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Ex. 1 (elementary). Put these verbs into the Past Indefinite, divide into three columns according to their endings pronunciation and read them out:


to thank, to open, to watch, to close, to live, to work, to learn, to translate, to walk, to return, to stay, to continue, to receive, to finish, to discuss, to answer, to repeat, to copy


Ex. 2 (elementary). Put these sentences into interrogative and negative forms.


1. He opened the window before classes. 2. Ann translated a lot of foreign letters at the office last week. 3. I finished work at five o’clock the day before yesterday. 4. He lived in Kiev five years ago. 5. They returned home in the evening. 6. They discussed a lot of articles from these French magazines last weekend. 7. I went to work by bus yesterday. 8. Two years ago they lived in the country. 9. I knew his address. 10. She spoke English to me. 11. The book described the museums of our town. 12. She lived in Smolensk before the war. 13. He caught a big fish just now. 14. When he came, she told him everything.

Ex. 3. Use the Past Indefinite and complete the sentences by adverbs of time.

E.g.: I go to school every day. – I went to school every day last year.


1. My working day lasts eight hours. 2. Do you often get letters from your friends? 3. Does she do well in French? 4. We discuss a lot of questions. 5. They don’t often stay at the factory after six o’clock. 6. The bell rings in the morning. 7. He lives beside the sea. 8. She has a cold bath every day. 9. He plays chess very well. 10. She always agrees with what he says. 11. Tom speaks very loud. 12. I feel very cold in autumn.


Ex. 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.


1. Who usually ______ (to do) his homework in his room? – This student ______ (to do). 2. Who ______ (to do) his homework there now? – I ______ (not to know). 3. I ______ (to live) near my office last year. I always ______ (to walk) there. 4. How well Ben ______ (to speak) English? – He ______ (to speak) badly. 5. What language you ______ (to learn) last year? – I ______ (to learn) French. 6. What language he ______ (to learn) now? – He ______ (to learn) German. 7. How long your class usually ______ (to last)? – It usually ______ (to last) two hours. 8. How long your class ______ (to last) on Friday? – It only ______ (to last) an hour. 9. Who you ______ (to discuss) it with last night? – I ______ (to discuss) it with them. 10. Who you usually ______ (to go) home with? – I ______ (to go) home with my Dad. 11. How well he usually ______ (to know) his lessons? 12. I ______ (not to work) at this office ten years ago. 13. He ______ (to work) there now? 14. How long you ______ (to stay) in Kiev in 2005? – I ______ (to stay) there a week. How long you ______ (to be going) to stay there now? – I ______ (not, to be going) to stay there.


Ex. 5 (elementary). Make up questions to the words in bold type.


1. They worked at a large factory then (3). 2. My sister stayed at her friend’s over the week-end (3). 3. You lived in that house ten years ago (3). 4. Ann plays volley-ball well (3). 5. Peter decided to go to a medical school last year (3). 6. They like to play football in the fine weather (3). 7. My friend wrote an interesting article last month (3). 8. He was in Kiev last week (2). 9. My friend wrote to me very often last year (3). 9. They were at their office yesterday morning (3). 10. Our students read a lot of English books last year (3). 11. He took his son out on Monday evening (2). 12. The students usually go home after classes (3).


Ex. 6. Complete the following sentences, using the Past Indefinite Tense.

E.g.: Now he lives in Moscow but a few years ago he lived in Kiev.


1. Now he studies English but at school but ___. 2. Now he often sleeps in the daytime but he never ___ before. 3. Now she knows something about the life of these people but before she came to live here she ___ nothing about them. 4. Now I play tennis well but when I was eighteen ___. 5. I am a student now and have my lunch at the Institute but when I was a schoolboy, I ___. 6. He leaves home at 8 in the morning but when he lived in the country he ___. 7. He doesn’t smoke now but only a few month ago ___. 8. She seldom writes to me now but there was a time when she ___. 9. This year we stayed at our friend’s when we came to Minks but last year we ___ at the hotel.


