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· Have you heard about the aircraft corporation Rubin? What is it famous for? Can you guess what kind of goods does it produce?


· Translate the following expressions:

aircraft electrical power systems, alternating current sources, aircraft requirements, alternate aircraft power source, aircraft control system, aircraft engineering requirements, customer requirements functional potentialities, pressure fluctuation, sophisticated engineering construction solutions, reduced input pressure,.energy saving modes, ensured heat rejection rises, fire and explosion safety hydraulic liquids.

· Give synonyms to the following words and phrases:

to be designed, to be produced, sophisticated, to provide, to decrease, to apply, constant.

Words and phrases:

plunger pump плунжерный насос

variable переменная (величина); параметр, изменчивый

displacement смещение; сдвиг, деформация

state-of-the-art современный

reliable надежный

off-loading mechanism разгрузочный механизм

fluctuation колебание, флуктуация; пульсация, отклонение

sophisticated сложный

pressure uprating device предохранительный клапан

to bronze of sth бронзировать

to subject to sth подлежать чему-л

friction трение

electron-beam welding электронно-лучевая сварка

axial plunger осевой плунжер

shaft вал

centrifugal boosting pump центробежный насос

to facilitate облегчать, способствовать, продвигать

working capacity грузоподъемность, рабочая мощность

drive generator задающий генератор

alternating current переменный ток


Aircraft corporation «Rubin» has designed and is producing now several generations of plunger pumps with constant and variable supply providing pressure of 80, 150, 210, 280 kgf/sm2 with a normalized operating displacement from 2 to 60 sm3/r which are completely providing aircraft engineering requirements.

All pump characteristics are corresponding to the state-of-the-art international standards and provide highly reliable operating in a wide range of environment.

On customer requirements functional potentialities should be improved. We can build-in pump off-loading mechanism, pressure uprating device, boosting pumps and other construction elements.

Our pumps provide a low level of pressure fluctuation due to sophisticated engineering construction solutions.

Pumps with displacement from 2 to 60 sm3/r and higher, with minimal pressure fluctuation.

Sophisticated technologies used in hydraulic units construction bronzing of surfaces subject to friction, electron-beam welding of plungers, optimal friction couple matching and so on.

Pump is applied in hydraulic systems developed for airplanes IL96-300 and TU204 and their modifications operating with fire and blow safe hydraulic liquids on base of organophosphorus ethers.

Pump includes the rotating cylinder block, axial plunger disposal, the front distribution of operational liquid, and liquid regulator.

The pump scheme has a special device to decrease high frequency pulsation of delivery pressure.

There was used an original engineering solution of the delivery control device that provides a stable regulation through the whole operational range of pressure, stable pump shaft rotation and temperature.

A cenrifugal boosting pump is installed in the plunger pump body, and provides uncavitation functioning of plunger pump under the reduced input pressure.

Electrical hydraulic off-loading device receiving an electrical signal can switch off the plunger pump from the hydraulic system in the following cases: to facilitate engine starting; to operate in energy saving modes; to protect the pump and the hydraulic system during emergency situation.

The pump is supplied by a special device to provide the working capacity when the pressure in the outlet pipes with an ensured heat rejection rises.

Applied at hydraulic systems of different modifications of aircrafts IL96-300 and TU204 which use fire and explosion safety hydraulic liquids with organophosphorus esters.

Drive generators are applied in aircraft electrical power systems as the alternating current sources with stable frequency. That permits to decrease sufficiently the mass of the systems and the aircraft in general.

Aircraft corporation «Rubin» has designed and is manufacturing several generations of hydraulic drive generators of different power that satisfy the aircraft requirements.

DRIVE GENERATOR GP25 is designed to supply an aircraft electrical system with AC electrical power with stable frequency.

DRIVE GENERATOR GP27 is designed and produced by AC «Rubin» as an alternate aircraft power source used in emergency. It is designed to supply aircraft control system users in case of failure (deenergization) general power sources and produces DC 27 V, rated output power 0.3 – 2.7 KW.

(From the official site http://www.ak-rubin.ru/eng/hydraulic.html)


· According to the text are these sentences true or false?

1. Aircraft corporation «Rubin» produces jet planes and small private


2. Aircraft corporation «Rubin» has designed and is manufacturing several generations of hydraulic drive generators of different power.

