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Ex. 1 (elementary).Ask questions to the italicized words, starting with Who? What? When?


1. Mary was reading a novel at 11 a.m (3). 2. Sam was doing his morning exercises when Pamela came (3). 3. That Sunday he was working in his garden (3). 4. I was reading a detective story when the film began (3). 5. She was asking her questions when the professor came in (3). 6. She was writing a letter when we entered (3). 7. John was working there then (3). 8. Paul was working on the roof when it started raining (3). 9. Ken was getting up when the clock stopped (3). 10. That week Mary was wearing a new skirt instead of her jeans (3). 11. That time they were repairing the car (3). 12. My parents were hiking in the mountains then (3). 13. At 6 a.m. I was sleeping (3). 14. The butcher was selling meat at 7 p.m.


Ex. 2. Translate:

A. 1. Вона починала розуміти, що відбувається. 2. Собака обнюхував незнайомця. 3. Я не знав, що це за страва, але пахла вона дуже апетитно. 4. Нам не подобались його жарти. 5. На ньому була якась кумедна шляпа. 5. Швидко темніло, і починався дощ. 6. Вона ставала все більш гарною. 7. У той час ми жили у готелі “ Національ”. 8. Вона весь час все плутала. 9. Вона обмірковувала свою відповідь. 10. Діти шуміли все дужче. 11. Піт чув, що у двері дзвонять. 12. З 3 до 5 вона простояла у черзі. 13. Вона відчувала, що зневажає його все сильніше. 14. Потяг прибував до 5 платформи. 15. Я бачив, що вона оглядала поранене кошеня. 16. Мати сказала, що брат проводжає додому свою дівчину. 17. Поки вона пила каву, вона думала про лист з дому.

B. 1. Поки він грав за цю команду, вона була чемпіоном ліги. 2. Коли вона відповідала біля дошки, вона то червоніла, то бліднула. 3. Вона постійно брала у всіх гроші у борг. 4. Поки ти працював у себе в кімнаті, ми обговорювали плани на літо. 5. Коли я тобі роз’ясняв умови гри, ти сміявся, а зараз не знаєш, що робити. 6. Поки Джемс плавав у басейні, Мері загоряла. 7. Поки ми повторювали правила, вчитель писав завдання на дошці. 8. Вчора о шостій я закінчував свою роботу. 9. Поки я читав газету, донька дивилась кіно. 10. Вчора, коли ми пили чай, я слухав твою історію і вірив тобі. 11. Вчора о п’ятій я слухав музику, але нічого не чув. 12. Поки він прибирав у кімнаті, він думав про новий план Дорі. 13. Поки священик слухав його сповідь, мати чекала надворі. 14. Вчора о шостій батько перевіряв його домашнє завдання. 15. Коли я визирнув у вікно, дівчина гралась з собакою, бабуся їла пиріжок, а маленький хлопчик ловив жука.




Ex. 1. A. Answer the questions according to the examples.

E.g.: What did he tear when he was climbing the tree? (trousers) – When he was climbing the tree, he tore his trousers.


What did she break while she was washing up? (a plate)

What did he see when he was looking out of the window? (a lorry)

What did he find when he was looking for his gloves? (a wallet)

What did he read while he was waiting to see the dentist? (a newspaper)

What did she drop when she was running downstairs? (a cup)

What did he lose while he was walking in the park? (money)

Who did she meet when she was shopping? (a colleague)

Who did he see when he was standing outside the cinema? (a neighbour)

Who did he write to when he staying in France? (a wife)


B. E.g.: What happened while you were decorating the sitting room? (to knock over the paint) – While I was decorating the sitting room, I knocked over the paint.


What happened while you were watching television? (to fall asleep)

What happened while you were sitting in the park? (to see a friend of mine)

What happened while you were spending your holidays in France? (to visit Notre Dame de Paris)

What happened while you were having a bath? (water; to stop running)

What happened when you were flying over the Alps? (to get afraid of flying)

What happened when he was shaving? (one’s razor; to break)

What happened when you were driving fast? (to lose a wheel)

What happened while your aunt was walking in the park? (to meet one’s uncle)

What happened when the gardener was digging in the garden? (to find treasures)

What happened while you were standing outside the cinema? (to lose one’s watch)

What happened while she was cooking the lunch? (to burn one’s pan)

What happened when he was drinking his coffee? (to burn one’s tongue)

What happened while you were having tea? (one’s brother; to come)

What happened while he was waiting for his girl-friend? (rain; to start)

What happened when she was running downstairs? (to run into an old lady)


C. Think of your own answers. E.g.: What were they doing when the letter arrived? – When the letter arrived, they were having breakfast.


