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B.Put in evenor only.


1. She talks to her brother. 2. I am doing it because I love you. 3. She gets up at six on Sundays. 4. He plays tennis in the train. 5. You could do such a horrible thing. 6. You could do such a simple thing. 7. They have lived here for a few weeks. 8. John eats raw potatoes. 9. He wears a suit on holidays. 10. She ate a piece of dry toast. 11. I can play very easy music. 12. He can’t write his own name. 13. I was thinking of you. 14. You can ski there in summer.

C. To finish the sentence arrange adverbs and adverbial modifiers in the right order.


1. She sang (last night, very well, at the concert). 2. He works (in the garage, much, on Tuesdays). 3. Let’s go (early, to bed). 4. The children were playing (quietly, in the garden). 5. He is working (now, there). 6. I work (best, at night). 7. He moves (in the morning, always, very slowly). 8. She speaks Japanese (now, fluently). 9. She cried (in her room, for an hour, quietly). 10. We talked about it (briefly, at lunch, yesterday). 11. Ann works (a little, on Sundays, at the village shop). 12. I can explain my feelings (seldom, clearly). 13. The team played (two days ago, brilliantly). 14. I worked (always, at school, very hard). 15. She practices the piano (every evening, here, accurately). 16. I don’t think she plays tennis (always, very well).


D. Arrange the words into a sentence.

E.g.: Ready, are, they, yet, not. – They are not ready yet.

1. always, I, home, early, leave, on weekdays. 3. to, before, usually, goes, Jenny, bed, midnight. 3. me, always, to, loud, Den, speaks. 4. will, home, I stay, today, gladly. 5. go, he, only, now, to, wants, out. 6. has, snowy, it, rather, lately, been. 7. by chance, learned, him, I, recently, have, about. 8. usually, in summer, seldom, it, rains, here. 9. him, you, here, ever, have, before, met? 10. all the time, children, can, with, well, John, play. 11. the, well, plays, today, Maria, piano. 12. hardly, Lucy, will, horse, ride, ever, learn, a, to, this year. 13. unexpectedly, an hour ago, cry, to, quite, children, started. 14. person, be, well, nowadays, every, educated, should. 15. usual, walks, than, today, better, Granny. 16. present, they, far, at, live, very. 17. louder, bit, you could, a, little, speak? 18. nine, I, rarely, before, work, am, at. 19. I, she, later, home, sometimes, much, come, than. 20. ago, last time, visited, he, five, England, years. 21. informed, twice, it, I, them, have, about, already. 22. Sunday, she, at, on, the, party, well, sang, very. 23. reacts, than, much, yesterday, today, Jim, quicker. 24. of, George, this week, best, all, works. 25. works, in, he, the, best, morning, usually.


Ex. 2. Translate.


1. Ми рідко тут живемо. 2. Іноді я із задоволенням дивлюсь ці телевізійні програми. 3. Ми ще тільки починаємо цю зустріч. 4. Навіть сусіди скоро прийдуть сюди. 5. Дві години тому він повільно йшов вулицею. 6. Тільки мої друзі добре говорять англійською. 7. Студенти рідко перекладають без словника. 8. Марія дуже добре склала іспит минулого вівторка. 9. Іноді на заняттях ми навіть дивимось відеофільми. 10. Тим завжди старанно робить вранці домашнє завдання. 11. Минулого року вони ще погано говорили німецькою. 12. Зазвичай він пізно приходить додому з роботи. 13. Я також живу далеко звідси. 14. Навіть зимою він бігає вранці. 15. Іноді він тут зупиняється на кілька тижнів. 16. Минулого тижня вона дуже гарно танцювала на клубній вечірці. 17. Зараз він вже може дуже розумно відповісти на усі запитання. 18. Вона розмовляє навіть з незнайомими людьми, але товаришує тільки з сестрою. 19. Петро завжди дуже добре знає своїх колег. 20. Не дуже розумно було вчора брати її з собою.


Ex. 3. A. Form adverbs from these adjectives.


Straight, terrible, (un)happy, good, bright, bad, calm, fast, early, true, cheap, little, quick, slow, daily, shy, weekly, soft, much, real, far, correct, angry, beautiful, cowardly.

