EXERCISES. I. Study Text A and a) spell and transcribe English equivalents of the following:
I. Study Text A and a) spell and transcribe English equivalents of the following: (первый) завтрак, каша, корнфлекс, бекон, тост, мармелад, сок, достаточный, пудинг, компот; основательная (еда), ростбиф, омлет, сосиски, сухое печенье. b) give the four forms of the following verbs: eat, fry, roast, accompany, fill, bring. c) explain the meaning of the following phrases: a full meal, plain food, a sociable time, a housekeeping budget, to go under various names, social standing. II. Try your hand at teaching: A. Preparation. Write 15questions about Text A. See to it that a word or phrase from Ex. I isused either in each of your questions or in answers to them. B. Work in Class. Ask your questions in class and correct the students' mistakes (see "Classroom English", Sections I, II, III, VIII, IX).[37] III. Study Texts В and С and a) explain the meaning of: delicious (about food), layer-cake, oven, napkin, a big eater, done to a turn, seconds. B) give the Infinitive oft overdone, spilt, upset, mashed, stewed. IV. a) Give asummary of Text В in reported speech. Example: Text С is a talk between two friends in the dining hall of their Institute. They seem very hungry, but they haven't got much time left before the end of the break, so one of them stands in the line, while the other reads the menu. There is a rich choice of dishes in it but as they are in a hurry they take only salads, fish jelly and chicken soup, which shows that they are obviously Russians: the English are not overfond of soup, as you know. B) Learn Text С by heart and recite it la pairs. V. Study Essential Vocabulary II and the commentary to it and answer the following questions: 1. What kinds of food do you know? Give as many nouns denoting food as you can. 2. What meals do you know? 3. What dishes do you know? Give as many names of dishes as you can. 4. What is understood by a "course"? What attributes may qualify this word? 5. What can be boiled? 6. Do we fry meat or do we roast it? 7. What is an omelette made from? 8. What are cornflakes generally eaten with? 9. What is the difference between fried potatoes and chips? 10. What kind of meal is five o'clock tea in England? Do you know other names for this meal? 11. What kinds of fruit do you know? 12. Do we roast fish? What is the way to cook it? 13. Do you ever have stewed fruit for dessert? 14. Do you usually have a starter before dinner or do you do without it? 15. Where do you have your meals on weekdays and on Sundays? VI. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary: 1. Take another helping... salad. 2. I think I'll trouble you... a second cup of tea. 3. Will you please pass... the sugar. 4. She is going to make some fish soup... dinner. 5. Marmalade is made... orange peel. 6. The egg is eaten... a small spoon. 7. Their meal consisted... two courses. 8. What can you recommend... the first course? 9. The meat is done... a turn. 10. No sugar... me, thank you. 11.... midday people have their meals... home or... the canteen. 12. Custard is made... eggs and milk. 13. The fish is just... my liking. 14. Evening meal goes... various names... England. 15. I don't take milk... my tea. 16. Help yourself... some pastry. 17. Broth is made... boiling chicken. 18. Will you please hand... the salt-cellar? 19. What do you usually order... dessert? 20. The way to refuse... a dish is... saying "No, thank you." 21. You may ask... a second helping. VII. Translate these sentences into English: 1. На завтрак подали корнфлекс с молоком. Затем последовал поджаренный бекон. 2. Невозможно представить себе английский завтрак без тостов. Их намазывают маслом н джемом. 3. Завтрак часто едят наспех, так как все спешат. 4. Обед обычно состоит из двух блюд. Мясное блюдо подается с большим количеством овощей. За ним следует компот. 5. Так называемый «большой чай» — весьма основательная трапеза. 6. Он всегда не прочь, как он выражается, «плотно закусить». 7. Ничего нет вкуснее земляники со сливками! 8. Бифштекс вкусный? — По-моему, он недожарен. — А мне кажется, он как раз такой, как надо. 9. Что желаете на второе? — Какое-нибудь рыбное блюдо, как обычно. 10. Для меня ничего нет лучше жареной картошки, конечно, если она румяная и поджаристая. 11. Сколько вам кусочков сахара? — Благодарю вас, я пью чай без сахара. Ломтик лимона, пожалуйста. VIII. a) Act out the dialogues below: