| apply
| to make a formal request, usually written, for something such as a job, a place in a university, or permission to do something // apply for
| applicant
| someone who has formally asked, usually in writing, for a job, university place etc
| appoint
| to choose someone officially for a job or responsibility // noun appointment
| blue-collar / pink-collar / white-collar
| do work needing strength or physical skill / describes a job that is traditionally done by a woman / relating to people who work in offices
| covering letter
| an accompanying letter sent as an explanation, introduction, or record
| CV
curriculum vitae
| /kə’rɪk.jʊ.ləm’vi:.taɪ/ (US usually résumé) a short written description of your
education, qualifications, previous jobs and sometimes also your personal interests, which you send to an employer when you are trying to get a job
| fill in/out an application form
| to write the necessary information on an official document
| fire
| to remove someone from their job // synonyms get the sack (informal)
dismiss (formal)
| flexi-time
| a system permitting flexibility of working hours at the beginning or end of the day
| full-time job
| done for the whole of a working week // opposite part time job
| headhunt
| to persuade someone to leave their job by offering them another job with more pay and a higher position // headhunter
| hire
| to employ, recruit
| human resources (HR)
| the department of an organization that deals with finding new employees, keeping records about all the organization's employees, and helping them with any problems // synonym personnel
| in work / out of work
| employed/unemployed
| job for life
| the idea that once you had a job with a company, you could keep it until you retired
| job hopping
| the practice of changing jobs very often // job hopper
| job interview
| an interview to determine whether an applicant is suitable for a position of employment
| leave a job
| quit a job
| maternity/paternity leave
| a period in which a woman/man is legally allowed to be absent from work in the weeks before and after she gives birth
| nine-to-five
| the period of conventional business hours and the work period of the typical office worker
| perk
| an advantage or extra thing, such as money or goods, which you are given because of your job
| permanent job
| lasting for a long time or forever // opposite temporary job
| qualification
| an ability, characteristic or experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or activity
| redundant
| having lost your job because your employer no longer needs you // synonym laid-off
| reference
| a letter written by sb who knows you, giving information about your character and abilities, especially to a new employer
| shift (work)
| a period of time worked by a group of workers who start work as another group finishes
| shortlist
| a list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job or prize, made from a longer list of people originally considered, and from which one person will be chosen
| sick leave
| time away from work because of illness
| situation, post, position
| a job; a rank or level in a company
| staff, workforce
| the group of people who work for an organization
Professional activity; basic knowledge; to earn a living; list of job places; to apply for a job; to fire; employers require; to fill out an application form; necessary information; to answer completely; work experience; to graduate from University; recruitment agency; education; to hire; to look for.