Violent crimes, serious crimes Тяжкие преступления с применением насилия Murder (premeditated), homicide Manslaughter Burglary, breaking Rape Mugging Robbery Kidnapping to demand a ransom Hijacking and keeping hostages (преднамеренное) убийство непредумышленное убийство кража со взломом изнасилование разбойное нападение грабёж похищение с целью получения выкупа угон (обычно самолёта) с заложниками
Indictable offences assault Уголовные преступления Theft Shop-lifting Hoisting Handling stolen things Corruption Taking bribes Harassment (political, sexual)
Vandalism Tax evasion Fraud Forgery Smuggling Blackmail
кража кража в магазине самообслуживания словесное оскорбление и угроза действием укрывание и сбыт краденого коррупция взяточничество, получение взяток причинение беспокойства действиями из-за политических взглядов или как проявление сексуальных претензий вандализм уклонение от уплаты налогов мошенничество подделка контрабанда шантаж
Criminals (offenders) Преступники (правонарушители) Miscreant Thief Murderer Pickpocket Burglar Crook, swindler Hijacker Kidnapper Robber
негодяй, преступник вор убийца карманный вор грабитель мошенник угонщик похититель кого-либо разбойник, грабитель
Breaches of Codes for Professional Conduct Нарушение профессиональных правил поведения
Fitting up, frame-up, framing, fabrication
Setting up Beating (up) Roughing up подтасовка, «подгонка» фактов, улик специально подстроенная ситуация с целью получения улик, «подстава» избиение грубое обращение с применением насилия Police Полиция Law enforcement To police a town To patrol streets Serious crime squad
To make inquiries about smb or smth
To investigate To collect evidence Allegation
To be charged with To arrest on the charge of To release from jail on bail To clear up the case
обеспечение соблюдения закона обеспечивать порядок в городе силами полиции патрулировать улицы специальное подразделение по борьбе с тяжкими преступлениями наводить справки о ком-либо или о чём-либо проводить расследование собирать улики заявление, утверждение, обвинение (часто голословное) обвиняться в чём-либо арестовать по обвинению освободить из заключения под залог раскрыть преступление
Trial Суд Magistrate
Court To be put in trial on the charge of To hear a case Jury Witness To give evidence, to give testimony To found guilty (not guilty) To pronounce (to pass) a sentence To be sentenced to To be acquitted of the charge of Penalty Punishment To pay a fine To pay damages Retribution adequate to the criminal violation of the law Disciplinary hearing
Imprisonment Capital punishment
суд и судья, занимающиеся не тяжкими преступлениями, а гражданскими спорами суд попасть под суд по обвинению в производить слушание в суде суд присяжных свидетель давать свидетельские показания быть признанным виновным (невиновным) вынести приговор быть приговоренным к быть оправданным по обвинению в наказание, штраф наказание заплатить штраф оплатить компенсацию за убытки наказание, адекватное нарушению
дисциплинарное слушание, объявление о дисциплинарном взыскании тюремное заключение высшая мера наказания
To be convicted on the charge of
Convict, prisoner, inmate Probation Suspended sentence Community service
быть заключённым в тюрьму по обвинению в заключённый условное освобождение подсудимого условный приговор общественные работы
1. Select the names for the actions or persons described below and explain why the other two choices are wrong:
1. Taking a person by force, hiding him, and demanding ransom. a) hijacking; b) kidnapping; c) mugging; 2. Sexually attacking a woman. a) sexual harassment; b) assault; c) rape; 3. Deliberately taking a person’s life. a) murder; b) robbery; c) theft; 4. Obtaining money by threatening to reveal secrets about someone. a) hoisting; b) blackmail; c) homicide; 5. Stealing from a private house. a) hoisting; b) robbery; c) burglary; 6. Destruction or damage of property without apparent motive. a) vandalism; b) forgery; c) blackmail; 7. Obtaining money by making false documents look genuine. a) fraud; b) forgery; c) harassment; 8. Stealing from a counter where goods are set out for customers to choose and buy. a) robbery; b) assault; c) shoplifting; 9. Someone who seals from a purse, a pocket, or a handbag in public places. a) swindler; b) hoister; c) pickpocket; 10. Concealing one’s financial gains and profits from the Internal Revenue Service. a) forgery; b) fraud; c) tax evasion; 11. Deliberately troubling and annoying people. a) corruption; b) vandalism: c) harassment; 12. Someone who steals money from a bank, shop, train or people by using force or threats. a) thief; b) mugger; c) robber; 13. Someone who attacks people on the street or on the road in order to steal money. a) mugger; b) thief; c) kidnapper; 14. Someone who steals something from someone but doesn’t resort to violence. a) crook; b) hijacker; c) thief;
2. Fill in the blanks in the following text by choosing from the words listed below:
Robber, blackmailer, theft, burglar, rob, thief, fine, kidnapper, steal, inquiries, evidence, rape, suspect, witnesses, murder, charge, accused, not guilty, a pickpocket, criminals, investigate, is arrested, testimony, innocent, prison.
People who commits crimes are called …. The most common crime, taking things that do not belong to you, is …, and the one who does it is called a …. If a person does it with a weapon, if he resorts to violence while taking money or other valuables from a bank or from a person he is called …. A thief who breaks into a house is …. A thief who tries to take things from people’s handbags or pockets in crowded places is called …. If a person tries to obtain money from another person by threatening to reveal secrets about him, we call such a person …. And if someone takes and keeps somebody by force, hiding this person and demanding a ransom for his safe return we call him …. (Generally one … somebody, but one … something.) When the police learn about a crime they … it by making …, and finding … who saw how the crime was committed. Police inspectors or detectives look for some … which may help understand what happened. If the crime is serious, like … or …, crime squad is involved. When the police think they know who committed the crime, that person is called a …. When they are quite sure that the person committed the crime and can bring a … against him, the person …. When the … appears in court, the police present their evidence, and the witnesses give their …. If the court finds that the person didn’t commit the crime he is accused of, he or she is found … or … and may go; but if the person found guilty, he may have to pay a … or go to ….
1) What are the most common crimes? 2) What crimes are most difficult to clear up? 3) What crimes are committed on the street? 4) What are crimes committed against property called? 5) What crimes involve illegally forcing people to give away their money? 6) What crimes are economic crimes? 7) In what way can one get money one doesn’t own from a bank? 8) What kind of crime became widespread when many self-service shops appeared? 9) Why are people often reminded to take good care of their handbags when they travel in a crowded bus? 10) What are punishments for serious crimes? And what are the penalties for minor offences?