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1. Managers who believe in QWL are experimenting with new ways or organising work.

2 The idea of job enlargement is to make work more satisfying for an employee.

3 Job enrichment involves giving workers more tasks of the same level of difficulty.

4 The Kolmar car plant is efficient because workers specialise in one task.

5 The QWL approach makes managers more aware of their workers' interests.

Over the last thirty years, a new approach to management has been developing. Those favouring it say that the way to increase workers' efficiency is to improve their job satisfaction and motivation. Followers of the Quality of Working Life movement (QWL) have been trying out various methods of making work more interesting. These include job enlargement, job enrichment and new forms of group work.

With job enlargement, the worker is given additional tasks to perform. Thus, the operator of a word-processor may be asked to do filing duties as well. Job enrichment involves giving extra responsibilities to workers such as production planning, quality control and technical development of equipment. In some organisations, special types of work groups have been formed where workers share responsibility for certain tasks. For example, at the Volvo car plant in Kolmar, Sweden, assembly workers do not work on a moving production line. They are organised into thirty teams of fifteen to twenty members. They have their own tasks, like assembling heating and electrical systems, and they work in their own part of the factory.

As can be seen, the basic idea of QWL is that a worker should have an interesting, even challenging job. QWL encourages managers, therefore, to be sensitive to the needs of employees.

The roots of the QWL movement can be traced back to the 1920s and 1930s. It was at this time that the famous Hawthorne Studies were carried out. These were held at the Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company in Chicago, USA, from 1927-32. Most of the studies were directed by Professor Elton Mayo, a Harvard University psychologist. Their aim, initially, was to evaluate the factors influencing productivity. However, the researchers soon directed their attention towards studying people, especially their social relationships at work.

It all began when the Hawthorne Company investigated the effect of factory lighting on production and workers' morale. They found out that the groups of workers who were studied increased their output whether the lighting was improved or not. This led them to look for the human factor influencing efficiency. To help them in their search, they brought in Professor Elton Mayo and his colleagues.

He directed a series of experiments on how working conditions affected output. In the early experiments, his subjects were a group of girls who assembled telephone equipment. Such things as lighting, lunch times, rest periods, wall colours, pay and temperature were varied to see how they affected productivity. The researchers generally discussed the changes with the girls before putting them into effect. Once again, it was found that there was an increase in productivity whether conditions were made better or worse.

The researchers began looking for other factors which would explain the increased productivity. They realised that their study was also about workers' attitudes and values. It was clear that the girls had developed a high morale during the experiment and had been motivated to work hard. This high morale was put down to several factors. First, the girls had enjoyed feeling they were especially selected for the study and were receiving a lot of attention from management. Secondly, they had developed good relationships with each other and with their superior during the experiment. This was because they had been fairly free to work at their own pace and to divide their work up amongst themselves. Lastly, thegood relationships and social contacts had made their work more enjoyable.

This experiment was followed by many others. The researchers came to the conclusion that social relations, among workers and between workers and their bosses, output, the quality of work and motivation. Another important; finding was that a worker needs more than money and good working conditions to be productive. The feeling of belonging to a group, and his/her status within that group, strongly affect his/her behaviour - even if the group is an unofficial or informal one.

It is said that Elton Mayo founded the Human Relations school whose offspring is the Quality of Working Life movement. He directed and publicised the Hawthorne experiments which have been so influential to this day, The conclusions of the study challenged the theory of Scientific Management put forward by Frederick W. Taylor. Both men, however, changed the course of management thinking.

C.3 Answer the following questions using the active vocabulary of the text

1. What is the way to increase workers’ efficiency?

2. In what way did the Hawthorne experiments change direction?

3. In Mayo's experiments how did changes in working conditions affect the workers he studied?

4. Why did the group of girls become more efficient?

5. According to the researchers, what other factors, besides money, affect a worker's productivity?

6. Why have Mayo's experiments been so influential?


C.4 Complete the following sentences with the correct word or phrase (a, b or c).


1. People work harder if they know that someone is..................... in their progress.

a enthusiastic b interesting с interested

2 Nothing has been announced but we've heard.....................that the Company Secretary has resigned.

aformally b officiously с unofficially

3. Friendly..................... no longer exist between members of the sales department because some got bonuses and others didn't.

arelations b contacts с connections

4..................... in the Production Department is low because the workers have heard about the plans to reduce the work-force.

a morale b feeling с moral

5 This is a useful......................

aequipment b machine с machinery

6 We have carried out..................... into the effect of lighting on

our workers' productivity.

aa research b some research с researches

7 Strikes can be avoided if managers are..................... to the feelings of their employees.

aaware b sensible с sensitive

8 Some people like to work at their own......................

a beat b motion с расе

9 We have several proposals for increasing sales. We must..................... the merits of each of them.

a cost b value с evaluate

10 Has the change in exchange rates had any..................... on the cost of your raw materials?

a result b affect с effect

Case study: Motivation

According to what you have read and heard, how would you attempt to motivate people with the following positions?

a bus driver in a big city, who has to work irregular hours, including early morning, evening, and night shifts

a nurse who works with seriously ill children

a sales representative for a pharmaceutical company,who visits hospitals and doctors

a manual worker in the Printing House at Cambridge University Press

a shepherd

Would any of the following suggestions be appropriate? If not, what else can you


• building sports facilities (a gymnasium, tennis courts, etc.)

• establishing a profit-sharing programme

• giving longer paid holidays (such as an extra day for every year worked over ten years)

• giving a company car

• offering career training

• offering early retirement

• paying a higher salary

• paying productivity bonuses

• reducing the working week (e.g. to 35 hours)

• setting up a nursery for workers' pre-school age children

• spending some money on decorating the organization s premises (with plants, pictures, etc.)

• subsidizing the staff canteen






Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 1571. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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