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A region called the ionosphere is reached

a) by tropospheric waves

b) by ionospheric waves

Finish the sentences using the words with the opposite meaning:

1. part of a wave travels at an angle to the ground … ….

2. the part traveling through the lover atmosphere is called the troposphere wave … ….

3. ground waves can travel short distances… ….

4. lonospheric waves make long-distance short wave communication possible… ….

5. lonospheric waves reach the ionospheric region… ….


Answer the following questions:

1.In what direction do waves leaving an antenna travel? 2. What is the part of the signal traveling along the ground called? 3. What is the part of the signal traveling at an angle to the ground called? 4. What is the part of the signal traveling through the lower atmosphere called? 5. What distances does the ground wave component travel? 6. What distances does the ionospheric wave component travel? 7. What waves make long-distance short-wave communication possible? 8. What region do ionospheric waves reach? 9. At what height does a region called ionospheric begin? 10. What is the difference between ionospheric waves and ground waves?


English Russian Kazakh
leave покинуть қалдыру
angle угол бұрыш
Long-distance длинно-дистанционный ұзақ қашықтық
measurement измерение өлшем
region местный аймақтық
height высота биіктік
sphere сфера аймақ
possible возможно мүмкін


Name 10-15 words and phrases, give examples

SIWT: Retell the text

Literature:1. Orlovskaya I.V.”English”-Moskow-2007

2. Raymond Murphy”Essential Grammar in Use”

3.John Eastwood”Oxford practice grammar

Text: Electric Cells

An electric cell is used to product and supply electric energy. It consists of an electrolyte and two electrodes. Electrodes are used as terminals, they connect the cell to the circuit – current passes through the terminals and the bulb lights.

Cells can be connected in series, in parallel and in series – parallel. In order to increase the current capacity cells should be connected in series. In case buttery has a large current capacity and a large voltage output, its cells are connected in series – parallel.

When cells are connected in series the positive terminal of one cell is connected to the negative terminal of the second cell, the positive terminal of the second cell – to the negative terminal of the third … and so on.

When cells, are connected in parallel their negative terminals are connected together and their positive terminals are also connected.

In case a cell has a trouble it shops operating badly. This cell should be substituted by another one.


Bulb [ bлlb ] электрическая лампа

to light [lait] зажигать, обжигать

to increase [ in’kri:s ] увеличивать(ся), возрастать

to substitute заменять

and so on и так далее


2. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents:


[I’lektroud] electrode ______________________________

[I’ilektralart] electrolyte ______________________________

[sta:t] to start ______________________________

[‘opereit] to operate ______________________________

[‘aisaleit] to isolate ______________________________

Translate into Russian and put down the Russian equivalents. Then translate the Russian equivalents back into English (orally).

a. current capacity resistor _____________________________

temperature voltage output _____________________________

current value _____________________________

b. to start supplying energy _____________________________

to stop operating _____________________________

to start lightening _____________________________

to stop lightening the bulbs ______________________________-

c. to operate wall ______________________________

to operate badly ______________________________

to increase the voltage output ______________________________

to substitute the resistor ______________________________

4. Read and translate into Russian. Mind one:

1. the element has trouble. It operates badly. It should be substituted by a new one.

2. the element with a trouble was substituted with a new one and the cell started operation.

5.Complete the sentences using the correct variant:

1. a cell is used a)to increase the voltage output. b)to reduce the current capacity. c)to supply electric energy.

2. the terminals of a cell are used a) to conduct current.

b) to increase voltage.

c) to connect the battery to a circuit.

Answer the questions

1.What are electric cells used for?

2.What does electric cell consist of?

3.Where can cells be connected?

4.How should cells be substituted?


Write an essay on theme: “Electric cell”


Retell the text


Literature:1. Orlovskaya I.V.”English”-Moskow-2007

2. Raymond Murphy”Essential Grammar in Use”

3.John Eastwood”Oxford practice grammar


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