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Listening vocabulary

assault [ə'sɔːlt] – набрасываться, накидываться, атаковать

vulnerable – уязвимый, ранимый


Before you listen (OPTIONAL)

Have you ever been mugged or do you know anyone who was? What effect has the incident had on you or the person you know?



You are going to hear about a mugging incident on Charing Cross Bridge, in London. Make notes under these headings: Who? When? Where? How? What effected?




Listen to a radio news report and note: what London Regional Transport are worried about; who is causing the trouble.


2. Listen again and note five measures which are being taken to try to solve the problem.


Talking point (OPTIONAL)

Should police be present at political demonstrations and sports events like football matches? Should they be armed?



Arguments Against the Death Penalty



The following items contain important vocabulary from Part One of the lecture. Work with a partner. Using the context and your knowledge of related words, choose the best synonym for the words in bold by circling the correct letters. Check your answers in a dictionary, if necessary.

1 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment was unconstitutional.

a illegal b immoral с impossible

2 But later, the Court reinstated it.

a continued to discuss it b put it back in place с repeated its argument

3 Executions are usually carried out by lethal injection or electrocution.

a cruel b deadly с painless

4 States with the most executions are also the states with the highest homicide rates.

a assault b fraud с murder

5 I have another major objection to capital punishment.

a interest in b criticism of с opinion about

6 They were released because they were improperly convicted.

a immediately b angrily с incorrectly

7 There were 26 people on death row, and 13 of them were released.

a waiting to go to court b waiting to be freed c waiting for execution

8 That should not be in the domain of the state.

a interest b world c power


2 Listen to the tape and name three main arguments against capital punishment.


3 Read the following descriptions. Each of them refers to numerical information that you will hear in the lecture.

____________ 1 The date the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment

was unconstitutional (Capital punishment is another term for the death penalty.)

____________ 2 The date when capital punishment was reinstated

____________ 3 The number of executions that have been carried out since capital

punishment was reinstated


Now listen to excerpts from the lecture. Write the correct numbers in the blanks.




Listen to an interview with a trainer who gives advice on how to run properly.

What advice does he give about the correct position a) of your body, b) your back, c) your head and d) your arms, and e) what does he advise about breathing?



Abbey Health Club


1. Listen to a conversation between two people and decide where the conversation takes place, and who the people are.

2. Listen again and spot 8 differences between the information given below and what you hear on the recording.

Swimming pool

(Closed on Tuesday afternoons for cleaning.) Classes

Swim for fitness: 2 pm Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays Water aerobics: 10 am Tuesdays, Thursdays All classes are 45 minutes.

Fitness class timetable


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9.30 am Yoga for beginners Running Dance for fitness Yoga for beginners Aerobics
10.30 am Dance for fitness Intermediate yoga Aerobics Cycling Intermediate yoga
11,30 am Kids club Weight watchers Cycling Kids club Running


Opening times Membership

Monday-Friday Gold: any time, any day

6.00 am to 10.00 pm Silver: Weekdays only

Saturday. Sunday Bronze: Weekdays 9.00 am to 5.00 om

8.00 am to 10.00 pm


Additional facilities Joining fee - £50

Free car parking Gold membership - £59 per month

Individual showers Silver membership - £40 per month

Bar 3ronze membership - £32 per month


LISTENING 13 (6 min)

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 474. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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