задание 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Я люблю снежную зиму и не хотела бы, чтобы всегда было жарко. 2. Если бы это письмо пришло раньше, то мы могли бы вам помочь. 3. Они не хотят, чтобы мы с ними сыграли в баскетбол. 4. Вы бы многое знали о нашей фирме, если бы регулярно читали наши отчеты. Вариант II Задание 1. Прочтите текст'. Выпишите незнакомые от и найдите их в словаре. Переведите текст на русский язык. In 1972 the Earthmen sent a coded message into cosmos: "We live on a little planet near the Sun. We call our planet the Earth. We are intelligent beings...." Sometimes, scientists and writers call the Earth itself a little living and intelligent being of cosmos. If we want to be intelligent beings, as we say about it in our message to cosmos, we must protect and save tin's, perhaps, the only Oasis of Life in our Universe.
Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, запишите предложения по-английски и переведите их на русский язык. 1. We did not meet (каких-нибудь) people in that lonely street. 2. You may come at (любое) time. 3. Why do (некоторые) children make so much noise? 4. It is (чья-то) notebook. 5. I dont know (ничего) about her. 6. (Ничто) could make her laugh.
Задание 3. Запишите транскрипцию слов. Famous, monarchy, sightseeing, violation, specialized, rights, bourgeois, dictionary, recruit, employee.
Задание 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Я хотел бы, чтобы всегда было тепло. 2. Если бы он пришел раньше, то поговорил бы с ней. 3. Они хотят, чтобы мы с ними сыграли в шахматы. 4. Вы бы многое знали, если бы регулярно читали газеты. 5. Именно на этом соревновании он получил первый приз. 6. Она поняла свою ошибку только после многих лет совместной жизни с ним.
Контрольная работа 8 (Урок 14 основного курса + вводнофонетический курс) СЕМНАДЦАТАЯ НЕДЕЛЯ Вариант I Задание 1. Прочтите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и найдите их в словаре. Переведите текст на русский язык. SHE STARED AT POIROT - " That's what I said. Suppose some one else killed her". - "Have you any idea who that some one else could be?" she stared at him with even more amazement. - "I've no idea, sir. It doesn't seem likely, though, does it?" - "There was no one your aunt was afraid of?" Mary shook her head. - "Auntie wasn't afraid of people. She'd a sharp tongue and she'd stand up to anybody." - "You never heard her mention any one who had a grudge against her?" - "No, indeed, sir". - "Did she ever get anonymous letters?" - "What kind of letters did you say, sir? - "Letters that weren't signed, or only signed by something like A.B.C." She shook her head. A. Christie. The ABC murders
Задание 2. Запишите текст (задание 1) в косвенной речи. Задание 3. Запишите транскрипцию слов. Amendment, jurisdiction, personnel, occasion, question, danger, particular, deputy, result, future.
Задание 4. Употребите прямую речь вместо косвенной. 1. We told the ticket collector that we had failed to buy tickets. 2. The teacher asked the students if they had read anything at all. 3. We were recommended to take Bus 5 by a passer-by.
Вариант П Задание 1. Прочтите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и найдите их в словаре. Переведите текст на русский язык. My first application for a job in Boston was made in accordance with an idea of my own. Every boy in the Western states knew the Pope Manufacturing Company, which produced bicycles. When I published my first work "History of Western College Journalism" the Pope Company had given me an advertisement, and that seemed to be a "connection" of some kind. So I decided to go to the offices of the Pope Manufacturing Company to ask for a job. 1 walked into the general office and said that I wanted the president of the company. "Colonel Pope?" asked the clerk. I answered, "Yes, Colonel Pope." I was taken to Colonel Pope, who was then an alert energetic man of thirty-nine. I told Colonel Pope, by way of introduction, that he had once given me an advertisement for a little book I bad published, that I had been a college editor and out of a job. What I wanted was work and I wanted it badly. S.S. McClure. Hunting for a Job Задание 2. Употребите косвенную речь вместо прямой и переведите на русский язык. 1.I thought: "Не is a very clever man; he can help me". 2. The teacher said: "Open your books and begin reading the new lesson". 3. The boy said: "Which way has my brother gone?" 4. He asked me: "Do you read English books in the original?" 5. She explained: "We shall go on an excursion tomorrow". 6. The girl told her friend: "I must help my mother by all means".
Задание 3. Запишите транскрипцию слов. Finance, pollution, environment, court, expenditures, shares, sky-scraper, ambassador, prosperous, signature.
Задание 4. Употребите прямую речь вместо косвенной и переведите на русский язык. I found a cigar shop and remembered about the cigars. I told the seller I was going to Bayreuth, and wanted enough cigars for the journey. The man asked me which route I was going to take. I said I didn't know. He said he would recommend me to go by Zurich, and offered to sell me second class tickets.