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A. Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adverbs in the box.

early fast late well badly carefully frequently quietly slowly efficiently

1) I arrived in New York a little later than I had planned because the plane was delayed by bad weather.

2) PCs with clock speeds of 66 mhz process information much … than PCs that run at only 33 mhz.

3) I got to the meeting a few minutes … than the others, so I had time to look through my papers before we started.

4) The company did … than analysts had been expecting, so their shares fell when they announced their losses for the year.

5) I speak Spanish well, but my assistant speaks it even … than I do.

6) I don’t think Quantas flies to Paris very often. Air France flies there much …

7) There were a lot of mistakes in that report you gave me last week. I think you need to check your figures a bit …

8) Could you speak a little …, please? I don’t understand English very well.

9) The new engine uses fuel … than previous models, so it is cheaper to run.

10) We used to have a very noisy dot matrix printer, but the new ink jet prints much …

B. Open the brackets using the comparative or superlative degree.

1) The Royal Dutch Shell Group is (profitable) company in the world.

2) She has been working as an accountant for 3 years, so now she’s (experienced) than before.

3) The town is small, we have (little) branches here.

4) He is one of (clever) candidates I have ever met.

5) Philips is the second (large) electronics company in Europe.

6) There are too many sections in the catalogue. It needs to be (short).

7) We decided to interview him, because his CV was (good) one.

8) I spent (much) time on the project than I had expected.

C. Complete the sentences using a superlative adjective and the present perfect.

1) good meal/have The best meal I have ever had was in France.

2) interesting course/go on

3) good computer/use

4) nice country/visit

5) expensive hotel/stay in

6) fast car/drive

7) reasonable boss/work for

8) bad job/have


as … as такой же …, как He is as experienced as people think.
not so … as не такой…, как This product is not as expensive as that one.
as much/many … as столько же…, сколько Just do as much as you can.
the (bigger) … the (bigger) чем…, тем The more you earn, the more you spend.
twice as much/many…as вдвое больше, чем They employ 90 people, twice as many as last year.
more than/less than более, чем/менее, чем Our company is more interested in development projects than others are.
as (soon) as possible как можно быстрее Try to make a decision as soon as possible.
the (highest) possible наивысший The competitor’s goods are of the highest possible demand on the market.
as well as так же как We usually have lectures as well as seminars.

A. Open the brackets by putting the adjectives and adverbs into the correct form.


Oxford and Cambridge are the two (old) and (prestigious) universities in Great Britain. Both were founded (many) than 800 years ago. They are often called collectively Oxbridge to denote an elite education. Many Oxbridge graduates often go on to become the (powerful) in British society. The universities have produced a large number of Britain’s (prominent) scientists, writers, politicians, as (well) as noted figures in many other fields.

Today Oxford and Cambridge continue to attract many of the (good) brains and to mesmerize a (great) number of students. The normal length of the degree course is 3 years but some courses in languages or medicine may be 1 or 2 years (long).

Oxford and Cambridge Universities consist of many colleges. Each college is different, but in many ways they are alike. The (large) ones have (many) than 400 members, the (small) colleges have (little) than 30.

B. Complete the sentences using soon, well, much, many and translate them into Russian.

1) This year universities have been given great funding, twice as… as last year.

2) You should get down to work as… as possible.

3) All universities pay as … attention to the entry requirements as to the curriculum.

4) Universities’ advisers will give you advice on your studies as… as on applying to the college of your choice.

5) There are as … British students as foreign ones.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 824. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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