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They have approved of our being there.

Учебно-методическое пособие

для студентов естественнонаучных специальностей и направлений



Подписано в печать Тираж зкз.

Объём п.л. Формат Заказ №

Издательство Тюменского государственного университета

625003, Тюмень, Семакова, 10.


Simple to read

Continuous to be reading

Perfect to have read

Continuous Perfect to have been writing


Simple to be read

Perfect to have been read


Пример на употребление сложных форм инфинитива:

It is better to have reached no agreement than to be reaching it on the spot or the agreement to have been reached earlier than needed. Лучше если к соглашению не прийти, чем прийти к нему необдуманно или если к решению пришли раньше, чем это необходимо.

Внимание! Вы делаете ошибки:

1. Перевод It как это

1. It is often more difficult to find and to formulate a problem than to

solve it. Гораздо труднее найти и сформулировать проблему чем решить ее.

2.Перевод инфинитива в составе сказуемого в сочетании с глаголом FAIL

No one could complain that the manager had failed to make his viewpoint clear.

Никто не мог пожаловаться, что руководитель не смог донести свою мысль.


3.Инфинитив в начале предложения!!!!!!

1. То reproach himself for his cousin's death was only natural.

Упрекать себя в смерти родственника было совершенно естественно для него.

2. To inspect the big car from various angles, Sam used a torch.

Для того чтобы осмотреть машину Сэм воспользовался фонарем.



3. Инфинитив в функции определения.

You must define the task to be done

Вы должны определить задачу, которую надо выполнить.

4. Внимание!!! Конструкции с инфинитивом:

1/ They wanted their managers to accept change. Сложное дополнение

Они хотели, чтобы руководители согласились с изменениями.

2/ They were known to have accepted change. Сложное подлежащее

Было из вестно, что они согласились с изменениями.

3/ The most important thing was for the mangers to accept change. Конструкция с присоединительным элементом FOR который не надо переводить ДЛЯ

Самым важным было то, чтобы руководитель согласились с изменениями.

B. Формы герундия:


Simple writing

Perfect having written


Simple being written

Perfect having been written


Примеры на сложные формы герундия:

I hate being interrupted.

Я терпеть не могу, когда меня перебивают.

He is proud of having won the first prize.

Oн гордится тем, что получил первую премию.



Не забывайте при переводе герундиальной конструкции о возможности перевода с русским парным союзом то… что

The manger examined the possibility of his subordinate not having been very good at his job.

Руководитель оценил возможность того, что его подчиненный недостаточно хорошо выполняет свою работу.

ВНИМАНИЕ!!!!! Это самый полный список глаголов с DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS

Посмотрите! Все они будут брать после себя дополнение с герундием и существительным через предлого, который может не совпадать с предлогом в русском языке.


They have approved of our being there.

Они одобрили то, что мы находимся здесь. (В русском нет предлога после глагола одобрять!!!!)

Approve of careful about have (little) chance of
Arrest sb for cautious about; have different
Assist with channelled into approach to
Ban from close to have difficulty (in)
Bar from committed to have a habit of
be against concerned with have intention of
Benefit by confident of have no chance of
Blackmail into consistent with have the
Blame for constrained from opportunity of
Block from credited with have a reputation for
Boast of critical to have role in
Caution against dedicated to have trouble
Charge with different from make attempt at
Commit to different to make a habit of
Compensate sb for disappointed at make a step in
Complain about distressed about make the mistake of
Complain of efficient at make the objective
Conceive of effective in of doing sth
Concentrate on engaged in achievable
Confess to essential to meet the need for
Congratulate sb for euphoric over place emphasis on
Congratulate sb on fascinated with play a great part in
Contribute to a far cry from put effort(s) into
Consist of far from run the risk of
Convict of fond of save sb the trouble of
Convince into frustrated at stand a (good)
Count on good at better
Credit with (un)happy at chance of
Depend on/upon important to stand in danger of
Deter from indifferent to stress/emphasize
Detract from in danger of one's commitment
Direct at in the process of to
Discourage from innocent of take a step in
Dissuade from instrumental in take great pleasure in
Dream of intent on take care of
End with interested in take over
Fine sb for justified in responsibility for
Focus on lax about There is a talk of
Forbid from like There is no (little)
Force into obsessed with point in


