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Complete the following sentences. 1. One of the most difficult problems of the contemporary world is..

1. One of the most difficult problems of the contemporary world is.....

2. All solid waste can be...into three categories.

3. Scientists believed that.... but that was not so.

4. Many landfills are packed to... and closed.

5. Landfills release large amounts of... into the atmosphere.


2.3 Agree or disagree with the statements below. Begin your sentence with one of the following:

I fully agree; I quite agree here; I suppose so; I am afraid so; I disagree; I don not think so; On the contrary; It is not so; Far from it.


1. The majority of rubbish is disposed of in landfills.

2. There would always be a hole wide enough and deep enough to take care of
all our trash.

3. Landfills are absolutely harmless to nature.

4. Landfills contain paper, construction- wood, organic waste and plastic.

5. All waste in landfills will finally decompose.

6. In the process of decomposition a great deal of methane is produced.

2.4 Match the synonyms:

1) waste a) rubbish tips

2) trash b) poisonous waste

3) to get rid of c) to treat the waste

4) dumb d) decay

5) to recycle e) to throw away

6) decomposition f) rubbish

7) hazardous waste g) garbage


2.5 Explain the meaning of the following:

1) "throwaway society"

2) "garbolo-gists"

3) Third World cities

Fill up the table.

household (municipal) waste hazardous waste industrial waste

2.7 What waste disposals are there in the text?

Translate it into English.

1) Многие люди на Западе иронично называют свое «общество предметов разового пользования».

2) Объём мусора сейчас так огромен, что во многих странах иссякли места для его размещения.

3) Учёные полагали, что бумага и пищевые отходы разложились бы, в конце концов, на свалках, но это было не так.

4) Свалки выделяют большое количество метана в атмосферу, что способствует глобальному потеплению.

5) Некоторые страны, где иссякли места, чтобы разместить свалки мусора, пытаются вывозить мусор в менее развитые страны.




Warm up.

1. What does the term “throw-away society” stand for?

2. What is the method of waste disposal employed in your neighborhood? Do you approve of it?

1.1Read and learn the following new words:

· can · packaging · domestic rubbish · банка · упаковка · бытовой мусор

Read the text and translate it into Russian.



Тhе average person in Los Angeles throws away 7 kilos of rubbish every day.

Тhе average person in the Third World throws away only 1 kilo of rubbish every day.

Britain throws away 7 million tonnes of paper every year. Тhаt's the same аs 80 million trees.

One year а European family with two children throws away: 50 kilos of paper(that's 6 trees); 60 kilos of metal; 45 kilos; of plastic.

In one year the average person throws away 71 food cans. 34 cans of pet food and 68 drinks cans.

Britain produces 8.5 billion cans per year. Half are for food, and half for drinks. That's enough to go to the moon and back and halfway to the moon again. England and Wales produce 5000 tons of rubbish every year. This costs $600 million to collect and bury.


Almost all supermarket food today comes in plastic containers. Some of this packaging is necessary. It keeps the food clean and fresh. It also makes it last longer. Butsome packaging isn't necessary at all. It's justthere to make the food look better.

Did yоu know...?

In Britain, over 75000 people work in packaging factories.

Тhе UK packaging industry sells 4 billion pound of plastic containers every year.

28% of domestic rubbish is packaging.

5% of all Britain's energy goes into making packaging.



2.1: Answer the following questions:

1. What facts stress an environmental disaster of rubbish?

2. What are advantages and disadvantages of packaging?

2.2 Complete the following sentences:

1.Тhе average person in Los Angeles throws away... every day.

2.Тhе average person in the Third World throws away only... every day.

3. Britain throws away... every year.

4.Britain produces... billion cans per year.

5.England and Wales produce... every year.

6.In Britain...% of domestic rubbish is packaging.

7....% of all Britain's energy goes into making packaging.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 502. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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