B. Insert either an adjective or an adverb.

B1. 1. I’ve never felt so (terrible/terribly) in my life. 2. ‘I promise to come tomorrow’, she said (clear/clearly). 3. If I travel this year, I’ll have to do it (cheap/ cheaply). 4. Anne has decorated her house (beautiful/beautifully). 5. This soup tastes (delicious/deliciously). 6. He spoke very (soft/softly), but she heard every word he said. 7. Good computers are getting quite (cheap/ cheaply) now. 8. The train was very (slow/slowly), actually, it never moved (quick/quickly). 9. This house seems (calm/ calmly). 10. Her hair is so lovely and (soft/softly). 11. You speak (bad/ badly) to your parents. 12. The team played (terrible/terribly) last Sunday. 13. Time seems to go very (slow/slowly). 14. He looks really (unhappy/unhappily). 15. The problem appeared (difficult/difficultly). 16. The wine smells (terrible/terribly). Smell it (quick/ quickly). 17. The problem appeared (unexpected/unexpectedly), when no one thought about it.

B2. 1. Bess is simply (amazing/amazingly). She is (amazing/amazingly) beautiful and (amazing/ amazingly) kind. 2. I was (sure/surely) he had been drinking. 3. Is it a (real/really) diamond in her ring? 4. He was wearing a (true/truly) astonishing tie. 5. I felt her arm (gentle/gently) not to hurt her. 6. She looked (angry/angrily) at me. 7. I read an (amazing/amazingly) story this morning. 8. Mark was (wonderful/ wonderfully) patient with me. 9. Keith seemed (kind/kindly), but I doubted it. 10. One boat was (slight/slightly) damaged. 11. Sheila drives a (real/really) (beautiful/ beautifully) designed car. 12. The door was (bad/badly) painted. 13. He was (mad/ madly) in love with Kate. 14. The music sounds (loud/loudly). 15. The food is (wonderful/wonderfully), but the service is (awful/awfully) prepared. 16. The party is (clever/cleverly) planned. 17. The job was (surprising/surprisingly) easy and (unbelievable/unbelievably) detailed.

C. Translate.


1. Пітер виглядав сердитим і холодно привітав нас. 2. Мама сердито подивилась на гостя, але нічого не сказала. 3. Дівчина обережно понюхала напій – він пахнув приємно – і обережно покуштувала його. 4. Швидкий поїзд швидко привіз нас до Бату. 5. Я почуваю себе здоровим, хоча виглядаю хворим. 6. Вона швидко обмацала дитину; дівчинка здавалась неушкодженою. 7. Він рано встав, щоб встигнути на ранній поїзд. 8. Ці тексти легко перекладати. Ти навіть легко зможеш перекласти їх без словника. 9. Щоденні газети виходять щоденно. 10. Брайан здавався дуже впевненою людиною, він так впевнено дивився на усіх. 11. Було дуже холодно. Лілія приємно посміхнулась і запросила нас у дім. 12. Дуже погано, що ти так недобре говориш німецькою. 13. Пряма дорога іде з одного місця прямо в друге. 14. Кімната виглядає теплою і затишною. Я обережно оглянув її. 15. Рання пташка рано встає і ловить найкращого черв’яка. 16. Вона дружелюбна дівчина, але така самотня. 17. В тебе дуже гучний голос. Не говори так голосно.


Ex. 4. A. Form adverbs from these adjectives.


Near, cheap, deep, hard, close, pretty, just, short, loud, high, free, wide, late, dear, warm.

B. Choose a correct adverb.

B1. 1. He saw her (short/shortly) after 2 p.m. 2. You speak very (loud/loudly). 3. If you want me to work (hard/ hardly), you’ll have to pay me more. 4. The train arrived (late/lately). 5. If the toothpaste is out of the tube, it is very (hard/hardly) to get it in. 6. He came (close/closely) to Bill and observed him (close/closely). 7. I was sitting (near/nearly) the window with my back to the sun. 8. He arranged the chairs (wide/ widely) at the wall. 9. The birds were flying (high/highly) in the sky. 10. Emma was afraid that her troubles were coming (near/nearly). 11. You know how (deep/deeply) I trust my mother. 12. You are (pretty/prettily) silly, my dear. 13. He was a (high/ highly) tactful person. 14. He can (hard/hardly) talk about it. 15. She turned round (short/shortly) and ran back to her house. 16. She opened her eyes (wide/widely) looking at him in surprise. 17. The police officer examined Sam’s pockets (close/ closely). 18. She moved very (pretty/prettily) among the guests. 19. With her beautiful eyes she looked (deep/deeply) into his. 20. He was (near/nearly) run over by a car.