Ex. 7 (elementary). A. Answer using the model.

E.g.: Who acted in that play? – That actor did.


Who baked the bread? Who mended your shoes?

Who conducted that orchestra? Who repaired their watch?

Who made the furniture? Who sold him the vegetables?

Who wrote those books? Who painted those pictures?

Who played the piano yesterday? Who cut the man’s suit?

Who cut those men’s hair? Who delivered letters?

Who sold you the medicine? Who served you food in the restaurant?

Who carried your luggage to a station? Who controlled traffic in the street yesterday?

Who designed those buildings? Who flew that aeroplane last summer?

Who took his photographs? Who pulled out her tooth?

B. Answer using Yes, I did or No, I didn’t models.


Did you like classical music last year? Did you walk to school last year?

Did you drink whisky last year? Did you come here every day last year?

Did you go to cinema at the weekend last year? Did you travel by train every day?

Did you cycle to school last year? Did you stay out late last year?

Did you spend your holidays in France last year? Did drive a car last year?

Did you take sugar in your tea last year? Did you eat a lot last year?


C. Answer the questions practicing the pronunciation of the -ed ending: [t], [d], [id].


Did she pick a red one or a blue one? Where did John drop his book?

Did he work in the house or in the garden? How long did Mary cook it?

Where did he mend the radio? When did he smoke a cigarette?

What time did they finish? Where did Susan dress?

What did he knock over? How many times did he help her?

What time did the shop close? How many times did he explain it?

What time did it happen? When did he travel?

Where did he bath? How far did he carry it?

When did he marry her? What time did John telephone?

What time did we start the lesson? Who did he point at?

How long did you wait for her? How many times did he repeat it?

What time did the teacher end the lesson? When did they expect the letter?

When did the teacher correct the exercises? How many did he want?

When did John need the money? When did they visit Mary?


Ex. 8 (elementary). Practice forms of the irregular verbs in the Past Indefinite:

A. How many meals did you eat yesterday? How did you come to school?

How much did you pay for that book? What did you get for your birthday?

How long did you sit in the classroom yesterday? How did you feel yesterday?

What did you drink after lunch yesterday? What did you find in your pocket?

What did you have for breakfast this morning? What colour did you choose?

What bus did you catch to school this morning? Where did you catch the bus?

What language did you speak in the morning? Where did she see her?

What time did you get up this morning? When did you hear that story?

What time did you begin lessons yesterday? Where did she keep her books?

What time did you have lunch yesterday? How many mistakes did he make?

Where did you go for your holidays last year? Where did she take her brother?

When did you do your homework yesterday? Did she tell the story well or badly?

How many English words did she know? How long did I stand on the road?

When did you meet your boy- (girl) -friend? How many books did she read?

B. How many lines did she write? Where did he buy that book?

When did you fall down the stairs? Did he catch a big fish or a little one? Where did you learn to drive? When did he sell his old car?

What time did you meet him last night? Where did he run to?

How much did he pay for his car? How many times did he ring the bell?

How much money did he send her? Did he speak quickly or slowly?

Did she choose coffee or tea? What did he draw a picture for?

Where did the two men fight? Did the meat smell good or bad?

How long did you lie in bed this morning? Where did you lose your ring?

How many songs did she sing? Did you sleep well or badly?

How long did she swim in the sea? What did she wear last night?

How much money did she win? When did he wind up his watch?

Did he hold the pen in his right hand or in his left hand?

Did he understand the entire lesson or only half of it?

How much money did you spend in the restaurant?

C. What did you burn your fingers on? What did you dream about last night?

Did he fly to Rome or to New York? How many times did you forgive him?

Where did he hide the money? How many eggs did the chicken lay?

How much money did he lend you? Did she spell the word correctly or wrongly?

Where did his father forbid him to go? How many trees did the men dig up?

Did you spill coffee or tea on your suit? Who did you beat at tennis yesterday?

How much did that book cost? Did he cut the paper with scissors or a knife?

