Remember the meanings of the words
crawler machine – гусеничный трактор jaw crusher – щековая дробилка propeller runner – ротор (турбины) servomotor – сервопривод prowess – доблесть, отвага torque motor – двигатель крутящего момента multiple gear – шестерня, ускоряющая передачу planetary gear – планетарная шестерня actuator – стимулятор (движения) recycling – изменение импульсов shredder – измельчитель, бракомолка camshaft – распределительный (кулачковый) вал valve housing – клапанная (золотниковая) коробка shifting piston – перемещающийся поршень displacement – объём (цилиндра двигателя; производительность (насоса или компрессора) travel motor – ходовой двигатель sprocket – звездочка; ведущее колесо (гусеницы) motor case – картер двигателя swash plate – качающаяся шайба, диск, посаженный на ось не под прямым углом barrel – втулка, гильза package – узел, блок, агрегат relief valve – предохранительный клапан pilot-operated check valve – клапан управления, контрольный клапан. Look through the text to find the English equivalents of the following words and give sentences with them деталь (элемент, компонент), гидравлическое оборудование, подъёмные машины, гидравлический сервопривод, землеройное оборудование, гидравлический стимулятор движения, производительность двигателя, гусеничный трактор, высокое давление, высокопроизводительный.
Finish the sentences 1. The fluid drive is employed in a number of mechanisms … 2. In so-called Kaplan unit the blades may be rotated by … 3. The largest hydraulic component producer is … 4. The hydraulic components are widely used in construction equipment, such as … 5. Kayaba Company has provided its technologies to … 6. The latest product of the company is … 7. The Hydrostar Motor is … 8. A shifting piston is used to … 9. The outstanding feature of the Mag motor includes … 10. The key factors for cylinders are … 11. The hydraulic circuit of mini-motion package contains …
Insert the proper words into the sentences 1. The fluid drive is used in … machinery. 2. The blades of adjustable type may … to the most efficient angle. 3. Kayaba company is a global … of hydraulic components. 4. Kayaba company is marketing its products under the Kyb …. 5. Kayaba company provides its technological … and … to several countries. 6. The latest product of the company is the … motor. 7. Hydrostar radial piston design achieves very …. 8. For smooth rotation … are under pressure. 9. Kayaba company produces various … cylinders. 10. In the motors of sealed type there is no need to worry about ….
Find in the text the sentences that correspond to the following statements 1. Hydraulic components are used in a great number of machinery. 2. The adjustable equipment may be developed from the fixed one. 3. The hydraulic servomechanisms are used in the adjustable rotating equipment. 4. The global presence of the Kayaba Company is demonstrated through the export of its product abroad. 5. The latest innovation of the company is the improved torque motors. 6. The Hydrostar motor design gives the opportunity to be applied to various fields of activity. 7. The smooth rotation is ensured by multiple cylinders under pressure. 8. Mag motor is applied mainly in the crawler machinery. 9. Mag motor is of traveling type and equipped by several appliances. 10. Various parts needed for cylinders are also researched and developed by Kayaba company. 11. All these developments are aimed at preventing oil leakage.
Give the summary of the text according to the following plan, using introductory phrases 1. The text may be divided into … paragraphs, dealing with … 2. To each of the paragraphs the following titles may be given … 3. In the text it is said that … 4. A lot of considerations are devoted to … 5. The main idea of the text concerns … 6. The successful application of new hydraulic components contributes to … 7. It is interesting to know that … 8. Great merit of new appliances is in … 9. The innovations of the company resulted in … 10. It is worth mentioning that new designs of hydraulic equipment widen … 11. It is necessary to underline the reliability of …