Студопедия — Applying for a Job. A You'll hear part of two interviews
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Applying for a Job. A You'll hear part of two interviews


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A good interview?

A You'll hear part of two interviews. Answer these questions:

1. Which of the candidates performed better?

2. Which interviewer did the better job, do you think?

В Listen to the interviews again. Decide what answer you would give to each of the questions the interviewer asks. (There's a pause after each question for you to suggest your answer and then you'll hear the candidate's reply.)

С Work in small groups. Here is some advice that might be given to an inexperienced interviewer. Which of the points do you agree with entirely - or partly? Give your reasons.

• Make sure you are not interrupted or phoned during the interview.

• Read the candidate's CV and application letter before the interview begins.

• Ask the candidate to explain why he or she keeps changing jobs.

• Make sure you have a clear picture of the scope of the job.

• Ask each candidate the same questions.

• Decide on a maximum of four key qualities required for the job.

• Make sure the candidate has an uncomfortable, low chair.

• Ask the candidate about his political and religious beliefs.

• Only trust a candidate who looks you straight in the face.

• Trust your first impressions.

• Never let the candidate feel relaxed.

• Avoid talking too much yourself.

• Avoid open questions that can be answered with Yes or No.

• Find out the candidate's opinions on a variety of topics.

• Encourage the candidate to ask you about fringe benefits, the pension scheme
and promotion prospects.

• Tell the candidate about the status of the job and its terms and conditions.

• Interview groups of candidates, rather than one by one.

• Tell the candidate when he or she may expect to hear your decision.

D Imagine that a young friend of yours is about to attend an

interview. Note down at least ten pieces of advice that you would give

to him or her. Here are a few suggestions:

Wear smart, formal clothes. Sit up straight.

Don't smoke. Arrive on time.



3. A job advert


Read this job advertisement and answer these questions

1. What kind of company is advertising?

2. Where is the job based?

3. What special skills are required?


Africa General manager. A large international energy company is looking for a general manager to run its east African office. Based in Nairobi, you will work closely with technical and operational specialists and play a leading role in all the company's commercial activities in the region. You should be a graduate with a working knowledge of English. You must also have excellent communicative and interpersonal skills. In addition to a performance-related salary, we provide an attractive benefits package. Please reply with c.v. to: Nicholl Executive Search, PO Box 1997, London, UK

Now you will hear an interview with one of the candidates for the job.

1. Listen and then give the candidate marks out of ten in each of the four areas.

Skills -------

Experience -------

Personality -------



2. Compare your marks with those of others in the group and discuss the differences.

Would you give him the job?


4. You will hear 5 students who want a summer job in an office saying why they are suitable for the job. Which of them do you think could get the job? Explain why.

5. Choose one of the jobs advertised in ex II2 and w ork in groups of three. You will be taking part in three interviews - as interviewer, as interviewee and as 'observer'. The observer's role is to make notes and give advice to the other two on their performance in the interview.

If you are the observer.

As you listen to the interview, make notes on these points:

What impression did each person give?

If they were nervous, how did this affect their performance?

Were there too many Yes/No questions?

Which questions did they answer badly?

Which questions did they answer well?

What advice would you give them for their next real interview?

The interviewer can use the following evaluation sheet:



Applying for a Job

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 380. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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