Where did he hit you? Did he hurt his right arm or his left?

When did the teacher let you go home How many stamps did he stick on the letter?

How many times did you shake the medicine?

What time did you set your alarm-clock for?


Ex. 9. Practise the pattern: It’s…(length of time)+since+simple past.

E.g.: The last time he smoked a cigarette was two years ago. – It’s two years since he smoked a cigarette.


1. The last time I saw them was a fortnight ago. 2. The last time she went to the hairdresser was three weeks ago. 3. The last time she drove her car was year ago. 4. The last time he had a glass of champagne was month ago. 5. The last time we travelled on a bus was weeks ago. 6. The last time I listened to the radio was four days ago. 7. The last time he spoke German was a long time ago. 8. The last time we met her was a month ago. 9. The last time I gave a party was a year ago. 10. The last time I read a newspaper was three days ago. 11. The last time he came to class was a week ago. 12. The last time I wrote any exercises was ten days ago. 13. The last time we travelled by air was five years ago. 14. The last time I played cards was over a year ago. 15. The last time she helped me was three week ago.

Ex. 10. Translate.

A. 1.Коли ваш працівник повернувся до Парижу? – Він повернувся до Парижу три дні тому. 2. Хто поїхав у відрядження минулого тижня? – Роналд. 3. Лев прочитав четверте речення дуже добре. 4. Учень пішов до дошки, написав речення, прочитав його і пішов до свого столу. 5. Яку вправу ви вчора зробили вдома? – Четверту. 6. Поговоріть про це з моїм батьком, він учора повернувся з Китаю. 7. Як ваші студенти розмовляли англійською минулого року? 8. Коли ваша сестра приїхала до Москви? – Три роки тому. 9. Що ви вчора робили на заняттях? – Ми читали тексти, робили вправи, розмовляли англійською з нашим викладачем та перекладали речення з англійської мови на українську. 10. Коли ви отримали цього листа? – Учора вранці. 11. Я почав вивчати англійську мову ще з дитинства. 12. Нещодавно я познайомився з дуже цікавою людиною. 13. У понеділок ми писали диктант та переклад. 14. Я не бачив його на концерті. 15. Ти запізнилась. Потяг пішов 10 хвилин тому.

В. 1. Вступні заліки почались 16 червня та продовжувались 10 днів. 2. Двері відчинились і у кімнату увійшла кішка. 3. Він переодягнувся, вимив руки та почав вечеряти. 4. Як ти зміг упоратися з таким складним завданням? 5. Хто провідував тебе, коли ти лежав у шпиталі? 6. Вона подивилась на себе у дзеркало та почала плакати. 7. Світло вимкнули, двері закрили і фільм почався. 8. Коли вона вийшла у коридор, то почула якийсь незвичний шум біля дверей. 9. Коли я робив у його фірмі, я часто їздив у відрядження. 10. Вправа була дуже тяжкою, і він вирішив не робити її зовсім. 11. Коли вона жила з батьками, вона ніколи не готувала їжу. 12. Ти чув, що він сказав? 13. Дитина впала і голосно заплакала. 14. Він купив бар, потім ресторан, а потім і весь готель. 15. Я читала цю книжку дуже давно, і вона мені не сподобалась. 16. Коли потяг зупинився, я виглянув у вікно. 17. Як тільки чайник закипів, вона приготувала для всіх чай. 18. Як тільки я увійшов, усі перестали розмовляти. 19. Коли мені подарували комп’ютер, я не знала що, з ним робити. 20. Пиріг пахнув так смачно, що я скуштував його. 21. Було дуже жарко, і молоко швидко нагрілось. 22. Коли автобус зрушив з місця, хтось відкрив вікно. 23. Коли вона почула таку відповідь, вона підвелась і мовчки вийшла з кабінету. 24. Мені не подобались їх діти, тому що вони були дуже балувані. 25. Як тільки фільм почався, я зрозумів, що він зовсім нецікавий.




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