Read the text and translate it into Russian.
1. In its short history, Industrial Ecology achieves environmental quality by analyzing the human resource use and environmental problems and by use of an analogy with natural ecosystems. The application of this principle to the Building Environment presents new requirements. Industrial Ecology must develop consistent approaches to building design and construction as well as the utilization of land for structures. Industrial Ecology should consider the Building Environment, as its own ecology or as part of a one. 2. Industrial ecology should provide analytic tools, design principles, and perspectives for improving the environmental character of structures. The Building Environment aims to improve the value of industrial ecology by applying it. 3. Industrial ecology also describes materials and manufactured components used in the Building Environment as they influence the operation of building systems for plumbing, electricity, and climate control and the use of natural resources over the lifetime of a structure. 4. The actual range of landscapes, climates, ecosystems, and available construction materials form the Building Environment. It requires industrial ecology to develop analytic tools and perspectives. These include more comprehensive measures of resource use and methods for materials management, improved environmental site assessment and planning, and design principles. The principles must respect the human need for housing and take into account the influence of the evolution of the Building Environment. 5.Historical analysis of the Building Environment offers measures for technological innovations and government policies. The analysis shows the possible results from more efficient material utilization and suggests methods for improving materials management and using industrial wastes for construction materials. LCA studies in the Building Environment focus attention on 1) the reduction of environmental impact from the manufacture of building components;2) resource use over the lifetime; 3)the reduction of used energy; 4)the improvement of recyclability;5) frequently replaced building components. 6. Industrial Ecology of land use should offer planners how to disturb less land. Using the same parcel of the land surface for multiple functions is one of the principles in the Building Environment. Designing structures should be adapted to local materials, climate, and landscapes. 7. System change in the construction of the Building Environment demands the structural measures. Examples of structural measures include: 1) Developing technologically advanced material systems 2) Improving the economic climate for materials through market and mechanisms 3) Expanding Environmental Impact Statements 4) Instituting local building codes with higher efficiency standards for lighting, thermal insulation systems 5) Providing roadmaps for environmentally responsible practice to architects and building contractors 6) Establishing clear limits for businesses to measure environmental characterization. Improvements in all of these basic items will allow responsible practices for application in the economy.
2.1 Translate the following word expressions: human resource use utilization of land for structures materials and manufactured components resource use frequently replaced building components advanced material systems Environmental Impact Statements local building codes higher efficiency standards thermal insulation systems environmentally responsible practice measure environmental characterization materials management 2.2 Find the word expressions with the word environmental in the text and translate them. 2.3 Join these split sentences and translate them:
2.4 Resume the sentences from the text: 1. Industrial Ecology must develop consistent approaches to building design and construction as well as the utilization of land for structures. 2. Industrial ecology should provide analytic tools, design principles, and perspectives for improving the environmental character of structures. 3. Industrial ecology also describes materials and manufactured components used in the Building Environment. Functions of Industrial Ecology are 1)development of... 2) provision of.... 3) description of... 1. The Building Environment aims to improve the value of industrial ecology by applying it. 2. the Building Environment offers measures for technological innovations and government policies. The aim of Building Environment is 1) improvement of... 2) offering of…