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1. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations. Transcribe them.


1. volatile (adj.)

2. erase (v.)

3. technology (n.)

4. primarily (adv.)

5. entire (adj.)

6. maintain (v.)

7. characteristics (n.)

8. enormous (adj.)

9. durable (adj.)

10. pressure (n.)

11. commercial (adj.)


2. Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations


1. флэш-память

2. карты памяти

3. передача данных

4. особый тип

5. весь чип

6. цифровые фотоаппараты

7. мобильные телефоны

8. кроме того

9. портативные устройства

10. представить изобретение

11. потенциал изобретения

12. съемные средства

13. быть подобным

14. устройства хранения

15. подходящий для использования

16. новое поколение


3. Translate the groups of words. Mind: the prefix – non has a negative meaning.


1. productive (adj.) – non- productive (adj.)

2. volatile (adj.) – non-volatile (adj.)

3. programmable (adj.) – non- programmable (adj.)

4. resistant (adj.) –non-resistant (adj.)


4. Translate the following word combinations into Russian and formulate the rule of the meaning of the prefix - re.


1. to read the instructions – to reread the instructions

2. to write a program –to rewrite a program

3. to wind the wire – to rewind the wire

4. programmed device – reprogrammed device

5. constructed computer – reconstructed computer

6. counted objects – re-counted objects


5. The word “that” used in complex sentences may be translated as «который» and «что». Write out the sentences in which the word “that” is translated as: a) «который», b) «что».


1. Flash memory is a non-volatile computer storage that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed.

2. It is a technology that is primarily used in memory cards and USB flash drives for general storage and transfer of data between computers and other digital products.

3. It is a specific type of EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) that is erased and programmed in large blocks.

4. Another feature of flash memory is that when packaged in a "memory card," it is enormously durable, being able to withstand intense pressure, extremes of temperature, and even immersion in water.


6. Read and translate the text.









The physical components of a computer – the hardware – are not useful by themselves. Before they can function, computers need programs to coordinate the activities of these physical components. In addition, they need programs designed to perform specific tasks, such as word processing, payroll calculations, budget analysis, data manipulation, or the presentation of information to students. All such programs are known as software.

You may recall that one of the major breakthroughs in computing occurred when Von Neumann and his colleagues suggested that the instructions of a program must be stored in the memory of the computer. This stored-program concept essentially changed the first computers, which had fixed functions, into general purpose machines, with functions that the programmer could define and change. With this capability of exchanging one set of instructions for another, the computer became the remarkably versatile device we know today.

A program, then, is a series of instructions that tells the computer what to do. When the computer actually follows the instructions, we say that it executes the program. In our own lives, we create "programs" every day, although they are not usually intended for a computer. A set of directions enabling friends to find your house is a program. These directions, although simple at first glance, may be quite complicated, and include decision making. For example, you may say: "Drive east on Maple Street. When you reach the red-brick house just after the church, turn left to get to the house”.

In the same way, you must instruct the computer what functions to perform, what decisions to make, how to make them. It is safe to assume that computers will do only what they are told. Consequently, every detail must be provided, because with missing steps or details the program will fail to perform as desired.

Programs of all types share one common feature. They consist of a list of instructions that the central processor can recognize. In reality, we rarely write the instructions that the processor itself needs. We write instruc­tions that are later translated into these by a special program called either a compiler, condenser, or an interpreter, depending on how it performs the transla­tion. At the processor level, instructions are very primitive, consisting of short sequences of bits representing numbers, which makes them difficult to use. Fortunately, instructions have been developed that are more meaningful to people, such as PRINT or GO TO that have meanings similar to their English-language counterparts. These are far easier to use and are called high-level. A whole set of instructions is called a language.

Programs fall into three broad categories: operating systems, programming languages, and application programs. The term “software” applies to all of these. Just as hardware includes printers, VDU's, card readers, and a host of other devices, so software includes all the various types of programs that exist. Oper­ating systems control and coordinate the activities or operations of the com­puter; programming languages enable people to write programs; and applica­tion programs consist of the instructions necessary to perform specific tasks. For example, a system program would enable the computer to send the results of a payroll program to a printer. The payroll program, which is an example of an application program, would be written in a programming language like COBOL.




1. Give equivalents of the following words and transcribe them:


1. coordinate (v.)

2. design (v.)

3. breakthrough (n.)

4. occur (v.)

5. colleague (n.)

6. essentially (adv.)

7. purpose (n.)

8. capability (n.)

9. versatile (adj.)

10. execute (v.)

11. consequently (adv.)

12. recognize (v.)

13. compiler (n.)

14. condenser (n.)

15. interpreter (n.)

16. various (adj.)


2. Give equivalents of the following words:


1. word processing

2. payroll calculations

3. payroll program

4. budget analysis

5. data manipulation

6. stored-program concept

7. application program

8. card reader


3. Give English equivalents of:


1. физические компоненты

2. аппаратное обеспечение

3. кроме того

4. выполнять особые задачи

5. представление информации

6. машины общего назначения

7. заменить один набор инструкций (команд) на другие

8. следовать инструкциям (командам)

9. выполнять программу

10. с первого взгляда

11. достаточно сложный

12. принятие решения

13. таким же образом

14. отсутствующие детали

15. одна общая черта

16. в действительности

17. выполнять перевод

18. более значимый

19. полный набор инструкций (команд)

20. операционные системы

21. язык программирования


4. From the sentences given below write out the sentences where the Infinitive performs the function of:

a) a part of a compound predicate;

b) an adverbial modifier of purpose.

1. Computers need programs to coordinate the activities of these physical components.

2. In addition, they need programs designed to perform specific tasks.

3. Von Neumann and his colleagues suggested that the instructions of a program must be stored in the memory of the computer.

4. Every detail must be provided.

5. They consist of a list of instructions that the central processor can recognize.

6. At the processor level, instructions are very primitive, consisting of short sequences of bits representing numbers, which makes them difficult to use.

7. Applica­tion programs consist of the instructions necessary to perform specific tasks.


5. Read and translate the text.



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