Comprehension check
1. What are some of the things he talk about that are not in the pictures? 2. What are some of the things he does more of and some of the things he does less of? 3. Complete the following sentences: a. John uses his bicycle more because… b. He’s going to try to use less petrol by… c. He uses unleaded petrol because… d. When the bags in his kitchen are full,… e. He’s a vegetarian because… f. John thinks that if we don’t look after…
What do you think? 1.How “green” are you? What do you do to be more friendly to the environment? 2.John thinks that people should try to change their lifestyle little by little, not all at once. How could you be come more “green’? For example: I could walk more.
Test How green are you? a)Take this quiz and find out how green you are and compare your answers and the score with your partners:
Score: one point for every “yes”
More than 10 points: You obviously care about the environment ant try to preserve it. You can be an active member of Greenpeace of friends of earth organizations. Try to persuade your friends to follow your way of life. How do you understand the saying: «What a man can be, is born with him, what he becomes, is a result of his environment”? From 5 to 10 points: You begin to show more interest in the environment. You should subscribe to some ecological magazine and read interesting articles on “green” issues. They are usually perfectly illustrated. It is not fashionable to be ecologically illiterate now. Remember the words by Jose Ortega Casset: “I am plus my surroundings: and if I do not preserve the latter, I do not preserve myself”. Less than 5 points: You don’t seem very interested in being “green”. You are just a “criminal” but you should know the proverb: “As you sow, you will reap”. Agree or disagree to the words of F.D. Roosevelt:” The notion that destroys its habitat destroys itself” b) Discuss which of the ways of being “green” listed in the quiz you think are the most important and the most difficult. Give your reasons. Model: The most important \difficult thing to be ‘green’ is… Recycling isn’t popular in our country because… It’s impossible to avoid using chemicals because…