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a paricular/ singular action I don't like to goto the South now. I hate to troubleyou. like, love, prefer, hate   I like going to the South every year. a general/ recurrent action  
The action of the Infinitive takes place after the act of remembering, forgetting or regretting. Remember to close the window. I regret to informyou that it is impossible. remember, forget, regret, etc   Do you remember closingthe window before leaving? I regret having sold her that. The action of the Gerund takes place before the act of remembering, forgetting or regretting.  
The Gerund is not used: a) if the finite verb is in the continuous form. b) with the verbs to understand, to see(=to understand) c) if the subject denotes a lifeless thing . a) He is beginning to studyFrench. b) He began to understandit. c) The door began to creak. begin, start      
=to put an end to an action for some purpose We stopped to have a talk. stop   We stopped talking. =to cease, give up
followed by an object, expressing the person to whom the action is directed. They allowed us to smoke. allow, recommend, advise, permit, encourage, prohibit They allowed smoking. not followed by an object, expressing the person to whom the action is directed.
=attempt, use one's utmost efforts; is often replaced by 'try and do' Try to behave better. try   Try knockingat the door if nobody hears you. =make that experiment and see whether it is satisfactory
=worried, filled with apprehension She is afraid to tellher parents that she broke a cup. be afraid   She is afraid of being punishedby her parents. =doubtful/anxious about the consequences
=want to do very much, have a great desire I am anxious to hear your news. be anxious   I am anxious about leavingthe child alone in the house. =afraid    
=intend, have in mind as a purpose or plan; 'to have done' is used to denote an action which was not carried out in the past. I mean to arrive tomorrow. I meant to have arrivedyesterday but fell ill. mean   This illness will mean goingto hospital. =signify  
The meaning is active   I want to havemy hair cut. He didn't need to be reminded about it. You are required to bethere by 9 o'clock. want, need, require, deserve My hair wants cutting. This flat requires white-washing. The meaning is passive  
points out a new stage in the sequence of actions   The teacher went on to explainthe use of the Gerund after the use if the Infinitive. (=explained the rule and than started another) go on   The teacher went on explaining the use of the Gerund. continuation of the action denoted by the Gerund  
=run that risk, be in a position where one is likely to win. What do we stand to gainby the agreement? stand   She can't stand being keptwaiting. =can't bear, endure
=intend; to have formed a plan   I propose to goto London on Tuesday. How do you propose to finance this venture? propose   I propose delaying our decision until the next meeting. =put forward for consideration; suggest  
if not preceded by a noun or a pronoun We can't afford to buy a new car. afford   We couldn't afford his signing up for another course. if preceded by a possessive pronoun or a noun in the possessive case





COMBINABILITY Article   It’s the only way I got to make a living. To begin at the beginning.
Adjective   It’s a new building.
Adverb Writing quickly tired my hand.  
Demonstrative Pronoun   I don’t think this building is as clean as it should be.
Direct Object I stopped learning French.  
of + Noun   The ringing of the bell grew louder.
CATEGORIES Number   These coming s and going s are getting on my nerves.
Tense I regret having wastedso much time.  
Voice Do you prefer teachinganybody or being taught?  


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 626. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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