What car was he driving when he had the accident?

What was she knitting when you went to see her?

What record was he playing when the visitors arrived?

What was Rosemary cooking when the children got back from school?

What book was he reading when the telephone rang?

What was the carpenter making when you went into the workshop?

What was the secretary typing when the manager rushed into the office?

What was she ironing when her husband came home?

What was he talking about when she interrupted him?

What were you doing when the telephone rang?

What was she doing when her friend arrived?

What was he doing when you knocked at the door?

What were they doing when it began to rain?

What was she doing when the train came in?

What were you doing when the teacher came into the room?

What was the gardener doing when you went into the garden?

What was the driver doing when the car crashed?

What was the teacher doing when you arrived at school?

What was the bus-conductor doing when you got on his bus?

What was your friend doing when you arrived at his house?


Ex. 2. Contrast (a) a statement with one verb in the Simple Past and one in the Past Continuous with (b) a statement with two verbs in the Simple Past

E.g.: (a) What were you doing when you heard the burglar? (to read in bed) – When I heard the burglar, I was reading in bed.

(b) What did you do when you heard the burglar? (to telephone the police) – When I heard the burglar I telephoned the police.


What were you doing when it began to rain? (to do one’s gardening)

What did you do when it began to rain? (to run to one’s house)


What were they doing when the teacher came into the room? (to shout loud)

What did they do when the teacher came into the room? (to stop talking)


What were you doing when he offered you a cigarette? (to take off one’s coat)

What did you do when he offered you a cigarette? (to refuse)


What was she doing when the train arrived? (to walk on the platform)

What did she do when the train arrived? (to meet one’s sister)


What was he doing when the telephone rang? (to cook dinner)

What did he do when the telephone rang? (to answer the phone)


What were you doing when you met your friend? (to eat ice-cream)

What did you do when you met your friend? (to shake hands with somebody)


What were they doing when the letters arrived? (to talk)

What did they do when the letters arrived? (to put something on the table)


What were you doing when he opened the window? (to read a book)

What did you do when he opened the window? (to leave the room)


What was she doing when she cut her finger? (to cut meat)

What did she do when she cut her finger? (to start crying)


What were they doing when the lights went out? (to work on the computer)

What did they do when the lights went out? (to go to bed)


What were you doing when you lost your way? (to walk in the forest)

What did you do when you lost your way? (to take the map out of the bag)


What was he doing when he heard the good news? (to talk to a neighbour)

What did he do when he heard the good news? (to hug and kiss the messenger)

Ex. 2. Put in the correct tenses.

A. 1. At six o’clock this morning I ________ (to have) a wonderful dream, but then the alarm ________ (to go) off. 2. This time yesterday I ________ (to lie) on the beach. 3. When I walked in they ________ (all to talk) about babies. 4. I saw Sid when I (to come) to work this morning. He ________ (to shop). 5. She ________ (to meet) her husband while she ________ (to travel) in Egypt. 6. While I ________ (to talk) to Mrs. Singleton somebody ________ (to walk) into my office and ________ (to steal) the computer. 7. When Jake ________ (to come) in everybody ________ (to stop) talking. 8. I ________ (to look) out of the window and ________ (to see) that we ________ (to fly) over the mountains. 9. I ________ (to wake up) to find that water ________ (to pour) through the bedroom ceiling. 10. He ________ (to break) his leg while he ________ (to play) football. 11. I ________ (to go) to see how she ________ (to be) and found she ________ (to cry). 12. She ________ (to tell) me she ________ (to have) a bad time with her husband. 13. I could see a car in the street, it ________ (to go) fast. 14. While Harry ________ (to read) a book, his mother ________ (to mend) his trousers. 15. I couldn’t speak to Mary at 5 p.m., because she ________ (to have) a bath. 16. My home was in Germany, but at that moment I ________ (to live) in Italy.