B2. 1. It’s getting (late/lately). 2. All the pillows were piled (high/highly) on one bed. 3. John will (hard/hardly) speak about it to anybody. 4. He could dive very (deep/ deeply) and was proud of it. 5. The discussion lasted (near/nearly) three hours. 6. Nothing helped. The child was (wide/widely) awake and didn’t want to go to bed. 7. Don’t worry. They will come (short/shortly) after ten. 8. I was (deep/deeply) shocked and could say nothing. 9. This detachment is formed out of (high/highly) trained specialists. 10. This expression is (wide/ widely) used in official papers. 11. The hunter sat quietly waiting for a rabbit to come (near/ nearly). 12. All teachers spoke (high/highly) of him. 13. The tunnels of the metro are dug (deep/deeply) in the earth. 14. He stood (close/closely) to hear me better. 15. It is (pretty/prettily) difficult to speak to her. 16. I’ve seen very little of him (late/lately). 17. She always comes (pretty/prettily) dressed. 18. You paid too (dear/dearly) for this radio-set. 19. The father loved his daughter (dear/dearly). 20. Look at this car (close/closely). What’s wrong with it?

C. Translate. Pay attention to the underlined adverbs.


1. Він ледве може говорити. Недавно він майже загубився у незнайомому місті. 2. Дієго був г либоко наляканий подіями. 3. Пацієнт важко дихав. Доктор уважно оглянув його. 4. Цей боксер тільки що виграв бій. Він справедливо отримав свою нагороду. 5. Я вважаю, що дитячий садок знаходиться дуже близько до річки. 6. З ними важко працювати. Він за все платить дуже дорого. 7. Хазяїн тепло привітав гостей біля воріт. 8. Якщо ластівки літають достатньо високо, дощу не буде. 9. Вдягайся тепло, на вулиці близько 0°С, а твоя подруга прийде рівно о десятій годині. 10. Вже пізно, а ти говориш так голосно. 11. У моєму ресторані ти можеш поїсти безплатн о. 12. Вона гарненько вдягається, і взагалі вона у значній мірі акуратна. 13. Пітер гаряче любить свого сина. 14. Саймон прийшов скоро після п’яти. 15. Мій батько – високо кваліфікований спеціаліст. 16. Ці риби живуть глибоко у воді.


Ex. 5. A. Give the comparative and superlative degrees of the adverbs.


Hard, deeply, long, often, early, soon, badly, easily, well, little, near, seriously, far, cheaply, late, clearly, slowly, widely, fast, quickly, much, closely, close, warmly, sadly

B. Give the correct form of the adverb.


1. He will return (soon) or (late). 2. Am I speaking (loud) enough or shall I speak (loud)? 3. Eight is (late). Can we get there any (early)? 4. Agnes was treated (bad) of all her sisters. 5. Rebecca sang far (good) than Amelia. 6. The boy wanted to be a cosmonaut and fly (high) and (fast) of all. 7. Which of you live (far) from the school? 8. We were (far) from home, but Maggie wanted to go much (far). 9. If we don’t walk (fast), we’ll never come in time. 10. We all ran pretty fast, but I ran (quickly) than Rob and Rick ran (fast) of us all. 11. Greg read as (much) as Ron, but Rupert read (much) of all. 12. I like this picture very (much), but I like that one still (much). 13. Ted works (good) in the morning. 14. Dan came (close) and heard us much (good). 15. Actions speak (loud) than words. 16. She spoke very (sadly) and (slowly). 17. Abel drove (carefully) than usual. 18. Tomorrow I may get up much (late). 19. You should try to speak a bit (loud). 20. You will have to act much (cleverly) if you want to teach him a lesson. 21. Andy is the most intelligent, but Sue works (hard). 22. Of all the children Ellen writes (fluently). 23. I would sleep (peacefully) if I didn’t worry about Tom. 24. For the 10.20 train, (early) we can leave is ten.

C. Complete the sentences using the … the … structure.


C1. Complete the sentences using the … the … structure and the suggested words:

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