Separation of Powers.
There r 3 branches of powers: the legislative з, the exacutive и, the juditual. Each branch has different functions & powers under the principle of separation of powers. This principle implyes that no member if 1 branch can have a seat in the other 2nd. The System of Checks & Balancies implyes that each branch is checked & controled by the other 2 branches. This is done to keep any branch from gaining too much power or from misusing its powers. Thus, these branches of Government have balanced powers. Executive. President Cabinet The President can veto laws The Court can declare presidential Pessed by Congress. acts unconstitutional.
Congress can pass laws The President appoints over the President’s veto by a federal judges.
Legislative.Judicial. Congress Supreme Court House-Senate may The Senate must cofirm President’s Other Federal Courts. reject each other’s juditcial appointments. bills. The Court can declare laws
is the division of power btwn the national government & local government. Federalism is more efficiant for large land masses because the local government is much closer to the people the n the federal.
15.The Legislative Power & Organs in the USA. The Senate & the House of Representatives. The Legastlative Branch is called Congress (Wash,DC). Congress consists of 2 Chambers: Senate & the House of Representatives.