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Comprehension check.

1. What is permeability?

2. What is porosity?

3. Can soil or rock by porous and not permeable? Permeable but not porous?

4. What is the capillary fringe and how does it form?

5. What is an aquifer and how does water reach it?

6. What is called speleothems?

7. What is karst topography? How can it be recognized?




a) Give nouns to the following verbs:


to appear; to saturate; to exploit; to pollute; to detect; to attract; to connect; to transmit; to accumulate; to aerate; to moisten; to react; to accommodate; to precipitate; to remove; to derive; to add.


b) State to what part of speech each word belong and translate them into Russian:


axis – axes; astronomy – astronomic – astronomer; crust – crustal; dense – density; entire – entirely; equator – equatorial; explode – explosion; extend – extension – extensive; flat – flatten – flattened; metal – metallic – metalize – metallization; part – partial – partially; press – pressure; sphere – spherical – spheroid; transmit – transmission.


Lexical exercise.



a) Give English equivalents of the following words and expressions;



грунтовая вода; пористость пород и почвы; проницаемость (фильтрация); пропитывать землю; уровень грунтовых вод; пополнять грунтовые воды; сохранять влажность; создавать формы рельефа (топографию местности); спелеотемы; карстовая воронка.


b) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:


1..... saturates the Earth’s crust in a zone between a few meters and a few kilometers below the surface.

2. In the upper layer of the Earth, bedrock and soil.... small cracks and voids that are filled with air or ground water.

3..... is the ability of rock or soil to transmit water.

4. When rain falls, it usually.... into the ground.

5. The water table is the top of the....

6. Topsoil usually contains abundant.... and.... which retain moisture.

7. During a wet season, rain.... into the ground.... the ground water.

8. Most caverns form at or below....

9. If the roof of a cavern collapses,.... forms on the Earth’s surface.

10. Caverns and sinkholes are common features of....


c) Translate into English:


1. В верхней части Земли коренная порода и почва содержат маленькие трещины и пустоты, которые заполнены воздухом или грунтовой водой.

2. Несцементированный песок и гравий могут быть как пористыми, так и проницаемыми, т.к. их поры большие и хорошо связаны между собой.

3. Дождевая вода взаимодействует с атмосферным углекислым газом и образует слабо кислый раствор, который может растворять известняк.

4. Высокая влажность пещеры препятствует быстрому испарению воды.




Most of the rain that falls on land seeps into soil and bedrock to become ground water. Ground water saturates the upper few kilometers of soil and bedrock to a level called the water table. Porosity is the proportion of rock or soil that consists of open space. Permeability is the ability of rock or soil to transmit water. An aquifer is a body or rock that can yield economically significant quantities of water. An aquifer is both porous and permeable.

Most ground water move slowly, about 4 centimeters per day. In humid environments, the water table follows the topography of the land.

Caverns form where ground water dissolves limestone. A sinkhole forms when the roof of a limestone cavern collapses. Karst topography, with numerous caves, sinkholes, and subterranean streams, is characteristic of limestone regions.




P a r t I


Read and translate the following word combinations.


Solid mantle; throughout geologic history; rising temperature; decreasing pressure; tectonic environment; to generate magma; to prevent the rock from expanding; large-scale melting; magma formation; spreading centre; mantle plumes; subduction zone; ocean basin; mid-oceanic ridge; pressure-release melting; tectonic plate; oceanic crust; volcanic island; to be covered by oceanic crust; to be saturated with seawater; sinking rock; igneous rock; zone of concentrated volcanic activity; depending on chemical composition; carbonate composition; to drop sufficiently; hot spot; melting point


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