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I. Read the text to get the general understanding of it. Ivan succeeded his father Vasily III, who died in 1533, under the regency of his mother

Ivan succeeded his father Vasily III, who died in 1533, under the regency of his mother. When she died (1538), the regency alternated among several feuding boyar families. Boyar rule ended only in 1546, when Ivan announced his intention of becoming tsar. He was crowned in 1547. As tsar, Ivan attempted to establish tsarist autocracy at the expense of boyar power. In the early years of his reign, he reduced the arbitrary powers of the boyar provincial governors, transferring their functions to locally elected officials. The former boyars’ council was replaced by a “chosen council” consisting of members who owed their status to the tsar.

In 1566, Ivan summoned what was probably the first general council of the realm (Zemsky Sobor), composed of representatives of different social ranks, including merchants and lower nobility. After reorganizing the army, Ivan conquered Kazan (1552) and Astrakhan (1556), thereby inaugurating Russia’s eastward expansion. The conquest of Siberia by the Cossack Yermak took place late in his reign (1581–83). Ivan also began trade with England via the White Sea in the mid-1550s. To improve his access to the Baltic Sea, he undertook (1558) a campaign against Livonia. In the resulting war with Poland and Sweden, he was at first successful but was later defeated by Stephen Báthory, king of Poland and Lithuania. The peace treaties (1582, 1583) forced the tsar to renounce his territorial gains and cede additional territory to Sweden.

In his later years, Ivan’s character, always stern, grew tyrannical. Apart from the reverses of the war, the change has been attributed to humiliations at the hands of the boyars during his childhood; a serious illness (1553) and resistance at that time to his efforts to secure the succession of his infant son; the death of his wife, Anastasia Romanov (1560), whom historians credit with exercising a moderating influence; and the defection to Poland of his favorite, Prince Andrew Kurbsky (1564). Suspecting conspiracies everywhere, he acted ruthlessly to consolidate his power. In 1565 he set aside an extensive personal domain, the oprichnina, under his direct control. He established a special corps (oprichniki), responsible to him alone, to whom he granted part of this domain at will. With the help of this corps, he diminished the political influence of the boyars and forcibly confiscated their lands in a reign of terror. Many boyars were executed or exiled.

Ivan formally abolished the oprichnina in 1572, although in effect it continued until 1575. Fits of rage alternated with periods of repentance and prayer; in one of his rages he killed (1581) his son and heir, Ivan. Although the exact number of his wives is uncertain, Ivan probably married seven times, ridding himself of unwanted wives by forcing them to take the veil or arranging for their murder. Despite his cruelty, he was a man of intelligence and learning. Printing was introduced into Russia during his reign. Two sons, Feodor I and Dmitri, survived the tsar, but after his death his favorite, Boris Godunov, gained power.


II. Match the following words with the words in bold from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

1) пытаться, стараться, стремиться, прилагать усилия

2) гарантировать, обеспечивать, закреплять

3) враждующий

4) безжалостно, беспощадно

5) неудача, поражение, провал

6) строгий, суровый, безжалостный

7) приступы ярости, гнева

8) войска

9) насильственно, принудительно

10) быть должным (кому-л.)

11) сдерживающий, смягчающий

12) колебаться; чередоваться

13) оставлять, сдавать (территорию, крепость)

14) раскаяние


III. Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:

1) a period of government by a person who reigns instead of a king (a prince, a tzar etc) (par. 1) –

2) a purpose or goal; aim (par. 1) –

3) despotic or dictatorial (par. 1) –

4) a person or thing that represents another or others (par. 2) –

5) a person engaged in the purchase and sale of commodities for profit, esp. on international markets; trader (par. 2) –

6) a socially or politically privileged class (par. 2) –

7) a formal agreement or contract between two or more states (par. 2) –

8) a feeling of shame and great embarrassment, because you have been made to look stupid or weak (par. 3) –

9) opposing; refusing to accept or comply with (par. 3) –

10) a person or thing regarded with especial preference or liking (par. 3) –

11) a secret plan or agreement to carry out an illegal or harmful act, esp. with political motivation (par. 3) –

12) land governed by a ruler or government (par. 3) –

13) to put (a condemned person) to death –

14) to expel from home or country, esp. by official decree as a punishment (par. 3) –

15) to officially end a law, system etc, especially one that has existed for a long time (par. 4) –

16) the person legally succeeding to all property of a deceased person (par. 4) –


IV. Find the nouns that are used in the text with the following verbs:

1) establish

2) reduce

3) summon

4) reorganize

5) improve

6) undertake

7) renounce

8) suspect

9) consolidate

10) diminish

11) confiscate

12) gain

V. Make up a list of 10 True/False statements based on Text 1.

VI. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

The Russians, territories, Mongol, centre, an expedition, Siberia, salt, town, the Siberian khanate.


In concluding the story of Ivan the Terrible, mention should be made of more development, in the last years of his reign: Ermak’s so-called conquest of Siberia. Even prior to the ____ invasion the Novgorodians had penetrated beyond the Urals. The Russians used northern routs to enter ____ by both land and sea and, by the middle of the sixteenth century the Stroganov family developed large-scale industries, including the extracting of ____ and the procurement of fish and furs, in northeastern European Russia, especially in the Ustiug area. After the conquest of Kazan, the Stroganovs obtained from the government large holdings in the wild upper Kama region, where they maintained garrisons and imported colonists. The local native tribes’ resistance to ____ was encouraged by their nominal suzerain, the so-called khan of Sibir, or Siberia, beyond the Urals. In 1579 the Stroganovs sent ____ against the Siberian khanate. It consisted of perhaps 1650 cossacks and other volunteers, led by a cossack commander, Ermak. Greatly outnumbered, but making good use of their better organization, firearms, and daring, the Russians defeated the natives in repeated engagements and, in 1582, seized the headquarters of the Siberian Khan Kuchum. Ivan the Terrible appreciated the importance of this unexpected conquest, accepted the new ____ into his realm, and sent reinforcements. Although Ermark perished in the struggle in 1585 before help arrived and although the conquest of ____ had to be repeated, the Stroganov expedition marked in effect the beginning of the establishment of Russian control in western Siberia. Tiumen, a fortified ____, was built there in 1586, and another fortified town, Tobolsk, was built in 1587 and subsequently became an important administrative ____.


VII. Discussion:Ivan the Terrible’s reign provided a close parallel to that of Henry VIII in England, who similarly suppressed his aristocracies and clergy. Give your reasons for and against this point of view.


Text 2

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