ВВЕДЕНИЕ …………………………………………………………… 4
· Read about the origin of the term «hydraulics» and together with your partner write as many words containing in the first part «hydro» as you can. The word «hydraulics» originates from the Greek word ὑδραυλικός (hydraulikos) which in turn originates from ὕδραυλος meaning water organ which in turn comes from ὕδωρ (water) and αὐλός (pipe). It is the branch of engineering that focuses on the practical problems of collecting, storing, measuring, transporting, controlling, and using water and other liquids. It differs from fluid mechanics, which is more theoretical and includes the study of gases as well as liquids; and from hydrology, which is the study of the properties, distribution, and circulation of the Earth's water. (from
· Do you know the basic principle of hydraulics? What is it? Read the information below and compare it with your knowledge.
The Basic Principle Of Hydraulics The principle of hydraulics is based on Pascal's famous theory. It states the pressure of the liquid produced in an enclosed structure has the capacity of releasing a force up to ten times the pressure that was produced earlier. Through hydraulics, the basic result to be achieved is that with little pressure, a great force should be produced. (from
Words and phrases: backbone суть, опора, основа to reign править, царствовать outlet выпускное или выходное отверстие, сток padlock висячий замок / закрыть на замок gurgling бульканье drain дренаж, водосток, канализационная труба sewer коллектор, канализационная труба minor незначительный, второстепенный brickwork кирпичная кладка tile кафель, плитка lead свинец testimony свидетельство majesty великолепие circular круговой, дуговой, циркулярный to depict изображать silt ил, нанос / засоряться илом decantation фильтрование, декантирование
· Do you know any historical facts about the first hydraulics inventions? · Read the text first and think of the possible headline for it.
The backbone of Roman hydraulics and water systems is surely the Cloaca Maxima - the Great Drain - which ancient sources attribute to the mythical reigns of two of Rome's seven kings: Tarquinius Priscus (616-579BC) and Servius Tullius (579-535BC). Part of the Cloaca maxima is still in use today. The outlet of a secondary artery of it is still visible near the Ponte Rotto, Pons Aemiliuse. When walking in the Forum there is a padlocked metal gate through which you can hear the water still gurgling through underground. Drains and sewers ranged in size. The main drains of the Cloaca Maxima are big enough to allow a horse and cart through for maintenance inspection. Minor urban drains were rather smaller and were literally holes in the brickwork covered over by an inverted V-shaped arch made from two terracotta tiles. The Romans also used an extensive network of pipes which allowed an efficient water distribution network throughout the city. These could take water into private homes, baths, fountains and toilets before being taken away by the drains and into the sewers. Pipes were often made of terracotta with lead seals to prevent seepage. The Romans themselves went extremely proud of their sewers so much so that Pliny calls them « Opus omnium maximum» - the greatest work of all. A testimony of Roman pride for their sewers and the majesty of this underground piece of civil engineering is the famous Mouth of Truth in the nearby church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin. This circular sculpture depicting a river god was actually a drain cover of the Cloaca Maxima. One of the chief problems in the water systems was that of maintenance. The Romans built complex sets of tanks which would allow the water dirt to decant before flowing on. These decantation chambers were regularly cleaned up. Larger materials were stopped by barriers which acted as gross filters. (abridged from · Look through the text and answer the following questions: 1. What is the name of the main Roman water system? 2. What does it look like? 3. What kind of material was used for the pipes in those times? 4. Why Pliny was mentioned in the text?
· Pair work. Imagine you are the two ancient Romans. Being so proud about your Great Drain tell the guests about it and make them understand what it is. · Translate from Russian into English: Гидра́влика — это наука, изучающая законы равновесия и движения капельных жидкостей и газов. Гидравлика, как прикладная наука, применяется для решения различных инженерных задач в области водоснабжения, водоотведения (канализации), при строительстве различных гидротехнических сооружений, а так же при конструировании различных устройств. Гидравлика широко использует теоретические положения механики и данные экспериментов. В прошлом гидравлика носила чисто экспериментальный и прикладной характер, в последнее время её теоретические основы получили значительное развитие, это способствовало сближению её с гидромеханикой. Гидравлика решает многочисленные инженерные задачи, рассматривает многие вопросы гидрологии. Этот комплекс вопросов объединяется речной гидравликой, которую можно рассматривать как самостоятельный раздел гидравлики. По отношению к гидромеханике гидравлика выступает как инженерное направление, получающее решение многих задач о движении жидкости на основе сочетания эмпирических зависимостей, установленных опытным путем, с теоретическими выводами гидромеханики.
Unit 1