The Middle West.
The term “Middle West” came into general use with the settlement of the “west” (or Far West) in the 19th century. The region includes 12 states of the north region: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota. The region exhibits great diversity in climate, soil and resources. It possesses a vast extend if rich farmland, an excellent river and lake system, extensive forest lands (principally in the lake states) and abundant deposits of minerals, notably iron ore, limestone and coal. The middle west is an extremely important region. It includes the two most important agricultural areas of the US. (the Corn Belt and the Wheat Belt) as well as a leading industrial area (the Lower Lakes Region) Economically, the Middle West is divided into 4 principle regions: 1) the Lower Lakes Region, a leading industrial region (the states of Michigan, Ohio and parts of Indian and Illinois) Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo 2) the Upper Lakes Region, a dairy farming area (Wisconsin, Minnesota) Minneapolis, St. Paul 3) the Corn Belt covers the following states: Iowa, most of Indiana and Illinois, parts of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Minnesota 4) the Wheat Belt extends to west and north-west of the Corn Belt, stretching from northern Oklahoma in the south to Canada in the north. The Wheat Belt includes the whole of North Dakota, most of South Dakota and Kansas, the central part of Nebraska, parts of Missouri and the extreme north of Oklahoma. Chicago- one of the largest transport system, more than 30 railroads come to Chicago. Slaughterhouse (мясобойня) are here. Food-possessing and meat-possessing. The birth place of Alkapony. Detroit- the automobile capital of the US(Ford, Crysler, General Motrors)
The South. The South of the US includes the whole area to the south of the North-East and the Middle West are comprises 14 states : Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas. Roughly 1\4 of the total American population lives in the south. The South has certain characteristics which distinguish it from the North: -the South has lagged behind the North in its industrial development and consequently the South has fewer large cities -the typical crops of the South are cotton and tobacco - the South has a large black population (the Black Belt of the country), pacial prejudices in the South are deep-rooted, there is most inequality blacks between blacks and whites in this part of the country, - the South is a supplier of raw materials (petroleum in Texas and Oklahoma, Coal in West Virginia, lumber) - in general, the standart of living in the South is lower, it may be called the poorest region of the US But there have been some important changes, especially in the post-World War II period (more industries, less cotton, mechanization, blacks move north) The South is geographically divided into 3 regions: 1) the South Atlantic region comprises the states of Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, life is much cheaper in Florida, some taxes are low, no winter clothes, no heating of houses, it produces oranges, it is known as a space research center Atlanta 2) the Deep South(the Black belt of the country) is made up of the following states Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Knoxvile, Nasvile, Memphis. The standart of living, literacy-the lowest population-poorest, the blackest 3) The West South Central Region embraces the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas. Texas has undergone the most rapid economic development in the post-World War II period and now is one of the most important economic regions in the US Houston, Dallas, Oklahoma City. The West South is the center of oil producing industry, the petrolium Belt of the country, it is developing fast- Houston- a large scientific center(NACO), center of medical development