B. 1. Diana ________ (to play) Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata last night. 2. Clive and his friends ________ (to walk) through the forest yesterday. 3. Bob ________ (to play) football all the afternoon. 4. When the bell ________ (to ring) Evelyn ________ (to have) a bath. 5. When I ________ (to see) Roger last night, he ________ (to wear) a coat. 6. George and Jack ________ (to work) very hard yesterday. 7. The lazy boys ________ (to do) their homework when the teacher ________ (to enter) the class. 8. I ________ (to lose) my purse while I ________ (to go) to work. 9. Children ________ (to play) on the sand while two fishermen ________ (to mend) the net. 10. They ________ (to talk) about their neighbours the whole afternoon. 11. World War II ________ (to begin) in 1939. 12. When I ________ (to arrive) the Smiths ________ (to have) dinner. 13. On the way to Brighton the driver suddenly ________ (to realize) that he ________ (to go) in the wrong direction. 14. As we ________ (to cross) Waterloo Bridge the policeman ________ (to stop) us. 15. We ________ (to have) a very interesting conversation when you ________ (to interrupt) us. 16. When the Second World War ________ (to break out) we ________ (to live) in Germany. 17. While Thomas and Dorothy ________ (to watch) TV a thief ________ (to enter) the house and ________ (to take away) all the silver.

Ex. 3. Translate.

А. 1. Я якраз снідав, коли ти мені зателефонував. 2. Рон читав газету, а його мати готувала вечерю, коли задзвонив телефон. 3. О п’ятій ранку вона все ще працювала над статтею. 4. Коли дитина зайшла до кімнати, дорослі обговорювали політичну проблему. 5. Батьки сперечались, але коли вони побачили сина, то зупинились. 6. Кілька днів тому я спілкувався з босом, і він сказав, що не погоджується з нашими партнерами. 7. Коли прибули гості, я готувала сніданок. 8. Коли прибули гості, я приготувала сніданок. 9. Ішов дощ, і я визирнув у вікно. Перехожі відкривали парасольки і прямували до своїх домівок. 10. Це трапилось, коли десять років тому я мандрував Африкою. 11. Минулого літа наша група учених розробляла нове дослідження. Ми завжди працювали над новими розробками минулого року. 12. Поки учні готувались до тесту, учитель перевіряв їхнє домашнє завдання, а черговий писав приклади на дошці. 13. Учора я читав цілий вечір. 14. Зазвичай ми працювали у лабораторії з 5 до 7 вечора. 15. Уранці я готуюсь до роботи з 7 до 8 години. 16. Я поспішав до їдальні, коли зустрів Олега. 17. Що твоя жінка робила вчора цілий день? – Вона прибирала вдома. 18. О дев’ятій ранку хлопець ще приймав душ. 19. Що ти робив у той момент? 20. Я зайшов і одразу поклав книгу на місце.

В. 1. Мені дуже шкода, що я не зміг прийти. Ви чекали на мене? 2. У цей час минулого року ви мандрували, так? 3. Що ви робили об 11 ранку? Коли я шукав вас, ваша сестра сказала мені, що вас немає вдома. – Я працював у бібліотеці. 4. Чому ви вчора розсердились на мене? – Я не розсердився, я поспішав до офісу, коли ви побачили мене. 5. Цей чоловік врятував життя моєму дідусеві у 1985 році. 6. Ми вийшли з дому о 10.30 і дійшли до лісу тільки через годину. 7. Коли ми прийшли додому, мій син міцно спав. Ми голосно сміялись у кухні, але він не прокинувся. 8. Професор порадив мені відпочивати вдень. Я намагався заснути вдень кілька разів, але не зміг. 9. Наш поїзд ішов дуже швидко і я не встигав читати назви станції, які ми проїжджали. 10. Коли поїзд рушив, він щось крикнув мені, але я нічого не почув. 11. Коли я дістався до станції, вже смеркало. 12. Ми викликали лікаря, коли зрозуміли, що її стан погіршується. 13. Коли ви бачили її останній раз? – Точно не пам’ятаю, але знаю, що це було минулого місяця. 14. Учора у цей час ми грали у теніс і весело сміялись. 15. Коли він увімкнув світло, то побачив, що хтось спить на його ліжку. 16. Коли делегація прибула, ми усі стояли на платформі. 17. Я снідав у маленькому кафе, коли побачив його. Він стояв біля крамниці і чекав на когось. 18. Ти не можеш згадати, що ти робив у той час? 19. Я роздягнувся і пішов у кухню, де Мері смажила рибу. 20. Раніше я завжди приймала ці ліки від головного болю.


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