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Read the text and translate it into Russian. 1) The alternative to landfills is the incineration of the waste


1) The alternative to landfills is the incineration of the waste. In many countries the amount of the incinerated waste is growing and-new incinerators are planned to be built. Some people say that these plants will not only help to get rid of the waste, but will produce energy. But the amount of energy produced by the incinerators is rather small and the air pollution is very large.

2) Air pollution from waste incinerators includes dioxins, heavy metals (such as lead and mercury) and sulfur dioxide. Dioxines are extremely toxic compounds. They fall on fields over the wide area beyond the incinerator, where domestic, ani­mals eat plants contaminated by them. The dioxines stick firmly to animal fat, particularly to the milk fat and to the fatty parts of the meat. Since these toxic compounds do not break down, the animals act as dioxine concentrators. Their fat and milk are the major sources of dioxines for humans. Dioxine damages the immune and nervous systems, especially in children, liver and digestive tract. It also causes birth defects and cancer.

3) But toxic air pollution is not the only problem. Incineration reduces 90 percent of solid waste volume, but 10 percent remains as ash which is extremely toxic. It is much more hazardous than the larger volume of waste before the incineration. The burning concentrates some of the most toxic ingredients, such as heavy metals. Most of the ash is landfilled and toxic compounds released from it contaminate the soil and. water supply.

4)In nature all species produce waste, but the waste of one species becomes useful raw material for another. Because the humans have grown both in number and in their power to modify the world, they have begun to create waste that far outstrips the capacity of the nature to absorb or reuse it. As a result people have to find effective ways to recycle their own waste. But recycling alone will not solve the problem- humankind must drastically reduce the amount of waste it produces.



Answer the following questions.

1. What is the opinion of any people about the incineration of the waste?

2. What contains air pollution from waste incinerators?

3. What are the consequences of the incineration of the waste?

4. What substance remains after the incineration?

5. Is it harmless?

6. Is the incineration an effective way to recycle the waste?


2.2 Pick out from the text:

1. the names of the air pollutants;

2. the names of the diseases that might be caused by air pollution.


Complete the following sentences.

1. The alternative to landfills is... of the waste.

2...... are extremely toxic compounds.

3...... damages the immune and nervous systems, especially in children, liver and digestive tract.

4. Incineration... 90 percent of solid waste volume.

5. 10 percent remains as... which is extremely toxic.

2.4 Match these words from the text with their meanings:

1) incinerator a) the process of treating the waste

2) sulfur dioxide b) faults from birth

3) dioxin c) poisonous and harmful substances

4) toxic ingredients d) a poisonous gas with a strong smell

5) recycling e) a poisonous chemical for killing plants

6) birth defects f) a machine that destroys waste by burning it


2.5 Agree or disagree with the statements below. Begin your sentence with one of the following:

I fully agree; I quite agree here; I suppose so; I am afraid so; I disagree; I don not think so; On the contrary; It is not so; Far from it.


1. The alternative to landfills is the incineration of the waste.

2. Some people say that the incinerators will help to get rid of the waste.

3. The amount of energy produced by the incinerators is rather large and the air pollution is very small.

4. Incineration produces dioxins, which contaminate the air.

5. Dioxins are extremely toxic compounds.

6. Incineration reduces 50 percent of solid waste volume.

7. The waste volume is less hazardous than before the incineration.

8. Toxic compounds released from ash contaminate the soil and water supply.

9. Recycling will help solve the problem of waste accumulation.

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