VOCABULARY PRACTICE. I. Read and translate the text, using a dictionaryif necessary.
I. Read and translate the text, using a dictionaryif necessary.
II. Find in the text English equivalents of the following:
осуществлять свою волю над кем-либо, принуждение, навязывать волю, заключить в тюрьму, совершить политическое убийство, убеждать (убеждения), передовица, показание (свидетельство), страстная речь, применять власть над кем-либо, обладать законной властью, руководить (управлять), править, как в случае, создавать и проводить в жизнь законы, захватывать власть силой, часто, широкомасштабный, судьба (2), в буквальном смысле, голосовать, следовательно, выбирать, говорить от имени народа, приобретать политические взгляды, взгляды родителей, мировоззрение, преобладать (преобладающий), оказывать явное влияние на, мышление, теоретически, к сожалению, быть знакомым с основами, участвовать (участие), доверять, представлять интересы, несомненно, обнаруживать (признание, открытие), недоверчивый, президентские выборы, пустая трата времени, выборные, представители, за кулисами, исследовать критический вопрос, иметь общие интересы, иметь доступ к чему-либо, государственные чиновники, иметь мало общего, находиться в руках (власть).
III. Supplythe missing words and word combinations choosing among those given below.
1) Power is the ability to... one's will over others. 2) Force is the actual or... use of coercion... one's will on others. 3) Influence is the exercise of power through a process of.... 4) Authority refers to those who hold... power through... or publicly... positions. 5) Each society... a political system by which it is.... 6) Most monarchs have little practical power and primarily... ceremonial purposes. 7) A dictator is a person who has nearly... power to make and... laws. 8) Frequently, dictatorships develop... control over people's lives. 9) One of the characteristics of a totalitarian state is... use of ideology. 10) Political socialization is the process by which individuals... political... and develop... of political behavior. 11) The family plays a particularly... role in political socialization. 12) Parents'... have an important... on children's.... 13) Schools... young people with information and analysis of the political world. 14) Political education generally... the norms and values of the... political order. 15) The mass media can have... effects on people's... and political behavior. 16) A number of studies have... that the media do not... to influence the masses of people.... 17) Unfortunately, this is... the case in our contemporary societies. 18) Citizens are... to participate in political life if they... political leaders or feel that they... their interests. 19) In an age... by revelation of political... people feel powerless and.... 20) As a result, many view political participation as.... 21)... the pluralist and elite models have little... and each describes a... different distribution of power. 22) Power in various areas... in the hands of a small number of citizens. rests, without question, in common, dramatically, a waste of time, marked, corruption, distrustful, willing, trust, represent, hardly, reported, tend, directly, obvious, thinking, reflects, prevailing, provide, views, impact, outlook, significant, acquire, attitudes, patterns, large-scale, overwhelming, total, enforce, serve, establishes, governed, legitimate, elected, acknowledged, persuasion, threatened, to impose, exercise.
IV. Studythe following word combinations and use them in sentences of your own:
to exercise one's will over smb, to impose one's will on smb, to apply force, to assassinate a political leader, because of, in connection with, to hold legitimate power, to enforce laws, to seize power by force, to be bitterly hated by, to develop overwhelming (complete) control over, in a literal sense, to vote on an issue, to speak for the people, to acquire political attitudes, to provide smb with smth, to have an effect (an impact) on, to influence smb directly, to have influence over, in theory, to get involved in; to trust smb, to be willing to do smth, to be likely to do smth, to represent smb's interests, to feel distrustful, to view smth as a waste of time, to run a country (to govern country), to govern smth behind the scenes, to share interests, power rests, to have access to, to compete with, to have little (much) in common with.