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Ex 1. Answer the questions.

1. Can we say that in the US higher education is quite accessible to everyone?

2. Is the system of higher education in the US well developed?

3. Is it necessary to pass a special examination to obtain the bachelor’s degree? A master’s degree?

4. What characteristic feature did American education derive from the German model? What do you think of this model? Does it appeal to you?

5. What is the difference between university and a college?

6. Why are community colleges an important sector of the US higher education system?

7. What is the Ivy League?

Ex 2. The US school system is very different from that of Russia. Try to match the components of the US school system with their definitions.

A preschool for children age 4 to 6 to prepare them for elementary school   First year student in either high school or college   An institution of higher learning that grants the bachelor’s degree in liberal arts or science or both   Second year student in either high school or college   A school for the first six to eight years of a child’s formal education, often including kindergarten   A degree from a university or college, also known as a Bachelor’s Degree   An academic degree such as MA (Master of Arts) or PhD conferred by a college or university upon those who complete at least one year of prescribed study beyond the Bachelor’s Degree   Third year student in either high school or college   Fourth year in either high school or college   A secondary school that usually includes grades 9 or 10 through 12   A school at a level between elementary and high school, typically including grades seven through nine Kindergarten   Elementary School     Middle School   High School     College   Graduate Degree   Undergraduate Degree     Freshman     Sophomore     Junior     Senior  


1. tuition – fee, money paid for instructions

2. elementary school – the first six to eight years of a child’s formal education, also called grade school, grammar school, primary school

3. junior high school – a school generally including the seventh, eighth, and sometimes ninth grades

4. curriculum – all the courses of study offered by an educational institution

5. home schooling – being educated at home

6. liberal arts – academic disciplines, such as languages, literature, history, philosophy, mathematics, and science.

7. college – an institution of higher learning

Ex 3. Match the expressions with the institutions.

Professor, Principal, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Undergraduate Studies, Freshman, Senior, Tuition, Private, Curriculum, Graduation, Home Schooling

College:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________High School:______________________________________________


Ex 4. Speak about the higher education system in Russia. What is it based on? What leading educational institutions do you know?

Ex 5. Work in pairs. Discuss differing and similar features of the American and Russian systems of education.

Ex 6. Hold a discussion on pros and cons of higher education systems in different countries.

Unit III

Part 1

Market. Types of Economies

economic resources, economic system, supply, demand, production costs, opportunity costs, planned economy, labor-intensive production, mixed economy

Text A


Economic resources may be classified as material resources (raw materials and capital) and labour resources (labour force and entrepreneurship). Scarcity of resources makes it necessary to save them. As a result, any economic system is trying to find the most effective and efficient ways of utilizing resources for the production of goods and services. The rational solution to the problem brings about the maximum economic growth, full employment, stable prices, equitable distribution of revenues, and social security of the needy.

There are different economic systems in the world today. Many economists argue that free enterprise, or the market economy, is the most effective system, because the businesses are free to choose whom to buy from and sell to and on what terms, and free to choose who to compete with. How can a market economy solve what, how and for whom to produce?

It is done through a market, which is a set of arrangements through which buyers and sellers make contact and business, in which choices concerning the allocations of production, incomes, goods and services are left to countless independent decisions of individual consumers and producers acting on their own behalf.

One of the main laws of the market is the law of supply and demand. For a given market of a commodity, demand shows the quantity that all prospective buyers will be prepared to purchase at each unit price of the good. The law of demand states that the higher the price of a product, the less of it people would be willing to buy. Supply is the relation between the price of a good and the quantity available for sale from suppliers (such as producers) at this price. The higher the price at which the good can be sold, the more of it producers will supply. The higher price makes it profitable to increase production. Thus, the law of supply and demand says that if demand exceeds supply, the price tends to rise and when supply exceeds demand the price tends to fall.

Given the scarcity of resources, the market functions as a rationing device with the price mechanism as its principal mechanism. In free markets, prices direct allocations of inputs of firms that make the most profitable use of them. The price mechanism also guides the decisions of producers concerning the compositions of their output. Finally, the price mechanism also governs the distribution process.

Thus, the market mechanism brings about an allocation of resources that reflects two basic factors: consumer preferences and production costs. The prices which play the coordinating role of the market mechanism are determined through the interaction of demand and supply.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 467. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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