Forgive sb for on the point of There is no
Hear of opposed to (denying)
Hesitate in optimistic about There is nothing
Hinder from prone to wrong with
Inhibit from proud of There is no point in
Insist on responsible for There is no
Intimidate into right in question of
Keep from skilled at run the risk of
Lure into scared of What about...?
Mislead to slow in when it comes to
Object to sorry for cannot help
Oppose to successful at can't stand
Opt against suited to feel like
Persist in tired of look like
Persist with used to as well as
Plan on wary of As for
Praise sb for Worth Far from
Preclude from wrong in In addition to
Pressure into become obsessed In terms of
Prevent sb from With In the event of
Pride oneself on get far in In the name of
Prohibit from get used to rather than
Protect from   for fear of
Protest over Фразовые глаголы  
Punish sb for   Существительные
Quarrel with sb be fed up with + предлог
About/over be for  
Reckon on carry on advantage to
Refrain from carry out alternative to
Rely on cope with approach to
Reproach for deal with attempt at
Reproach with end up chance of
Reprove for feel up to contribution to
Resign from get over cooperation on
Resort to give up delay in
Respect sb for go on effort in, effort at
Restrain sb from go towards the fact of
Restrict sth to go without the hope for, hope of
Reward sb for keep on (be) the key to
Sicken of look forward to mistake of


Approve of careful about have (little) chance of
Arrest sb for cautious about; have different
Assist with channelled into approach to
Ban from close to have difficulty (in)
Bar from committed to have a habit of
be against concerned with have intention of
Benefit by confident of have no chance of
Blackmail into consistent with have the
Blame for constrained from opportunity of
Block from credited with have a reputation for
Boast of critical to have role in
Caution against dedicated to have trouble
Charge with different from make attempt at
Commit to different to make a habit of
Compensate sb for disappointed at make a step in
Complain about distressed about make the mistake of
Complain of efficient at make the objective
Conceive of effective in of doing sth
Concentrate on engaged in achievable
Confess to essential to meet the need for
Congratulate sb for euphoric over place emphasis on
Congratulate sb on fascinated with play a great part in
Contribute to a far cry from put effort(s) into
Consist of far from run the risk of
Convict of fond of save sb the trouble of
Convince into frustrated at stand a (good)
Count on good at better
Credit with (un)happy at chance of
Depend on/upon important to stand in danger of
Deter from indifferent to stress/emphasize
Detract from in danger of one's commitment
Direct at in the process of to
Discourage from innocent of take a step in
Dissuade from instrumental in take great pleasure in
Dream of intent on take care of
End with interested in take over
Fine sb for justified in responsibility for
Focus on lax about There is a talk of
Forbid from like There is no (little)
Force into obsessed with point in


Forgive sb for on the point of There is no
Hear of opposed to (denying)
Hesitate in optimistic about There is nothing
Hinder from prone to wrong with
Inhibit from proud of There is no point in
Insist on responsible for There is no
Intimidate into right in question of
Keep from skilled at run the risk of
Lure into scared of What about...?
Mislead to slow in when it comes to
Object to sorry for cannot help
Oppose to successful at can't stand
Opt against suited to feel like
Persist in tired of look like
Persist with used to as well as
Plan on wary of As for
Praise sb for Worth Far from
Preclude from wrong in In addition to
Pressure into become obsessed In terms of
Prevent sb from With In the event of
Pride oneself on get far in In the name of
Prohibit from get used to rather than
Protect from   for fear of
Protest over Фразовые глаголы  
Punish sb for   Существительные
Quarrel with sb be fed up with + предлог
About/over be for  
Reckon on carry on advantage to
Refrain from carry out alternative to
Rely on cope with approach to
Reproach for deal with attempt at
Reproach with end up chance of
Reprove for feel up to contribution to
Resign from get over cooperation on
Resort to give up delay in
Respect sb for go on effort in, effort at
Restrain sb from go towards the fact of
Restrict sth to go without the hope for, hope of
Reward sb for keep on (be) the key to
Sicken of look forward to mistake of


Spur into make up for (be) an obstacle to
Stir into put off the policy of
Stop from resign to pressure on
Succeed in revolt against progress on
Suspect of resort to progress towards
Suspend from rule out prospect of
Result in see about the reason for
Result from separate sb from reputation on
Talk about set about reputation for
Tell of settle down to revolution in
Think of stick to secret to
Volunteer for talk into sign of
Warn against talk sb out of skill at
Warn of take to solution to
Work on take up support for

<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
 | Unit 1. Verbals. Participles. Absolute Participle Construction. Е.Г. Брунова, Е.Ю. Шутова Verbals.Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов естественнонаучных специальностей и направлений

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