3. The pumps manufactured by AC «Rubin» provide a low level of pressure fluctuation.

4. A lot of original engineering solutions and sophisticated technologies are used by the designers of the corporation.

5. The pumps manufactured by AC «Rubin» are used in hydraulic systems of different modifications of aircrafts IL96-300 and TU204.


· Look through the text and make a list of all the advantages of the pumps and the generators produced by AC «Rubin».


· Ask you partner 3 questions (general, special, alternative) about the text.


· Make the following sentences passive:

1. Aircraft corporation «Rubin» has designed and is producing now several generations of plunger pumps.

2. All pump characteristics are corresponding to the state-of-the-art international standards.

3. Pump includes the rotating cylinder block, axial plunger disposal, the front distribution of operational liquid, and liquid regulator.

4. The generator produces DC 27 V, rated output power 0.3 – 2.7 KW.


· Put the right forms of the verbs in the blanks:

Hydraulic pumps (to supply) fluid to the components in the system. Pumps have a power density about ten times greater than an electric motor (by volume). They (to be/to power) by an electric motor or an engine, connected through gears, belts, or a flexible elastomeric coupling to reduce vibration. Common types of hydraulic pumps to hydraulic machinery applications (to be): gear pumps, vane pumps, axial piston pumps, radial piston pumps. Piston pumps (to be) more expensive than gear or vane pumps, but (to provide) longer life operating at higher pressure, with difficult fluids and longer continuous duty cycles.

(from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydraulic_machinery)


· Complete the sentences with a suitable relative pronoun:

1. Gear pumps are the pumps … are less efficient, because they are mainly suitable for pressures below 20 MPa.

2. Axial piston pumps are the pumps … aim is to vary output flow for automatic control of pressure.

3. Hydrostatic transmissions for earth moving machines, such as for tractor loaders, are often equipped with a separate 'Inch pedal' … is used to temporarily increase the diesel engine rpm.

4. Hydraulic machinery are machines and tools … use fluid power to do work.

5. A seal allows part of the spool to protrude outside the housing, … it is accessible to the actuator.

6. Check valves are one-way valve … can be opened (for both directions) by a foreign pressure signal.

· Find the mistakes. Two of the sentences below are correct. Tick them. Correct the mistakes in other sentences:

1. Directional control valves have usually designed to be stackable, with one valve for each hydraulic cylinder, and one fluid input supplying all the valves in the stack.

2. Pressure relief valves are using in several places in hydraulic machinery; on the return circuit to maintain a small amount of pressure for brakes, pilot lines, etc...

3. Sequence valves control the sequence of hydraulic circuits; to insure that one hydraulic cylinder is fully extended before another starts its stroke, for example.

4. Check valves are one-way valves, is allowing an accumulator to charge and maintain its pressure after the machine is turned off, for example.

5. Counterbalance valves are in fact a special type of pilot controlled check valves.

6. Cartridge valves generally screw into a valve block and are electrically are controlled to provide logic and automated functions.

7. Hydraulic fuses are in-line safety devices designed to automatically seal off a hydraulic line if pressure becomes too low.

8. Auxiliary valves are usually custom valves designed for the particular machine, and may consisted of a metal block with ports and channels drilled.


· Unjumble the words (connected with hydraulics) in the following sentences:

1. For the hydraulic fluid to do work, it must flow to the utcataor and or motors.

2. Multiple valves can be connected in a parallel arrangement and system spuresre is equal for all valves.

3. New uhraldiyc functions can easily be added and the system is quick in response.

4. Load-sensing systems generates less power losses as the pump can reduce both flow and pressure to match the load mrenuieqtres.

5. An interesting aspect of hydraulic systems is the ability to apply force caltiptiomliun.

6. Recent technical achievements for the converter stmirnasiosns have improved the efficiency and developments in the software.

· Translate from Russian into English:

Привод или гидравлический мотор является основным компонентом системы, в котором механическая работа выполняется с помощью движения гидравлической жидкости. Простейшими двигателями являются линейные приводы, в которых жидкость оказывает давление на поршень цилиндра.

Клапаны используются в гидравлических контурах для регулировки рабочего давления, направление потока и расход.

Другими важными компонентами являются резервуар (или бак) и фильтры.

· Make up a dialogue where A – is a customer and B – is an AC «Rubin» marketing director. Discuss the possibility of buying pumps or generators.

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