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Complex Subject


Complex Subject is the construction containing a noun or a personal pronoun plus the infinitive. The complex functions as a subject in a sentence but its two parts are separated by the predicate.

e.g. He is said to live in Moscow.

Говорят, что он живет в Москве.

A sentence with a Complex Subject in it is simple but as a rule it is translated into Russian as a complex sentence. Its main clause contains the verb-predicate of the English sentence and the subordinate clause has the two parts of the Complex Subject as its subject and predicate.

The verbs used as the predicate of the English sentence can denote

1) saying/reporting: to say, to report, to state, to declare, to announce (the verbs are used in Passive),

e.g. The conference is reported to open next Monday.

Сообщают, что конференция откроется в следующий понедельник.

2) physical perception: to see, to notice, to watch, to observe, to feel (the verbs are used in Passive),

e.g. The ship was watched to be unloaded.

Наблюдали, как разгружался корабль.

3) mental perception: to think/believe, to know, to understand (узнавать), to assume, to expect (the verbs are used in Passive),

e.g. They are believed to have been working at their reports all this time.

Думают, что они всё это время работали над своими докладами.

4) the verbs: to seem/to appear (казаться), to prove/to turn out (оказываться), to happen/to chance (случаться).

e.g. They happened to have met before.

Случилось так, что они встречались и раньше.

He seemed (to be) happy.

Казалось, он счастлив.

5) be + an adjective: likely, unlikely, certain, sure,

e.g. They are unlikely to arrive tonight.

Маловероятно, что (вряд ли) они приедут сегодня вечером.

My friends who are sure to have passed all final exams are coming tomorrow.

Мои друзья, которые наверняка сдали все выпускные экзамены, приезжают завтра.


Ex.10. Translate the following sentences with Complex Subject

into Russian. Pay attention to the form of the Infinitive.

1. The head of the firm is believed to be in London now.

2. He is said to have known our family for many years.

3. Lomonosov is known to have been the father of Russian science.

4. Our new friend turned out to be rather sociable.

5. Mary was heard to argue with her brother.

6. He is known to have been studying Danish since he was a child.

7. English is known to have adopted a lot of French words.

8. The pilot was reported to have taken part in the war.

9. The writer was believed to be living in Norway.

10. We are supposed to do the work right away.

11. An important discovery was announced to have been made.

12. The experiment proved to be a success.

13. The telegram is unlikely to reach him in the morning.

14. His article is certain to have been published in the latest issue of the journal.

15. It was surprising they didn't appear to know anything about the work of the conference.

16. Did you happen to be present at the party when these guests arrived.

17. They are considered very talented actors.


Ex.11. Use Complex Subject instead of the subordinate clause:

1. They said that the lecture was very interesting.

2. It seems that his picture is the best at the exhibition.

3. It so happened that these two scientists had been working at the same problem.

4. I was sure that the weather was improving.

5. It is considered that the school is the best in the district.

6. They believe that the English delegation will come at the end of the month.

7. It seems that she is waiting for you.

8. The papers report that the spaceship has landed.

9. It is certain that he will call us tonight.

10. It is likely that the TV set has been repaired immediately.

11. We know that oil is one of the most important sources of energy.

12. It seemed that the book was very popular with the young readers.

13. It proved that he was a very experienced worker.

14. It is considered that many people will attend the meeting.

15. It doesn't seem that he has been upset by his failure in taking the examinations.

16. They say that my friend is having a good time at the seaside.

17. It is known that he has a different opinion about it.

18. It is very likely that the prices for food will go up again.

19. It is certain that they have taken a bus to go there.

20. It so happened that I had left my office later than usual.

Ex.12. Translate the answers in the dialogues below into English

using the Complex Subject.

1. His watch is slow. Он, наверняка, уронил их.
2. She got up very late in the morning. Кажется, она пришла очень поздно вчера вечером.
3. They were late for their classes yesterday. Вероятно, они пропустили свой автобус.
4. What have I done with my pen? Кажется, ты оставил ее дома.
5. What have you done with your key? Наверное, я потерял его.
6. Mary and John have quarrelled. Разве случается, что они ссорятся?
7. Nick had an accident yesterday. Говорят, что он вел машину очень быстро.
8. Tell me when it has stopped raining. Я думаю, он вряд ли когда-нибудь кончится.
9. Have you won a thousand dollars? Я, кажется, их потерял, а не выиграл.
10. I'm so afraid the milk will boil over. Этого не случится. Оказыва-ется, ты забыл включить газ.



Ex.13. Compare the two sentences:


We expect them to come tomorrow (Active Voice). They are expected to come tomorrow (Passive Voice). Make similar changes in the sentences below. State whether you use Complex Object or Complex Subject. Explain the differences in translation.


1. We know television to be invented in our century.

2. I saw him cross the path and run away.

3. The postman was seen to enter their house.

4. We know him to be a man of great imagination.

5. The patient was declared to be out of danger.

6. They heard somebody speak a foreign language in the next room.

7. The man was watched to climb the mountain and disappear in the forest.

8. John heard the door-bell ring several times.

9. Mary was seen to speak to everybody and leave the room.

10. The teacher didn't hear the bell ring.

11. The passengers did not feel the plane take off.

12. Nobody saw him go out.

13. The flag was watched to go up.

14. We heard Mrs. Hope ask about it.

15. The delegation was reported to have arrived.

16. They observed the star fall down across the sky.


Ex.14. Translate into English. Use either the Complex Subject or the Complex Object in your sentences.

1. Студенты не слышали, как прозвенел звонок.

2. Видели, как этот человек вошел в дом.

3. Мне не хотелось бы, чтобы кто-нибудь вмешивался в мои дела.

4. Он знал, что он самый лучший спортсмен в классе.

5. Статья оказалась трудной.

6. Его считают опытным врачом.

7. Он почувствовал, что кто-то на него смотрит.

8. Они, по-видимому, удовлетворены результатами своей работы.

9. Я хочу, чтобы моя статья была опубликована.

10. Студенты обязательно примут участие в конференции.

11. Мама хочет, чтобы я был здоров.

12. Эксперимент, который, как полагают, оказался успешным, будет обсуждаться на следующем семинаре.

13. Студентка считала, что она самая способная в группе.

14. Погода, вероятно, изменится.

15. Он находит, что это полезное увлечение.

16. Я никогда не слышал, как он жалуется на трудности.

17. Я увидел, что он взволнован, и спросил у него, в чем дело.

18. Они попросили украсить комнату сразу.

19. Вряд ли они получат новую информацию на следующей неделе.


Ex.15. Read the jokes. Point out the Infinitive in the sentences.

1. Is ink very expensive, Dad?
  Why, no, what makes you think so?
  Well, mother seems to be quite disturbed because I spilled some on the carpet.
2. Professor: I am dismissing you ten minutes earlier today. Please, get out quietly not to wake up the other classes.
3. I knew an artist once who painted a cobweb so realistically that the maid was said to have spent hours trying to get it down.
  Sorry, dear, but your story seems to be unbelievable.
  Why, many artists are known to have done such things.
  Yes, but not maids.
4. Why are you dating the letter the 21st? Today is only the 10th.
  I'm giving it to you to post.
5. The parents of young Bill had been talking to their friend how capable the boy was. The friend kept silent all the while. When at last Bill's mother asked him his opinion, he said, "What am I expected to say? Parents love is said to be blind. But the statement seems to be wrong. For some parents appear to see more virtues in their kids than any other people are ever likely to.


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