Студопедия — Active Vocabulary.
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Active Vocabulary.

account obviously
company teller
computer-tape librarian temptation
conscience to advertise
crime to catch
customer to fire
employee to get revenge
evidence to notice
flexible to punish
gambler to rob
gun to steal
immensely transaction
insurance witness

2. Answer the following questions:

1. Why have computers immensely replaced paper work in many businesses?

2. Is it true that many banks advertise their transactions being untouched by human hands?

3. Why can computers be used to steal money if they have no reason to steal it?

4. Is it hard to punish computer criminals?

5. How did the head teller at a New York City bank manage to steal more than one and a half million dollars in last four years?

6. Why was this man caught?

7. Who tends to be more successful in computer crimes – minor employees or real computer experts?

3. Reconstruct the text “Computer Crime” into a dialogue.

The main rules governing a conversation in English:

The person who asks questions in a conversation usually controls it. Personal questions should be expressed tactfully.

Excuse me for asking.

I hope you don’t mind asking, but I’d like to know more about …

Could you tell me a bit more about …?

Sorry, I don’t quite understand.

What (exactly) do you mean?

Can you explain it in more detail, please?

Excuse me, can I interrupt you for a moment?

Hold on, please.

Just a moment, please.

Don’t you agree that …

Sorry, could you say that again (please)?

Sorry, could you repeat that?

Oh, you know what I mean.

Can you guess what I said, etc.

Sure. I know. I see. Really. Right.

Fine. OK. Well. Exactly so. Quite.

That’s a very interesting question.

Well, let me see …

Excuse me, I’m afraid I have to be going now. It was really a pleasure to talk to you.

That’s very interesting, but I don’t think it’s really to the point.

4. Annotate the text in English. Use the phrases:


a) The title of the article is...
It is written by prof... and published in London in the
journal..., No.3, vol.4, 2011 on pp.3-10
magazine..., No.3, vol.4, 2011
collection of articles... by... editorial house in 2011
book... by... editorial house in 2011
b) The article... by prof... is published in the journal..., in N.Y., pp.5-10.



a) The article deals with the problem of...  
  is devoted to  
The text tells us about...  
b) Disclosing the problem the author dwells on (upon) such matters as...  
The major points  
  matters of the text are the following:...
c) The author pays special attention to …  
  draws readers’ attention to …  
Much attention is paid to...  
The author concentrates on, focuses on  
  stresses, underlines, emphasises  
  points out  
  dwells on (upon)  
  distinguishes between  
  speaks in details  
  gives the classification  


a) As far as I am an expert in... I
consider the article to be of some (great) interest for …
b) In my opinion the article is of great some interest for  
  From my point of view  
  To my mind  
  the students in applied science      
  the specialists in...      
  a wide range of readers      


5. Discuss the statements given below. It is advisable that the group be divided into three parties, each party choosing one of the statements and working on them independently. Seek your own sources of information:

1. It is easy to break firewalls. The way you break into a protected system is to fool it into making it believe you’re an invited guest.

2. There are a few fundamental rules in the debugging checklist. Do you know how to debug a code? Above all, think before acting!

3. The hackers’ activities and measures taken by state against the Internet criminals.


Write a short composition on “Microprogramming a computer is not the same as programming a microcomputer”.


Extended reading

Text C. Boolean Algebra


Read and translate the text into Ukrainian at home. Sum up the main ideas of the text, following the outlines given below:

1. Boolean algebra is the algebra of sets.

2. The application of Boolean algebra to the design of computers.

3. The usage of the limited special type of Boolean algebra in cybernetics.

Express your appreciation of George Boole and write a composition “George Boole – the creator of an abstract algebra”.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 411. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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